What a movie!wow!

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Pakistan, Pakistan
Badmash Gujjar
Anyway it's the same old firm of Shaan and Saima as the lead pair supported by Moammar Rana, Nirma, pre-"Boxed-up" Nargis and Shafqat Cheema as well as the usual assortment of fat loudmouthed villains and simpering mothers. The plot is threadbare at best - it's the same old stale-as-cheesy-socks clan revenge yarn written by the evergreen Nasir Adeeb who must have written over six million films by now (almost all of which are identical). For the record, it goes something like this. Shaan is a charming, rustic, god fearing local lad who honours and reveres his local Maulvi and hangs out at the local Madrassah where his brother excels at memorizing the holy verses word for word. Shaan is of the finest Gujjar stock, but as his name Shareef implies, he is a peace-loving, god fearing, humble sort even if the local milk delivery wench with the oversize mammary glands has a massive crush on him and serenades him with a sizzling dance or two whenever the opportunity arises.

Shareef Gujjar's best buddy Bhola (pronounced Pola) acted by Moammar Rana is a loud, mentally challenged buffoon who just about manages a paan stall. His greatest problem is his infatuation with the local prostitute Nirma despite her avidly entertaining rich men every night of the week. She does however recognize true love in Pola even if he isn't quite the rich prince in shining armour she was hoping for. One day some nasty villainous goons led by Saud and Cheema swagger into town and make their way to Nirma's Kotha where she is booked to entertain. When Pola hears of this indignity, he arrives at the Kotha where a terrible shoot-out follows. To cut a long story short, Nirma is "saved" from a life of being a tawaif by Rana who is then framed by the police and imprisoned.

The rest of the film is more of the usual loud posturing and shouting confrontations followed by more ludicrous fight scenes where no one ever seems to land a single punch. The film winds down to its utterly predictable end…and finally the torture is over.

The question that begs asking is that who ought to be blamed for the deplorable levels of filmmaking in Lollywood these days. Is it the filmmakers alone who should be held responsible for plunging standards or should the audience take its fair share of the burden - after all it is they who have propelled some of the most dubious films in recent history into becoming big money spinners…Sultana Daku, Billo 420, Ishtehari Gujjar, Asoo Billa, Hamayun Gujjar, Makha Jat, Ghunda Tax, Badmash Gujjar and possibly the most sleazy of the lot; Sher e Lahore and Dada Badmash - both of which are among the biggest successes of the lot.

If the filmmakers are indeed guilty of churning out new levels of vulgarity and mindless violence then it is the ticket buying public that is providing their own verdict with their ticket buying power, and that verdict very clearly is that the more vulgar and lewd the dances and the more crude the dialogues and situations, the more the public is willing to dish out their money. OK, so once in a while a half decent film comes along that does very well at the Box Office (Tere Pyar Main, Khoay Ho Tum Kahan) but how many of these kind of films flop before one hits the jackpot. On the other hand a certain level of vulgarity and a set of sleazy dances almost always guarantee's a decent profit. Why after all should filmmakers spend their time and money making family socials for empty halls when all the punters seem to be willing to pay for is some raunchy sleaze?

Posted 10 May 2004

HotTamale says
eeWWWW......U R SICK!!!
R U CRAZY??!~?!?!

Posted 10 May 2004

no this is punjabi movie...not for all pakistan.
Posted 10 May 2004

HotTamale says

Posted 10 May 2004

HotTamale says
so sorry...my message diddnt come out..so lemme write it again..
as i was sayinng,
y do people actually waste their time, money,& effort on making such dump,boring and ridiculous movies??
Posted 10 May 2004

Rain Man says
ayesha u should go n ask em
Posted 10 May 2004

srk devil kab se ho gaya
Posted 10 May 2004

what a gr8 movie badmash gujjar wow what a name and what a poster
Posted 10 May 2004

HotTamale said:

so sorry...my message diddnt come out..so lemme write it again..
as i was sayinng,
y do people actually waste their time, money,& effort on making such dump,boring and ridiculous movies??

listen! my dear punjabi fan
the person who only see a punjabi movie..despite of shan and Momi..Nobody interested!..why?
Posted 11 May 2004

bas kar bhai jaan chor day panjabi movies ki
Posted 11 May 2004

mein kia yaar..joh fan hein mein neh un kay liye kia hai..but It seems nobody interested..amazing.
Posted 12 May 2004

Any Karachi,Lahore,Rawalpindi people's interested...if not..so why film will be hit?
Posted 12 May 2004

MR NICE says
Even if People from the big cities don't watch Punjabi films but the fact is that the hardcore audience still remains in small towns and cities and they go and see every Punjabi flick.

Another reason believe it or not is that of people do not understand Urdu as well as they do Punjabi. I can give you example of my servant in Pakistan who is a mad fan of Saima and does not miss any of her Punjabi films but does not hardly watch any of her Urdu films because he cannot understand Urdu properly.

There is nothing wrong with Punjabi films but we should totally stop making the Gujjar and Badmash type films.

Posted 12 May 2004

Rain Man says
lol Urdu the is national language of Pakistan, n u're sayin ppl understand punjabi more then urdu...are u stupid or something...or maybe u know nothing about pakistan
Posted 12 May 2004

MR NICE said:

Even if People from the big cities don't watch Punjabi films but the fact is that the hardcore audience still remains in small towns and cities and they go and see every Punjabi flick.

Another reason believe it or not is that of people do not understand Urdu as well as they do Punjabi. I can give you example of my servant in Pakistan who is a mad fan of Saima and does not miss any of her Punjabi films but does not hardly watch any of her Urdu films because he cannot understand Urdu properly.

There is nothing wrong with Punjabi films but we should totally stop making the Gujjar and Badmash type films.

EXCELLENT POINT, mr. nice. i'm not 2 sure i agree with the language part, but the fact of the matter is: however bad punjabi films are (quality, script, vulgarity etc.) fans of such movies go and watch them. humayon gujjar, asoo billa, sher-e-lahore are all examples of punjabi movies which people made popular, for whatever reason. everyone complains that shaan should do different roles, yet they fill the halls for such types of movies. i think the reason for this is, they know, like i do, that if our complaints fall on deaf ears.....why continue to cry abt it??? just go and watch the movie, and enjoy it for what it is: ENTERTAINMENT.

and btw...your servant in pakistan has good taste in talented actresses! lol.
Posted 12 May 2004

MR NICE says
Yas Devil, You have taken my post the wrong way. I am only talking about the lower class people or the people who sit on front rows, who are the main audience for these films and they mostly come from the small towns and cities in the Punjab.

The fact is more Punjabi films get made then Urdu films in Pakistan because for our filmmakers the Punjab Provience is the main market and they now that the hardcore audience will come and fill the cinema halls by watching films like Hamayon Gujar and Sher-e-Lahore. I have also seen these two films.
Posted 12 May 2004

again saima man i hate her really i do
Posted 12 May 2004

Rain Man says
MR NICE said:

Yas Devil, You have taken my post the wrong way. I am only talking about the lower class people or the people who sit on front rows, who are the main audience for these films and they mostly come from the small towns and cities in the Punjab.

The fact is more Punjabi films get made then Urdu films in Pakistan because for our filmmakers the Punjab Provience is the main market and they now that the hardcore audience will come and fill the cinema halls by watching films like Hamayon Gujar and Sher-e-Lahore. I have also seen these two films.

the ppl who sit their in front row....they are 100% punjabiz, ofcourse they won't the know urdu that good for sure...but more then half of the pakistan understands urdu...

n about punjabi movies being made more then urdu, this is exactly the idiotic thing these dumb producers are doin, they're makin only punjabi movies like the whole damn pakistan is PUNJAB, idiots

waise to india has so many languages, but bollywood only makes Hindi Movies. Why u ask me, cuz india's national language is Hindi n they're smart enough to understand that, that's why they are way better then us in makin movies....n lolly is no where to be found
Posted 13 May 2004

good point yas.

thats why even i've admitted: punjabi and urdu lollywood - right now - suck! if a diehard like me can admit that...it MUST be tru. lol.

i'll still continue 2 watch almost anything they dish out, but i can admit...both genres suck at this point.

Posted 13 May 2004

Rain Man says
pheww...meine socha tha ppl will be bashin me now lol...
Posted 13 May 2004

dont watch pakistani films
Posted 13 May 2004

Rain Man says
u right?
Posted 13 May 2004

MR NICE says
Yas Devil, In India nearly 700-800 films get made every year and of these only about 120 are in Hindi or made by Bollywood. India has 26 different regional languages.
Posted 13 May 2004

Rain Man says
umm wat r u talkin about
Bollywood only makes Hindi movies, like i said, guess u should read wat i said in my previous post again...
Posted 13 May 2004

MR NICE says
What I am trying to say that bollywood is not the whole Indian Film Industry because India produces over 700 films a year. Thats why in terms of Production the Indian film industry is the biggest in the world.

Coming back to our own industry there is no harm in making regional language films but for sure the emphasis should be on Urdu films. Until the mid 1980s the emphasis was on Urdu films because we still had good film makers.

Now the industry has been taken over by uneducated people then what can you expect.
Posted 13 May 2004

paki_fan says
Posted 13 May 2004

i think its unfair 2 say the industry has been taken over by uneducated people.

i will agree, most of the people left in lollywood are making stupid urdu and (mostly) stupid punjabi movies, but they have a right to do what they want. as an audience, we have a choice to watch or not. the reason i say its unfair to say 'the industry has been taken over by uneducated people' is because NOBODY is stopping the 'educated people' from coming 4ward and making a kick-ass movie.

we have a select few that have the balls to try and make a difference (sayed noor, javaid sheikh and co), but nobody else comes forward. so its not so much that the uneducated have taken over, as much as it is, the educated - for whatever reason - are not taking an initiative. if they were...we would not be in the position we are in 2day.

Posted 13 May 2004

Rain Man says
but nice guy i never said in my post that India makes only hindi movies, i said Bollywood only makes hindi movies so that almost everyone would go n see the film...but in lollywood producers make more punjabi movies then urdu movies (is it jus cuz they are punjabi, well then they are the only one who watch it too then)n all i was sayin is we should make more urdu movies then punjabi movies...

n we're only talkin about lollywood n bollywood, nothing more then that...
Posted 13 May 2004

Posted 13 May 2004

punjabi movies sucks..nodoubt!..

All good urdu production r using a Technology.

and without Karachi biz..no superhit urdu movies..

why 'Yeh dil aap ka hawa' is a biggest biz...in karachi..

if punjabis r in majority in Pakistan..
Posted 13 May 2004

valandrian says
Posted 03 Jun 2018

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