anyone catch dream saturday 2day (feb7th)??!! the special guest was my favorite, humaira arshad, and it was an interesting interview 2 say the least. lol.
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thats tru. UK has a massive pakistani population, which is enthusiastic abt bringing their stars, so they deserve such events....
as 4 basant....its officially on Feb. 14-16...but the government has made it a 2-week festival, so people have been celebrating this past week and moreso, this coming week.
i heard bollywood stars have been invited by lollywood stars 2 attens a musical show at lahore fort on the 14 or 15th??? then theres a dinner the next day in karachi....those r the two events i've heard of....
Age: 80
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cool . . looks good . do you have a clue whos gonna show the events . its most likely prime tv . cos they show all the pakistani shows unlike ARY digital they show the UK shows . which is better thats why i got it .
Their anther super music masti coming soon in April for the UK people . i dont know whos gonna be init . but i think faahkir and zeli huma will be attending . and of course Reema as sohib alam and her are good mates.
Age: 125
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yup! ptv prime is slated 2 tape the show....i'm guessing it will air shortly after??
the super music masti concert in april u r talking abt, might also have shazia manzoor. i'm just guessing on my own here, but in a recent interview, she said she has some international tour all set, 2 promote her latest album. so she might show up 4 the concert u're talking abt?! either way, that show looks 2 be just as good as the others.....!
Age: 80
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Too bad huessur the lucky one this time . . you get to see it on prime
ur right . the super music masti shows getting better and better everytime . . and one thing about it is that shohib slam bring diffrent people each time . wheich is good. I also heard that their was gonna be anther concert . which would have Bangladesh pakistan surilanka india - starssss
Mix concert . i dont know when that is but its this year.
Age: 125
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NFAKFan said:
they played another prank on humaira?!?! lol. i don't get ary digital. please share the story!! what joke did they play on her!?!
well what happened was that this lady accuses Humera of stealing her mobile.they have a big row..humera gets so worked up..she shouts at that lady and is abt to slap her when her bro cums and tells her its jst a show..she looks so amazed..hugs the lady and says sorry.. Humera's punjabi is so sweet..she was arguing in punjabi so it was fun watching her! i liked it a lot! u missed such a good show mate..
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umair16 said:
Too bad huessur the lucky one this time . . you get to see it on prime.
for once yaar!! i'll tape it 4 u, if u want! just let me know....
and u're right abt the concerts getting better. pakistan's pop stars keep growing every year, so its nice 2 give them all a chance and send them abroad 4 such concerts. i can't wait till people like fuzon, ali zafar, humaira arshad, shazia manzoor, sheraz uppal, ali sher, and so on, all come here!!
Age: 125
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Saki said:
well what happened was that this lady accuses Humera of stealing her mobile.they have a big row..humera gets so worked up..she shouts at that lady and is abt to slap her when her bro cums and tells her its jst a show..she looks so amazed..hugs the lady and says sorry.. Humera's punjabi is so sweet..she was arguing in punjabi so it was fun watching her! i liked it a lot! u missed such a good show mate..
LOL. i would have killed 2 see that! and u know what?! if they really fought, humaira probably would have won, cause if u'll remember in her interview on primetv, she said she beat up some girl who had beater her in some contest!!! humaira's the best!!! lol.
Age: 125
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yeah, ali zafar would be cool 2 see live. he reflects pakistans outstanding young pop industry. and i like his song 'huqa pani'!!
the last 2 abrar concerts in toronto have been VERY successful as well. the last one with abrar/naghmana/haroon went head 2 head against the bollywood awards held in the skydome, but STILL it sold out!! in comparison, the bollywood awards had countless no-shows and people were given a full refund. LOL.
Age: 80
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london, United Kingdom
really . . bollywood award was concelled . . so bad . .
who is naghmana . . was that all the stars you had . them 3 . just asking cos that quite a small bunch.
Its too bad Lollywood dont have award outside pakistan like bollywood and hollywood . . but one day lollywood will get their. we have had bearly all the lollywood big actresess come to UK . such as: Reema Nirma Sana Meera Noor . . want them to bring Zara next time . and never bring Meera . shes boring . she was also at the Super Music Masti peace concert . but have not seen her performance
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naghmana jaffery yaar....u don't know her!? she's the one who sang 'lagi lagi' in moosa khan. she also sang 'mai houn magroor laila.' ring a bell?!
nirma came here 3 weeks ago, but in general not many actresses come. even the singers that come r few and far between. but that will soon change, hopefully!!
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saki....did u catch the basant show on prime?!?!!!!!!
umair, as promised, here is the report!
remember i was telling u of a function at lahore 4 basant, where bollywood stars would be attending also??!! well....that event was broadcast LIVE today!!
no bollywood stars were there. but she show was outstanding nonetheless!
fuzon, junoon, humaira arshad, reema, shaida mini, shehzad roy, and a BUNCH of other stars were at PTV Lahore studios. the concert was set on the KHOTAA of the studios, and they kept cutting back 2 the studios for interviews and so on. it was 100% live!! the show was 5 hours, and fuzon was the 'main event.' people were dancing till 4am pakistani time!!! EXCELLENT show!!
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reema just had an interview....
but the reception she got was great. people would not stop cheering for her!
they showed when she entered the building, and the first person 2 greet her was none other than humaira arshad!! some lady was singing, and they kept cutting away from her performance 2 show reema and humaira talking outside!! it was cool.....
Age: 80
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Reema and humaira are really good friend . . when they cam here they was chatting to each other like best buds. I think thats good . . humaira should hire reema in one of her song movies . and reema should hire humaira to sing some songs in her new movie . that would be good.
Reema when she comes 2 london mostly performes on humaira songs and dose a good job of that aswell.
Age: 125
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good idea! humaira should sing in reema's movie, and reema should appear in one of humaira's music videos!!
the only problem tho is, humaira sings punjabi much better than urdu. her voice is suited 4 punjabi music...and reema's movie is urdu, so there's a little problem there. otherwize, i say go 4 it!
Age: 80
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dont mayyer if reema has a punjabi song in her movie . . make it more diffrent.
I think reema might start shotting in april because shohib alam the producer said the shotting would start thyis year and reema is coming to london in april for the Super Music Masti show.
Age: 125
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maybe you're right?! a fast paced punjabi song in an urdu movie won't hurt! it'll liven things up!
as 4 reema's movie....april sounds realistic 2 me. i hope she makes a real good movie. i have faith in her. but i'm a little nervous cause i just watched pooja bhatt's directorial debut, paap, and it was all hype and nothing else. average. i hope reema does MUCH better in her debut...
Age: 80
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i have seen pooja butts movie's before and their notting special . . the songs gave it the hypes . . thay was good.
April dose sound like a relistic date but u never know about films . . takes a hell of a lot of planning. . I also hear that reema's movie was a very very big buget movie . . do u know what the buget id.
Age: 125
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yeah nfak..i saw that show..what a blast too good...i looked out 4 reema and humera...was glad 2 see them 2gether...did u see humera and her bro sing 2gether..too good yaar!
inshallah reema's film will be good..and even if ppl don't like and its not what i expected u know i will still say it's no. 1..have 2 support our fav stars u know!
Age: 125
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i haven't heard anything abt reema's budget yaar. sorry. but i hope that shohail ahmed guy invests as much as he can, and that she can get funds from elsewhere 2, make the budget comparable 2 a bollywood movie. that would be wicked....
saki jee....i'm glad u liked the show! i don't like humaira's bro tho. lol. he gets 2 excited and he brings humaira's image down, in my opinion. lol. but they definately sang catchy songs! and i agree abt supporting your favorites thru think and thin!! we have 2 have their backs!! btw....u see everyone cheering 4 reema at the basant show?! i was impressed!!
Age: 80
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i heard last that the buget was 20 corore . .is a lot but am not 100% . . The guys name a sohib arlam . . lol . . dont matter
I missed that show on PTV i dont have the channel . . . The only reason i got ARY was because Ary shows all the concerts that happen in the UK . Like super music masti . and milllan . the the festival of pakistan . prime shows more of the events that happen in pakistan not the UK . The only event they show that happens in the UK are the mela's.
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sohaib alam, sohaib ahmed....whats the difference?! koi baat nai yaar. lol. (j/k)but 20 crore sounds pretty good 4 reema's budget. good 4 her...lets wait and see what she does now...
atleast u guys have a choice between ary or prime. over here we get prime, thats all. lol. but i'm thankful for that, nonetheless. its our only connection to pk!!
Age: 80
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london, United Kingdom
you said shohail ahmed which was way out . . lol . . but yeh dont matter.
I only heard that was the budget not 100% . . thats too bad you only get prime . .we have ptv and ary and vectone but vecton dont show much besides pakistani music..
Age: 125
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i would love 2 have vectone....pakistani music is the best thing our entertainment industry has, so 2 have a channel devoted exlusively 2 that would be amazing!! u guys r lucky! do they show fuzon's new video, khamaj on it??!!
as 4 the budget of reema's movie....i hope its tru. she deserves a a problem-free path 2 her directorial debut!!
Age: 80
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Vectones good . but dont really show the new song early . . they get them a little late.
yeh reema should have that budget . .its not how much she has to spend . but is how she will spend it all.
Shes a bright actresess so she will do good.
Too bad about the Super Music mASTI (PEACE CONCER). theirs no sign of it on zee . when are they goin to show it . a new super music masti concert is coming to the UK in april and zee have not shwon the old one.umair1638039.7159953704