
Age: 124
Total Posts: 10168
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
Enjoy Some Jokes Folks
The phone rang in the obituary department of the local newspaper. 'How much does it cost to have an obituary printed'? asked mister Santa Singh. 'It's 50 Rupees a word, sir,' the clerk replied politely. 'Fine,' said Santa Singh after a moment. 'Okay then, write this down: 'Banta - dead'.' 'That's all?' asked the clerk disbelievingly. 'That's it.' 'I'm sorry sir, I should have told you - there's a five word minimum.' 'Yes, you should've,' snapped the Santa. Now let me think a minute... okay, here goes: Banta dead. Maruti for Sale.'

Age: 124
7813 days old here
Total Posts: 10168
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
One bengali babu went to Cannought Place in New Delhi to purchase an umbrella. He had been told in Calcutta that one could bargain for better prices in Delhi also. bengali Baboo: How much does this umbrella cost? Shopkeeper: Rs. 200 bengaliBabu: Can I have it for Rs. 100? Shopkeeper: Ok I'll give it to you for Rs.150. Bangali Babu: Well can I have it for Rs. 75 then? Shopkeeper: OK, take it for Rs. 100. Bangali Babu: Can I have it for Rs. 50? Ths shopkeeper is pretty angry now: Why don't you take it for free??!! Bengali Babu: OK, can I have two of them?

Age: 124
7813 days old here
Total Posts: 10168
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
Narasimha Rao, Mulayam Singh Yadav and Laloo Yadav died and reach hell. All 3 of them desperately feel like talking to their family members. So, when Yamaraj asks them for one last wish they say that they would want to make a phone call to their respective houses. Yamaraj says, 'OK, but you will be charged at international rates for the phone call!'. Next they make a phone call each and are then given their bill. Narasimha Rao's bill will read Rs. 50,000, Mulayam Singh's, Rs. 45,000 and Laloo's bill Rs. 1.50. Narasimha Rao and Mulayam Singh are pretty upset and think this is unfair, 'How could you charge him just Rs. 1.50?'. Yamaraj replies, 'That's because from hell to Bihar it's only a local call.'new_beau37971.7179861111