Age: 125
Total Posts: 7183
Points: 0
Iraq, Iraq
*most asian girls r manufactured copies of eachother :
They all hav- highlighted*optional which is always straight and left out to be messed up by the wind!, contacts which r wrong on the skin -
*BIG make-up their lack of height!
*Tight black hipsters or crops<<<<to show off their so called 'lovely' figure
*the essential - Mobile phone (u cant live without it)
*U walk around wiv a big grin to show u removed ur braces!
*As soon as u get complimented u strut around thinkin u da bomb!!
*And most boys seem to like that look....y???
*Most gals cant dance -think they good @it but actually dont even move their feet 4rm da same spot!*
U reading glamour mags like Bliss/Sugar/J-17/ try 2 imititate gorri’s look why can’t u just accept da fact u is asian!!!
*Ur all so bothered about having dark skin "oh mirror mirror on da wall, who is da fairest of them all"… u start bleaching ur skin…errr u muppet da rest of ur body is brown....Dipsy off teletubbies style!!!!#
*U got a sim-card on every network = you'za Hoe!!!!
*Always end up fancying da same bloke as ur m8 hence u a despo!!!!
*Gals going to Dixy's ...come off it girl...we all know u are HUNGRY 4 the MEN!!!!
*Most of ya'll so cheap I see u in Harvey Nichols trying on free tester make-up & Ralph Lauren - Romance... Look gyal I know u a slaaaag but plz make an effort 2 buy ur own cosmetics
*When ur online its a charade!!! ur either called:: Princess or Soni Kuri ... got 60 guys on ur msn, give ur digits out to any guy who asks... pics of u really are a revolting sight!!!!! Or cut a models pic out of Asian Bride Magazine thinking no1 will notice....then u claim dat pic is of YOU....and guys are so dumb they believe u aswell.... lol!!!! ....................SAD INDIVIDUAL!!!!!
*After Daddy drops u off 2 college in the morning... U got 2 da toilets and get changed in some low-cut top and mini-skirt... tryna reveal a bit of flesh look why doncha try kerb-crawling instead!!!!!
*Seem to care sooooooooooooooo much about religion but still smoke,drink and other things which i cant mention......
*Hang around wit ur wannabe "Miss World" crew all competin wiv each oder 4 male attention, n Where there is next mans…dats where is U.. raising da pitch of ur voices screamin 2 get some guys lookin ur way…when in fact da chipmunk voice jus turns em off!
*Asian gals vocab:Ya gets me, u pindu, get ur coat love u’ve pulled
*And u think ur gods gift!!...u know ur butterz!!!
*Put bare make-up on to cover ur spots and lipgloss/lipstick which drips off ur lips .
All try to be rude girls!!!!....etc...go to da temple to check da oppposite sex!!...very sad!
*The hair-crop,chewed muff @da front,spikes...all gelled wiv sum gunk -
and if and if someone dares to even touch ur hair they better start writing their will!
*U all seem to have bum fluff on ur face!....tryin to look older u jus look like poofs!
*Most of ya’ll be freshified…go back 2 ur banana boat!!!!!
*Da essential......once again da mobile!!!!
*Shake hands wiv every guy u meet even if u dont know them!
*sit wiv ur legz soooo far apart… one in Africa…one in India!!!!!
*Asian boyz vocab- ma bitch,shorty,missions,buff,tick,nahh,init,seen,skeen,gwan,ra hh,safe,blad,geeza,chirpse,skeet,bredrin,spar,rents,waghwaan !
*u think u a black man!
*Listen to garage , r nb....we all know u listen to the sh*tty hindi crap
*And i know u got Zee TV at home.. tut tut yes we know u fancy Kareena Kapoor !!!!
*Ur motto...every hole is a goal/Life is like a dick when it gets hard f*** it...then u want to marry virgin marys...wots that all about????
*All wanna be a dj or a mc-pleeez dont even try!
*u have da biggest head in da world… Mr EGO’s so big, can ur head even fit through da door??
*Got too much attitude, HERO stop showing off ur aggro, u claim 2 have 6pac n pecks when we know u a puny lil fing man...u fink u some next breed Mike Tyson!!!
*Wats wiv blazin out bhangra n all dis Tupac Shakur frm ur beemaz u fink u fink ur so smooth... and y does every asian guy think they're MC Romeo???
*Why do u always happen to be wit ur clique, smokin da reefa, wearin ur Rockports/Wallabes, cK 1 aftershave (look m8 dats a bit out-of-date), Moschino trousers wiv writin all ova...u tryna copy SoSolidCru! bad-boy wannabeeez oh plz!!!
* scanning gyals finkin u gotta chance, and they like it too???
*U go out wiv a gal-use and abuse her, den move on to da next...u all playa wannabezzz..u all jus came out ur nappies so sit ur asses down!
dont take it offencively...but u know its true!
slik chik
Age: 125
7753 days old here
Total Posts: 2359
Points: 0