Age: 125
7852 days old here
Total Posts: 31001
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France, France
ABSTRACT ART It is not an accurate representation of a form or object. This representation can be differed in many ways including the shape, color, and form. The artist takes the object and then either simplifies it or exaggerates it using these things. There are many different abstract styles, but three forms of abstraction really stands out : Cubism, Neoplasticism, and Abstract Expressionism.
Age: 125
7852 days old here
Total Posts: 31001
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France, France
CUBISM Cubism is a more modern art movement in which forms are abstracted by using an analytical approach to the object and painting the basic geometric solid of the subject. The Cubism period stated in Paris in 1908. The leaders in the cubist era were Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque. Other painters from this period include Fernand Leger, Francis Picabia, and Roger De La Fresnaye.
Age: 125
7852 days old here
Total Posts: 31001
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France, France
It is the belief that art should not be the reproduction of real objects, but the expression of the absolutes of life. To the artists way of thinking, the only absolutes of life were vertical and horizontal lines and the primary colors. To this end neoplasticisist only used planar elements and the colors red, yellow, and blue.
The neoplastic movement happened in the 1910's and the two main painters of this movement where Piet Mondrian and Theo van Doesburg
"Composition with Red, Yellow, Blue" Piet Mondrian
"Composition No. III Blanc-Jaune" Piet Mondrian
"Composition with Gray and Light Brown" Piet Mondrian
Age: 125
7852 days old here
Total Posts: 31001
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France, France
Abstract Expressionism is a style of painting in which the painter shows his personality through spontaneity. Most abstract expressionist art is not a painting of an object or image, but instead a study in color and brush stroke. There are two major types of abstract expressionism. One is Action Painting and the other is Color Field Painting.
Action painting strives to show paint texture and the movement of the artists. This is painting were a painter drips and splatters paint on to a canvas with using just about every tool at his disposal. Jackson Pollock is an example of an Action Painter.
A Color Field Painting is the style of painting when an artist takes large, hazily defined rectangles of color and paints them on the canvas. He used anywhere from bright happy colors to dark murky colors to convey his emotions and a sense of spirituality. Mark Rothko is one of the best examples.
Age: 125
7852 days old here
Total Posts: 31001
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France, France
and today one of my fav one again...
SADEQAIN 1930-1987
A rare visionary. Sadeqain was an untraditional and self-made, self-taught painter and calligrapher. His forte is his creation of mysterious -almost mystic- environment, which he achieves with his bold, uninhibited use of media, colors and lines.
Sadeqain was a prolific artist. The content of his work has wider appeal, and the early works addressed social evils. He experimented with portraits, sketches, caricatures, book titles.. and did a lot of Koranic calligraphy in the later decades. But he seems to be at his best while depicting Ghalib.
Age: 125
7852 days old here
Total Posts: 31001
Points: 0
France, France
GUSTAV KLIMT 1862-1918
Born on July 14th, 1862 in Viennese suburb, he has been called the preeminent exponent of ART NOUVEAU. Klimt began as an artist-decorator. In 1886-92, he executed mural decorations for staircases at the Burgtheater and the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna; these confirmed Klimt's eclecticism and broadened his range of historical references. Klimt achieved his greatest fame as a portrait and landscape painter of exotic and erotic sensibility. Delineating symbolic themes with extravagant rhythms, Klimt was the quintessential exponent of art nouveau.
LOVE, 1895
Two girls with Oleander, 1890/92
After the rain, 1899
The large poplar II (Thunderstorm coming), 1903
Silent pond in the park of Schloß Kammer, 1899
Beethovenfrieze: 'The yearning for luck' 1902 (detail) The strong one (a knight), ambition, symphathy
Beethovenfrieze: 'Freude schöner Götterfunken' 1902 (detail ) the arts