i juz wanna know...are people really evil?????? i mean do they juz wake up and say 'hey i'm gonna make someone my best friend and lie to them for 12 years...and use them...and share my deepest darkest secrets with them...while i tell everyones else theirs...juz to make myself cool cuz i am really shallow!'
how can u b such a great judge of character....and then not see the true evil face of the person who has been there always????
ok i'm not hurt, strangely i'm not.....i'm juz a lil pissed...but only a lil.....cuz i juz don't feel that dat bad about it...or anything for that matter. i juz feel a lil like dis [pistols] i dun feel like i wat revenge.....i mean if i found out 2-3 yrs ago..then hell yeah.....but i feel kinda calm.......and not very surprised.....as if i already knew........but i want some insight.
could someone juz answer me....plz......juz give me some kinda answer...i juz want some insight...and plz tell me i'm not the only one who this has happened to...?
Age: 125
8394 days old here
Total Posts: 355
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
yeh....i juz wonder why.....i mean u can neva really know anyone....i thought i did...but i guess u can't. i mean i always knew that no matter how close u are to someone - they will never tell u everything...and i neva expected that....but i always believe 'treat ppl how u wish for them to treat u' and then what do i get???? i dunno man how to live in this world. i'm usually very open with ppl i meet.....very talkative...but if shit like dis keeps happening....i dunno who to trust...over the years i've been betrayed by everyone except my best friend...and now she did this to me....i dunno how to trust anyone again. i feel as though i have so much hate in my heart...like i'm looking at everyone in a different way now....and i don't like it. i don't wanna become a bitter person....i dont wanna build walls....i'm very confused now.
Age: 125
8394 days old here
Total Posts: 355
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
i don't fear my secrets going out in the open...as i dun have no 'dark' secrets juz the usual...but i'm juz....i guess...hurt....i'm mostly pissed off....cuz i can't believe i knew her for 12 yrs....we went through so much together.....more than most friends...so many jealous ppl tried to break our friendship but it was too strong - at least i thought it was...it'll take me ages to get over it...and understand how she could be by my side all this time.....and then do this...
Age: 125
7970 days old here
Total Posts: 7
Points: 0
Pakistan, Pakistan
Quote:- "how can u b such a great judge of character....and then not see the true evil face of the person who has been there always???? " Yes, it is nearly impossible to be the true judge of someone's character. But we can have some idea of it with our past experience. I do believe that all human beings are born with good & trustworthy nature. It is the circumstances which change their nature. It must be in your observation that a child always trusts you e.g. if he is standing on a high wall and you ask him to jump into your arms he will do so without hesitation. But an older child will hesitate and demands assurance of safty of this act from you. This "hesitation" increases with age and is due to his past experience. You may call it as betrayal on your part. To cut the long story short you learn with experience and it is lack of experience on your part. And surely you are not the only one to whom this has happened, this world is full of "Bholay Badshahs" like you. Be brave and take it as a minor tumble in life. Come out of it as early as possible. BEST OF LUCK.
Age: 125
8013 days old here
Total Posts: 57
Points: 0
well these pplz do exist thank god it neva heppned to me..well cose i would nver do somthin like that to ne.one i hate thise kinda pplz ther prb is unka pait(stomch) is soo full of it...nd they gota tell some1...lolz i nou herd the punjabi saiying of this i duno y pplz would do dat it aint eveilness, its stupidness eveil ness is wen u wana kill some1..not be there frendz, getr them in the worst wayz ever...nd NOT talk to then for 12 yrs... she jus needz to be taight a lesson? did sh ever tell u her secrets??? nd whoz she tell ur too?
Age: 125
8394 days old here
Total Posts: 355
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
of course she told me her secrets aish....i dont wanna teach her a lesson, well i do, but i'm not going to.....cuz truth is - she's really not worth it. i couldn't do that to anyone, no matter what they did to me.....i mean i cud beat em down.....but dats it.
Age: 125
8013 days old here
Total Posts: 57
Points: 0
man MAA jee u is too swet if i was u i would blow her down with that ak-47 wasai be am vey wise at wehn i choose pplz to trust nd i aslo keep it limited cant trust everyone now!! lolz nd if u need me to help u beet her up juz holla usko uradayn gei lolz