i'm canadian....don't watch cricket...don't care 4 it!! lol. but everyone's talkin' abt this india vs. pak match, so out of loyalty 2 pak, i watched. 2 bad we lost.
anyhow....now please explain.....how many more matches are there, and which ones actually count for something?? for ex: in hockey...we get 4 playoff rounds with 7 games in each round. whoever wins 4/7 wins the series and moves onto the next round. how does it work in cricket for this series, specifically (india/pak)?!
basically, i'm asking......which games r worth watching?! LOL.
Age: 125
7677 days old here
Total Posts: 32
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Pakistan, Pakistan
hey man y don,t u watch football(soccer) and don,t waste ur time on this game which we called cricket. U can,t enjoy cricket if u don,t know how to play it right guysssssssss.
Age: 125
7984 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
IcEmAn said:
hey man y don,t u watch football(soccer) and don,t waste ur time on this game which we called cricket. U can,t enjoy cricket if u don,t know how to play it right guysssssssss.
lol. tru.
but up here in the great white north...its all abt HOCKEY!!! the leafs are 10 games away from the playoffs!! GO LEAFS GO!!!
Age: 125
7831 days old here
Total Posts: 4229
Points: 0
India, India
tis topic has become a joke station.. u better leave nfak.. coz.. to learn cricket u should be at least 5 years of expreince watching it.. u wont get it in jus one series..
Age: 125
7984 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
Points: 0
Canada, Canada
oh well. i won't lose any sleep over it. lol. i'm not dying to understand it! like i said.....the NHL playoffs r around the corner....i'm more worried abt my leafs!!