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Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Some pics of shaan......if u have seen these before return to LOLLYWOOD....

Posted 26 Nov 2003

~Fragi~ says
kewl pix

per bechara shave nahi kar wa saka tha
Posted 26 Nov 2003

scotchtape says

Posted 28 Nov 2003

where do u get these pics from man?!
Posted 28 Nov 2003

scotchtape says
LOL i just get them from the internet and save them. I have such a large collection of pakistani pictures probably around 10000 at least.
some websites are, images in,,,,,, and others. Hope that helps.
Posted 28 Nov 2003

Saki says
ScotchTape said:

LOL i just get them from the internet and save them. I have such a large collection of pakistani pictures probably around 10000 at least.
some websites are, images in,,,,,, and others. Hope that helps.

these are some cool pics...send more....u r GOOD...
Posted 28 Nov 2003

Saki says
here's a bit of an interview of shaan i read somewhere:
So, what kind of woman do you like?

A sensitive woman. A romantic woman.

Sensitive and romantic. I thought you said you liked wild women?

Wild women can be very romantic. But seriously, I do like a woman to be sensitive and romantic. She has to be someone who gets excited by the moon, the stars, and the wind. And she has to be someone who is creative, someone who is capable of great depth of feeling.

Are you a romantic person?

Very. Can’t you tell? I am an absolute romantic.

Are you a sensitive person?


But are you sensitive to others?

I think that sometimes I go out of my way to make other people happy. And that means doing things I really don’t want to.

Remember that joke you were telling me about women of different ages. Maybe you should share it with whoever’s reading this right now, so they can have a chance of either being completely offended or keel over laughing....

Well, only if you insist. I think women who are twenty are like Africa - Semi-explored. Women who are thirty are like India - warm and moist. Women who are forty are like America - technically perfect. Women at fifty are like England - all in ruins. And women at sixty are like Siberia - everyone knows where it is but no one wants to go there!

You like fast cars, you like fast bikes, do you like fast women?


But I thought you said you liked wild women

There’s difference. In fact a major difference. A wild woman you can tame. A fast woman can kill you.

Have you discovered many fast women in your life?


But they didn’t kill you……

Almost. It was a close call, hut I was saved.

Can you deal with strong, intelligent women or do you prefer brainless bimbos?

I like intelligent women. Bimbos are cute, but I don’t feel attracted to them, I feel sorry for them.

But it’s always said that Pakistani men can’t deal with intelligent women that they get reallyintimated and insecure around them.

Not me. I find stupid women boring. And in any case women have to be intelligent if they want to be able to handle men.

Posted 28 Nov 2003

Saki says

Posted 28 Nov 2003

ScotchTape said:

LOL i just get them from the internet and save them. I have such a large collection of pakistani pictures probably around 10000 at least.
some websites are, images in,,,,,, and others. Hope that helps.

wicked...thanks man...its a good thing u save em all. sometimes they're hard 2 get back/see when u dont...!
Posted 28 Nov 2003

interesting interview saki jee! i knew shaan had an affair with reema, but i didn't know he had many more women. lol.

Posted 28 Nov 2003

Saki says
NFAKFan said:

interesting interview saki jee! i knew shaan had an affair with reema, but i didn't know he had many more women. lol.

wow...i didn't know that they went out...
do u know more abt this affair? i'm interested.....
Posted 01 Dec 2003

Saki said:

wow...i didn't know that they went out... do u know more abt this affair? i'm interested.....

my family knows shaan's family. shaan was @ my parents wedding when he was a little kid! according 2 his uncle, who lives in front of my gradparents house in lahore....reema and shaan had quite the affair a while back. it got 2 the point where they were set 2 marry. upon continuous pleading with shaan by his mother, 2 NOT go through with the wedding, shaan didn't look like he was going 2 listen. so this uncle personally went 2 reema's khar-wale and demanded they break the couple up, for professional reasons and personal ones....and that was that! shaan and reema broke up, and shaan married shortly thereafter, a women whom his mom chose!
Posted 01 Dec 2003

Saki says
wow....amazing story! so sad too, they make a good couple!
Posted 02 Dec 2003

NFAKFan said:

Saki said:

wow...i didn't know that they went out... do u know more abt this affair? i'm interested.....

my family knows shaan's family. shaan was @ my parents wedding when he was a little kid! according 2 his uncle, who lives in front of my gradparents house in lahore....reema and shaan had quite the affair a while back. it got 2 the point where they were set 2 marry. upon continuous pleading with shaan by his mother, 2 NOT go through with the wedding, shaan didn't look like he was going 2 listen. so this uncle personally went 2 reema's khar-wale and demanded they break the couple up, for professional reasons and personal ones....and that was that! shaan and reema broke up, and shaan married shortly thereafter, a women whom his mom chose!

are u serious do u know him?
Posted 12 Dec 2003

i personally don't know him. i have his autograph tho!

my family knows him and his family. they used 2 live right across our house in lahore. shaan and his mom/dad lived sperately, but visited often. so they've known him as a child.

his uncle remains in the house tho (across from ours). he's a malaay-daar (i hope i spelled that right, and u know what it means. lol.) my mom just came back from pakistan a couple of months ago and she said she told his uncle that her son (me!) is a HUGE fan of shaan and he said any time i want.....not only will he introduce me 2 shaan, but he will personally come 2 our house and eat dinner with us! lol. i intend 2 take him up on his offer next time i go 2 pakistan!!

btw....u know what his REAL name is?! lol.NFAKFan37967.3662384259
Posted 12 Dec 2003

Saki says
jaldi batao....uss ka naam

we're waiting............
Posted 12 Dec 2003

He is the best actor in lollywood just coooooooooool
Posted 12 Dec 2003

shaby says
i dnt like his wife i think shes ugly
Posted 12 Dec 2003

Saki said:

jaldi batao....uss ka naam

we're waiting............

i'm waitin' 2 gujjar sahib 2 reply! shaid usko naam pata ho already?!
Posted 12 Dec 2003

kiska naam??
Posted 12 Dec 2003

shaan's real name, yaar!
Posted 12 Dec 2003

good pics some is very nice
Posted 13 Dec 2003

NFAKFan said:

shaan's real name, yaar!

no idea yaar

wut is it?
Posted 14 Dec 2003

i think shaan's
wife is pretty guys
Posted 14 Dec 2003

shaan's real name is ARMAGHAN! as 4 his wife.....she's alright i guess! but i hear she's a real pain in the ass 2wards his mom.
Posted 14 Dec 2003

Saki says
NFAKFan said:

shaan's real name is ARMAGHAN! as 4 his wife.....she's alright i guess! but i hear she's a real pain in the ass 2wards his mom.

what kind of name is that? can't even pronounce it!
Posted 15 Dec 2003

LOL. its pronounced: AR-MA-GHAAN...

pretend as if you're going 2 spit, when saying 'GHAAN'!!! now u get it?!
Posted 15 Dec 2003

IMAN says
you know his wife is she related to shaan somehow?
Posted 17 Dec 2003

Saki says
NFAKFan said:

LOL. its pronounced: AR-MA-GHAAN...

pretend as if you're going 2 spit, when saying 'GHAAN'!!! now u get it?!

lol..yeah i get it....after ur brilliant advice!
Posted 17 Dec 2003

lol. n/p. anytime saki jee!

Posted 17 Dec 2003

iman.....shaan's wife was not related 2 him b4 they married! she's an outsider. lol. y?!
Posted 17 Dec 2003

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