who's better in your opinion?! who's the TOTAL PACKAGE: acting ability, looks, hit movies, drawing power, dominance over their fellow actresses and so on?!
please keep this in mind when answering...
-only vote if you've ACTUALLY WATCHED LOLLYWOOD movies and KNOW who saima is. lol. don't say madhuri just because u've seen freakin' devdas and have not seen a pakistani movie to date. lol.
my answer...i think most of us already know!!
SAIMA, if for no other reason than she's PAKISTANI!!!!
Teen Tracker
Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
no i am not i was just joking i have no right to pray for death of a muslim but i do pray death of arol sheron and gw bush and atal bihari vajpayee dont worry iam not going to pray for death of saima
Age: 125
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lol. thank you. you have made my day. atleast u still want lady saima alive!
as for the other names, i agree with you totally. they're bumbs. especially that bush character. he REALLY is stupid...its actually scary to think he controls an entire country. lol.
Teen Tracker
Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
He is the biggest stupid on this earth.lol i have no right to keep anybody alive or dead Allah has authority so if Allah decide that saima is to die nobody can do any thing
Age: 125
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very tru.
as 4 bush...do u know he didn't even remember the canadian PM's name?!?!!! thats like musharraf not knowing what vajpai's name is. lol. CANADA is the U.S's neighbour, and that retard does not even know the PM's name. now THATS stupid. LOL.
Age: 125
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ustaad jee, the topic reads: ONLY for zara sheikh fans. i'am NOT a zara sheikh fan - I'm a saima fan, so i don't want to read/comment on it. lol. (j/k).
i already saw the pics/read the post....what can i say?!?!?! ORDINARY-NESS! nothing jumps at you. she looks good, no doubt...very good actually! but no comparison to saima. sorry. nothing has changed in my opinion. lol.
Age: 125
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teentracker, i have figured out the best possible way to explain my point of view regarding saima and the rest of these two-bit actresses. its like i said...there is no comparison: saima is the equivilent of lollywood's HULK HOGAN: a bigger name, a known/marketable face, older but can still draw people, continues to out-act everyone, and hell...even physically bigger than the rest...just like hulk hogan!!! lol.
zara....she's like the rock. and so are the rest of these actresses in the new generation-they're all equivilent to the rock. but u know something tracker sahib...chai jitnay bhee rock's khatay karlo...jitnay hhh, brock lesnar, steve austin's...there will always be only ONE HULK HOGAN!!! the rest are good in their own regard, but no one can be equal to the man! same with zara and co. they're cool in their own regard....but NO ONE comes close to saima!!!
Teen Tracker
Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
bhai NFAK i am not favour that Saima is like "Hulk Hogan" coz i love Hogan and comparison of Hogan with Saima is illogical coz since 1984 to 2003 Hogan is top of screen i admit siama is also on the screen but she has lesser variety than Hogan.As well rest is concerned NO Comments
Age: 125
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sorry but i think you're wrong tracker sahib. hogan is VERY much like saima in the sense that he has left a HUGE mark on wrestling, specifically the wwf. you're right...the 80's and early 90's was dominated by hogan. not as much anymore, but he still can draw. saima is the same for film industry, and lollywood specifically! she has left her mark (chooriyan, mehndi wale hath, nikki jaee haan, daku rani etc.) and continues to do so, just like hogan! they're similar like that.
but you ARE right that hogan is in his own leauge, while saima is in her own. different category's but each is at the top of their's respectively!
anyhow tracker sahib, do u know of any new movies coming out for lollywood?? ANYTHING?? i have not heard of ONE movie punjabi or urdu. whats wrong?!
Teen Tracker
Age: 125
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salakhein is new upcomming movie which casts Lovely Zara Sheikh and New Hero Ahmed as well as Saima is cocerned she is jsut replacement of Anjuman after Anjuman left industry while Shan is now became replacemnt for Sultan Rahee
Age: 125
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yeah i heard about salakein...but all these movies are taking so long. what movies r playing in cinema's in pakistan as we speak?! i don't hear of too many...
as for saima/shaan being replacements for anjuman/sultan rahee...u're right. they had to choose appropriate replacements for such big names, so who better than shaan/saima?!!!
Teen Tracker
Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
verry big names what a joke if u think shouting and killing style is extreme of acting then i am sory u havent seen movies of waheed murad and Mohd Ali and others of golden era even the superhits of today dont compete the movies of golden era
Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
NFAK Fan i totally like the way u think...all that stuff about u not liking pk movies and then liking it...actually i'm a pure and proud paksitani and so get very happy if there are ppl out there who enjoy my country's movies..[baer]...may i suggest u watch 'Uff yeh Biwian' and 'Mehndi waley haath'............totally brilliant films of Saima.... i also wanna say that ok fine Saima is fat and is less popular than Madhuri but have u ever looked at MADHURI'S STOMACH....not being bad or anything it just sticks out....no offence to all the Madhuri fans.....jst stating a mere fact...[:D]
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PERFECTLY STATED!! THANK YOU REEMA GEE!!! i would have thought based on your name, that you would be against saima! lol. but it looks like you have some taset when it comes to lollywood actresses as well! Join the club!
as for not liking lollywood movies...i regret it. now i know what i was missing out on! rest assure, i watch lollywod movies EXCLUSIVELY now!
i saw "mendhi wale hath" and i agree totally that saima was amazing in that. didn't she win the award for best actress for that movie?!
i will be seeing "Uff Yeh Bewian" based on your recommendation! i'm sure i'll enjoy it though, cause my philosophy is: if saima is in it...i'll like it!!
and finally....your point abt madhuri not being so fit is also 100% right! this is what i've been lamenting for almost 2 months now on this board!! nobody in india makes fun of her age and weight, so why should we pakistani's make fun of saima's??? she's the best we have (in my opinion)!
Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Hey NFAK Fan! well its good to hear that u have seen one of the movie.....Uff yeh beewiyan is so hillarious...its produced by Saima too! has Moamar, Reema and a special appearance by Resham... well tell u a secret i stole this name from somewhere.....i'm SAKINA and i chose this name coz Reema is my fav....she is the best....even better than Saima..sorry to say...good dancer, best actress and very pretty...[:X] have u seen Yeh dil app ka howa..i badly wanna see it...good that u like Humera too....[angel]
Age: 125
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hey reema gee!
aside from your recommendation...i've read about uff yeh beewiyan...the name alone sounds funny! i have asked my mom to bring me 40+ VCD/DVD's of lollywood movies (mostly starring one or two of shaan/moammar/saima/reema)from pakistan, and i've made sure to include uff yeh beewiyan!
i'm sure u know by now that saima is my favorite! i'm glad you like reema tho, cause for me, shes a close second after saima! these two represent lollywood the best! you're right...reema is a kick-ass dancer/actress! but again...for me shes a close SECOND to saima overall! [;)] [:P]
as 4 yeh dil aap ka huwa....i have heard SO MANY good things about it! i have not seen it, but i hear its in the process of being released world-wide very soon. i can't wait!
so reema (i'll refer to you by your username!) what other lollywood movies have u seen?!!?
Age: 125
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Well where do u live NFAK Fan? the thing is YDAKH has already been released in UK but i ain't seen it but i plan to anyway... i love Lollywood films...i think they r fantastic...so i've seen loads of films...u r so lucky to get all those DVD...u better share them with me! [;)] u know what i think...there should be a pakistani movie channel..if i was a millionaire thats the first thing i wud do....u know ppl aren't aware of the things that are happening and all the nice movies that are being made eg) Pehla Sajda, Ghazi Ilm Shaheed, Sangram,Moosa Khan...all to do with india-pakistan topic! (ppl complain that not many films are made on this subject and they don't even know how many films are being made)
Age: 125
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i live in toronto, canada, reema!
u guys are lucky in the UK. you get YDAKH in theatres first, and you get Larki Punjaban (which is coming out on Aug. 14th) in theatres too! all we got was chooriyan, and even that was only because of how big it was, world-wide. lol. i have to wait so long before i can see larki punjaban. [:(!] you were talking about films regarding india/pakistan....well this touches on this topic, and it stars saima!! i hope you go and see it and fill me in afterwards?!!!
as 4 my DVD/VCD's, i would share every last one with you, but we're on totally different continents. lol. sorry!
and i'm loving your train of thought...making an exlusive lollywood movie channel if you were a millionaire!! i would watch it 24/7!
which city are you from reema?! in pakistan i mean...?!
Age: 125
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tracker sahib...any suggestions who will be the heiress to the thrown after saima?!?!!! 10 lack-girl-zara?! LOL. she's not ready. her head is 2 big. who else can possibly replace her(saima) today?! she still has time before she passes the torch! lol.