Rain Man

Age: 125
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United States, United States
just comin from the HEARTTHROBS concert, i was standin right by the back stage, where they go to change their clothes n stuff...(wasn't in there, but right by there 2 inches away

" so ne ways, Aish was sittin there celina n fardeen with his broken leg lol...n i saw both of em, aish n celina, believe it or not, like celina so much better, even took pics of her, n the best thing when i took the pic she looked n smiled so i gotta good pic of her too, if i ever get em scanned i'll post em here, but damn now she's my fav neha comes to the second spot while aish moves to the third...oh yea n when hrithik was came, i was again right by the stage, so i yelled booooooo u suck...but it was too loud i know he didn't hear me, but his fans looked at me in the angriest way...and now the bottom line, CONCERT SUCKED for like the hour n half they were dancin on the old songs, i was jus watchin Celine, she's the best...

Age: 125
7582 days old here
Total Posts: 728
Points: 0
United States, United States
With Celina Jaitley
Too many rumours, too many allegations.Celina Jaitley is ready to tackle them head on. At home on a wet evening, Celina is in the mood for some sraight talk. On men movies and more.
I'm not interested in Sanjay Narang
Frankly, these rumours linking me with Sanjay Narang have become something of a joke. I don't know who started this
nonsense. All I know is that I have nothing to do with him.
I didn't break up Sushmita Sen's relationship and I have no idea who did. Keep me out of it. As far as I'm concerned, Sanjay is Sushmita's boyfriend. Full stop. I've met Sanjay on three or four occasions. I had some problems and he helped me out.
The problem is that Sanjay has a bad reputation with women and it precedes him. If Sanjay is interested in me, I'm not aware of it. I'm certainly not interested in him.
I'm told that his camp is going around spreading these rumours. That's disgusting. Earlier too, he had made a statement about me and I didn't take kindly to it.
What's sad is that these rumours have strained my warm friendship with Sushmita. Her mom and my aunt went to the same school. When she came to Mumbai, she stayed with my aunt in this very house. Now there's tension even between the families. I just hope Sushmita realises that I wouldn't stab her in the back. I'm not that sort of a girl.
I didn't go to Trinidad to see Sachin Tendulkar
The weirdest rumour that I heard about myself was that I was seeing Sachin Tendulkar when he was on the West Indies
tour. It was reported that I'd gone to Trinidad to watch him play. Now that was ridiculous considering I've never even met the
man. I had a hearty laugh when I read that because I was skiing in Switzerland at the time and I have pictures to prove it. Please, I'm not interested in attached or married men.
Indian men don't appeal to me
Really, I don't have a thing for Indian men. And especially not industry men. However educated or broadminded they
may be, deep down they're all chauvinists. I've yet to meet an Indian male who isn't.
I'm a very independent woman--I've educated myself, I've been living on my own since I was 17. Indian men are intimidated by such women. I've seen men shy away from me after one or two meetings. In fact, women pay me more compliments than men. Wherever I go, it is women who tell me how beautiful I am.
In fact, there's this princess from Kuwait who keeps calling me and sending me gifts. I have a tough time shaking her off. I've
told her I'm not interested in women but she doesn't seem to get the message.
Right now, I'm waiting for the right man. I have a few guy friends abroad. I enjoy their company and we really have a great time when we get together. But I haven't decided who will be that special one for me.
Feroz Khan is a gem of a person to work for
I'm doing three movies with Feroz Khan. Jaanasheen, Shaadi.com and a third one which will be announced soon. I'm
often told that I've made a mistake signing three films with Feroz Khan. But I don't see it that way.
See, life is not about just success. Besides, who am I? I don't come with a Miss Universe crown. I have no credentials. So isn't Mr Feroz Khan taking a risk by signing me for three movies? Frankly, I couldn't have asked for anything better.
Feroz Khan has been very professional in his dealings with me. Besides, he's been a good paymaster. Jaanasheen will definitely be a dream debut for me.
It's a dog-eat-dog industry
I'm really excited about my innings in the movies. But 'm not here just to make a quick buck and get out. I want to
make it here. I want to work with Shah Rukh Khan and Aamir Khan. I don't want to make any wrong moves.
Right now, I'm just following my heart. I love facing the camera, I love putting on the make-up, wearing good clothes and I'm a pretty good actress too. But let the audience be the judge of that. I feel I'll make a good prima donna.
I know it won't be easy--there's a lot of competition out here. It's a dog-eat-dog industry. You have to be on your toes
constantly and you can't afford to lower your guard. But I feel there's enough work for all of us; there's no need to fight or
compete with anyone.
I wore a bikini for a music video. So what?
I did the music video for Jazzy B on an impulse last year. I had just come back from the Miss Universe contest, my
movies hadn't started, I wanted a change of scene. Yes, I wore a bikini in the video. Well, if you've got it, why not flaunt it?
I've been told that it'll harm my career. But I don't see how. I have no problems with exposing on the screen as long as it's done aesthetically. I've worn bikinis in Jaanasheen too. But Feroz Khan has shot these scenes with a lot of taste. I know the more you flaunt out here, the more they want. But I know when to put my foot down.
I don't drink, I don't do wild parties
I haven't ever been to any wild parties. I haven't ever attended any film party except the one Fardeen threw on his birthday.
And I really wonder who's been spreading these rumours that I drink a lot. I certainly don't drink. Okay, so I do have an
occasional glass of wine. But that's not drinking. The thing is that I have a lot of gay friends who booze a lot. So most of the
time, I have to look after them when they are drunk.
If I don't make it here, I have a back-up plan
I've planned my life carefully. I want to give my best shot to the movies and Jaanasheen will decide whether I have it in me or not. I intend going to Geneva for further studies; I want to study International Relations.
Frankly, I don't see myself spending my entire life in the movies. I want to get married. I want to have kids. I want to settle abroad. I want to work for the UNO. I have a lot of plans for myself. Once I build my parents a home and buy myself a Mercedes, I'll be set to put my plans into action.

Age: 125
7582 days old here
Total Posts: 728
Points: 0
United States, United States
Celina Jaitley
[ TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2002 09:56:13 PM ]
The light eyed lady with an hourglass figure, Celina Jaitley was definitely a crowd puller in the Femina Miss India contest. Little wonder then that she walked away with all the laurels and the precious title too. Now, this stunning young lady has won the fourth runner-up title at the Miss Universe contest.
Having modeled for a while before the contest, the world of glamour and style were not all that alien to her. But her real aim was to be a pilot. Of course now she will fly a totally different plane. As Celina looks forward to scaling greater heights, she is all set for a new innings in life.
This commerce graduate from Indira Gandhi National Open University is a dreamer and is determined to carve out a politically strong position in this big bad world. This 5' 6" beauty from Calcutta has been a part of ramp shows as well as TVCs. Besides the beauty pageants, she is preparing for the Combined Defense Services examination and shows keen interest in joining the Armed Forces. A lady with grit, Celina looks at life positively and believes in giving her best shot.
She hopes to work on social issues with a major thrust on helping the sexually abused children. With the Femina crown on her head and the Margo Miss Beautiful Skin and MTV's Most Wanted under her belt, and with her poise and beauty, she is ready to win the world.
- B.Sangeetha
FACTFILE Nick Name: Chinki Age: 211/2 years Academic Achievements : B Com graduate. Excellent in a few computer courses done from NIIT Other Pursuits: Currently working as a model. Has also worked as a marketing executive for a reputed telecom company
Future Plans: I have been preparing for Combined Defense Services examinations, as I am interested in joining the armed force. If I do make it to Femina Miss India I will continue modeling Outstanding Achievements: Was declared best science student in junior high school. Won the most prestigious beauty contest in Bengal. Produced the highest monthly sales when I was working for a telecom company Happiest Moment of your life: When I saw my brother in the Indian Army uniform Lucky Charm: A letter written to me by my father when I was a little girl Strongest personality trait: Fierce sense of loyalty, fairness, dedication and determination to face all odds and adapt to all situations Weakest personality trait: Tendency to take people at face value and a belief that all human beings are right until they prove the notion wrong Turn ons: Snow capped mountains, winter, smell of pine trees, cleanliness and honest eyes Turn offs: Untidy and unhygienic surroundings, foul language, disrespect towards women and elders Blind date you'd go out with: Mr. Amitabh Bachchan Favourite Night Activity: Surfing the net, reading, sketching and listening to music Terrified of: Losing my loved ones, failure in life and butterflies Recurring dream: That I am floating in my room Vegetable/Fruit/Animal you resemble most: Vegetable - Green chilli, Fruit - Custard Apple, Animal - Cat Her favourites:
Food/Dish: Prawn curry with steamed rice, charcoal crabs Book/Author: Star Signs by Linda Goodman Magazine: Femina Movie: Sound of Music Movie Star: Amitabh Bachchan and Whoopi Goldberg
Song/Music Video: Hotel California and music of Santana's 'Maria'
2001: Wins the coveted Miss India Universe crown. Also was crowned Miss Beautiful Skin. Ramp/Runaway/Shows: Choreographers: Marc Robinson, Lubna Adams, Archala Sachdev Designers: Sangeeta Chopra, Mona Pali, Kiran Uttam Ghosh and Bibi Russell (Bangladesh) Press Advertising: Hoardings and pamphlets for Chandrani Pearls, Body Basics (USA), Bata (posters) TV Advertising: Angora Watches, Mother Diary, Night Angel Perfume (all for Bengali channels) Catalogue: Monapali Kiran Uttam Ghosh, leather catalogues for Rishi exports - Calcutta, Morarka Exports

Age: 125
7582 days old here
Total Posts: 728
Points: 0
United States, United States
sorry, for uploading my pic up there. i needed it for another site, and my photobucket isn't linking for another month, so this was the only place i cud upload and link.
so once again, sorry.
but hope u like the celina pic!