Pakistani song in a Bollywood film

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Pakistani song in a Bollywood film

By IndiaFM News Bureau, December 01st, 2003 - 1245 hrs IST

A Pakistani song was recorded at Karachi studio for a Bollywood film. The film in question is Vicky Ranawat's Mere Baap Ki Shaadi Hai. The semi-folk song was composed by London-based Pakistani composer Rajan Bawa and sung by Karachi-based folk singer Naseem Bano Lal.

Vicky Ranawat heard the composition over the phone and plans to use another Pakistani singer Shamaila Khan for an item number to be shot on and sung by her in the film.

Mere Baap Ki Shaadi Hai is a story of a son in search of a wife for his father, because the soon-to-be-wedded son does not want his father to lead a lonesome existence.

The movie will go on the floors next year.

Posted 01 Dec 2003

....atleast they ask this time, instead of taking our songs like they normally do. lol.
Posted 01 Dec 2003

well said nFAKFAN
Posted 01 Dec 2003

shaby says
nfakfan there are not taking or stealing a song.

this is a brand new song to be made for the film.
Posted 02 Dec 2003

shaby said:

nfakfan there are not taking or stealing a song.

this is a brand new song to be made for the film.

thats what i mean. for once, they're not taking or stealing our song(s). they're asking us 2 compse it from scratch! its better this way....give and take. they helped us with making LP and YDAKH and we're helping them musicaly......
Posted 02 Dec 2003

MrDeath says
lol... i mean nfak paki lion always insert that saima n u always insert copy of bolly..stuff.. i mean..wat u think... that we at bolly cant make songs??,, helll ya we make them.. its only very very very few ppl who copies.. n as i always say... same can be said to lolly...

but da prob wid lolly is that beocz bolly is so popular in pak so they cant copy much becoz everysong is listen in pak but not any song of lolly is heard in india..
Posted 02 Dec 2003

Saki says
MrDeath said:

lol... i mean nfak paki lion always insert that saima n u always insert copy of bolly..stuff.. i mean..wat u think... that we at bolly cant make songs??,, helll ya we make them.. its only very very very few ppl who copies.. n as i always say... same can be said to lolly...

but da prob wid lolly is that beocz bolly is so popular in pak so they cant copy much becoz everysong is listen in pak but not any song of lolly is heard in india..

oh really! i wonder y Pooja Bhatt's making junoon do da music of her next film if no one in india knows abt em
Posted 02 Dec 2003

MrDeath said:

lol... i mean nfak paki lion always insert that saima n u always insert copy of bolly..stuff.. i mean..wat u think... that we at bolly cant make songs??,, helll ya we make them.. its only very very very few ppl who copies.. n as i always say... same can be said to lolly...

but da prob wid lolly is that beocz bolly is so popular in pak so they cant copy much becoz everysong is listen in pak but not any song of lolly is heard in india..

i never said bollywood can't make songs. i said they cant make GOOD songs, on their own. lol. (j/k) and i say that cause 4 the most part its tru.

as 4 no pakistani song heard in india...u can't speak for 1 billion people mr death yaar! u can only assume. i know MANY people in india who DO listen 2 lolly songs. junoon and NFAK r just 2 examples of pakistani's whose music, india/pak may kiya...PUREE DUNIYA me suna jata hai!
Posted 02 Dec 2003

yeh,indian listen popmusica and watched pakistani dramas...and bollywood music director 'Nadeem Sharwan" is a big thief of pakistani movies,I can prove from preveious ten years bollywood movies,bollywood director and producer watch pakistani movies and songs,whehter public dekhey ya na dekhay..
inspiration is happening both sides,it's not one side story.
Posted 03 Dec 2003

MrDeath says
yo r misunderstandin me.... wat i ment was dat we dont listen to yr music which remains in pak... ofcourse those ppl who come to india(junnon,nfak,adanan) are alwayes listen.

as far as u sayin..that bolly cant make good songs.. oh..welll... i think i am talkin to a person wid a very much inferiorty complex..
Posted 03 Dec 2003

Saki says
ydakh said:

yeh,indian listen popmusica and watched pakistani dramas...and bollywood music director 'Nadeem Sharwan" is a big thief of pakistani movies,I can prove from preveious ten years bollywood movies,bollywood director and producer watch pakistani movies and songs,whehter public dekhey ya na dekhay..
inspiration is happening both sides,it's not one side story.

thats so true.....
they don't only copy us but English + arabic bad! i guess they are very INSPIRED ppl....
Posted 03 Dec 2003

shaby says
ydakh said:

yeh,indian listen popmusica and watched pakistani dramas...and bollywood music director 'Nadeem Sharwan" is a big thief of pakistani movies,I can prove from preveious ten years bollywood movies,bollywood director and producer watch pakistani movies and songs,whehter public dekhey ya na dekhay..
inspiration is happening both sides,it's not one side story.

nadeem of nadeem sharvan was also at the priemer of yeh dil apka huwa in london last year.
Posted 03 Dec 2003

MrDeath said:

yo r misunderstandin me.... wat i ment was dat we dont listen to yr music which remains in pak... ofcourse those ppl who come to india(junnon,nfak,adanan) are alwayes listen.

as far as u sayin..that bolly cant make good songs.. oh..welll... i think i am talkin to a person wid a very much inferiorty complex..

u're misunderstanding ME! i'm sayin: do u know EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN INDIA???? the population is over 1 do u know for sure that our music doesn't reach some of them??? maybe they have relatives in pakistan who send them cds, or maybe some of them go out themselves and buy cds IN INDIA itself (they ARE available, if u look hard). so our music IS heard.

if pakistani's can get access 2 bollywood movies (pirated or otherwise), then i'm sure indians' have access 2 our music (pirated or otherwize). so u're point makes no sense when u say, u only hear our music if it comes 2 u (nfak, junoon, adnan). your movies don't 'come 2 us, yet we watch somehow! similarly...our music may not play all over india...but u sure do hear it somehow. thats what i'm tryin' 2 say....!
Posted 03 Dec 2003

MrDeath says
may be u should visit india n see for urself.. infact most of da ppl in india dont even know the word lollywood. they call it pak film industry ....

believe me no one hears yr music.. the reason is lack of paki channels in india n indian music is too good..

u say our movies dont come to u???? lol see for yrself in every pak market u will find a pirated cd store of bolly movies..ya its tru i have seen a report of dis on ur ptv ..
Posted 04 Dec 2003


in pak: your movies are banned. but we get pirated versions and are able 2 watch.

in india: our music is rarely heard (due 2 lack of channels or whatever). BUT THERE ARE PIRATED VERSIONS WHICH YOU GUYS ARE ABLE 2 LISTEN 2!!!!!! i know this 4 a 100% fact since my dad goes 2 india EVRY OTHER MONTH and see's them!!!!! so please don't say indian's don't don't know abt our music, cause its not true. its impossible 2 not hear your neighbours music...especially when its that damn good. u OBVIOUSLY hear it...thats why all these directors r asking pakistani artists 2 do bollywood music now.

as 4 long as u know it exists. lol. name doesn't matter.
Posted 04 Dec 2003

MrDeath says
we cant agree
Posted 05 Dec 2003

.....good idea....
Posted 05 Dec 2003

valandrian says
Posted 03 Jun 2018

Posted 29 Sep 2018

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