The four main requirements EA used for these special SBCs included; a minimum overall (ranging from 84-88), a minimum number of TOTW/Movember/Scream cards (ranging from 1-4), a league/nation requirement (For Vidal and Aubameyang), and chemistry requirements (ranging from 50-100 chemistry).
FUTMAS SBCs and Market Analysis
These requirements caused a sharp spike in price for high rated players who were generally cheap to begin with. A perfect example was Lahm who nearly doubled in price during the Aubameyang SBC. We also saw inflated prices for low rated IFs with valuable nations such as Iago Falque. Of note was how dramatically these IFs varied in price thanks to their low card-weight. In addition, there were periodic pops and dips in Movember prices as well as a sharp increase in Scream card prices.
Other observations included a steady decline in legend prices (which overall dropped about 8% over the week), a hold/marginal dip for high priced golds, and a drop in high priced IFs (likely due to a combination of an increasing number of viable substitutes and reduced buying power as a result of the SBCs).