Pakistan’s Television Revolution

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Age: 124
Total Posts: 206
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Those Bhindians ruined the other topic, so the moderators were forced to shut it down and I understand. It was so full of that bharat garbage it made me sick. Anyway enough about them and there begger nation lets continue what I had originally planned for this topic in the first place!

* = Seen Internationally As Well
New Channels = Bolded

Anjaman TV
*ARY Europe
*ARY Asia
*ARY One World News
*ARY Music
AVT Khyber
Business TV
CityChannel Karachi
CityChannel Lahore (Test Mode)
CityChannel Quetta (Test Mode)

*Geo TV
Geo Entertainment
Geo Music
Indus Music
Indus News
Indus Plus
Indus Vision
KTN-Kawish TV Network
Mashriq TV
MTV Pakistan ( )
Shaheen Pay TV
*The Musik
Ten Sports Pakistan
UNI Plus
*Vectone Urdu
Virtual University TV
Virtual University TV 2

Does anyone know where and when Lux Stytle Awards 2004 will be shown? Some say ARY will and some say Sony will; help!

Oh and one more thing; mind if someone posts this up? If were gonna talk about these (upcoming live events, new channels etc...) things might as well be in one topic wouldn't you agree?
Posted 18 Jun 2004


That is really wonderful- do u (T.O_Raptorz_2.0) know when Geo Music and Indus Music coming in usa. Any Info about this.thanks
Posted 19 Jun 2004

No clue; they haven't even bugun in Pakistan yet! Sometime by the end of summer it should begin from what I heard!
Posted 19 Jun 2004

Pakistan Zindabad
now plz stop this indo-pak bashing
i'm saying sorry too all of the ppl, i fought with
Posted 19 Jun 2004

screw you, a**clown. y r u here anyways?

and who r u 2 talk abt our actress' english? have u read the grammar in your own post?!

'it did not aired in india last week...'
'hats why ur actress...' off loser.

and're did not air the 2004 lux awards in india, OR ANYWHERE ELSE 4 that matter. instead the retards aired last years awards. shows how 'educated' you people r.
Posted 19 Jun 2004

paki_fan says
hey ALLAH KE BANDEY.. be like the one..

and stop insulting our actress'

improve ur self first... and they know english better then u atleast..

Posted 19 Jun 2004

Allah_ke_bande said:

Yuks...u jhaatistanis are obsessed with India, Bollywood, Indian TVs and therefore resort to gullter level comments coz' India is superior in all the fields.

Who the hell said that Sony aired ur pathetic awards. It did not aired it in India last week, may be abroad it aired and it did captured the jhaatistaani audiences.

Sony will not air it in India coz it does not want to waste its 3 precious hours by airing a show in which no body recognises the receipient of awards. I beleive sony will only show the performance of Indian Artists to get advertising. Otherwise ur buddhi heroines who can't even speak english are good for nothing. hats why ur actress calls Mac Donalds as M. C (em . Cee ) donalds..

Shows the third cla** education u people get in ur failed jhaatistaan

Yeah why would I be obsessed with patethic films like blahwoods? All they do is copy Hollywood storylines and add Pakistani Music? You call that art; I call it a breach of copyright laws you filthy bombay begger. Bhindian television is garbage; your serials are trash and your music sucks which probably explains why you use our music in your filthy films.

Secondly, Lux Style Awards did air on Sony but only in North America you fool. Wait, and your critizing our awards show, what about yours? With that kind of a professional awards show done in Pakistan, it brings shame to your blahwood awards which were done in Singapore or wherever the hell is was done. Tell me why Sony's ratings shot up when Lux aired?

Lastly, Mc Donalds (M.Cee Donalds). If that's the only thing you can attack our actors and actresses then it shows how much cla** you have; none. Do yourself a favour and stop embara**ing your fellow filthy bhindians. Pakistan ranks in the top 10 when it comes to English-speaking countries, whose official language is not English, so I wouldn't talk. Your budda, wrinkeled Prime Minister Veggiepie couldn't even speak English; Musharraf made him look like a a** infront of the world!

"My name is the Prime Minister Veggiepie; I am ruler of Bhindia. I'll call to the police!"

Nice English skills; I'd suggest you and your Prime Minister (shall I say former Prime Minister) take some English cla**es cause you flat out suck!

Filthy Bombay Begger; hey do they have paved roads in bombay?
Posted 19 Jun 2004

hei hindu lekin is ne nick jaan ke yeh rako hoi hei... yaar kyon apne bezati karwate ho Paki's Simply Rule Ova Da World..
So Ya Betta Watch Ur a**..
Dont Take Panga Wid Paki's..
Or Else U'll End Up In A MESS   
Posted 19 Jun 2004

paki_fan says
so true mr.nice guy......well said

and you..... mr. bandey.. watch out
Posted 20 Jun 2004

CityChannel Lahore (Test Mode)
CityChannel Quetta (Test Mode)

These will start soon as well!
Posted 20 Jun 2004

Xtreme says
Well Why dont we agree with it , india is superior to us in every respect any ways ! They have more population , bigger area, more poverty, better film industry , better cricket team too now, better army too , way better democracy, Muslim President and sikh PM ( No more hindus i guess who can run the country), Better economy and this list can go on and on , so lets just face it ! they are better and may be if we can work a bit more some day we can match them in some areas.
Posted 21 Jun 2004

paki_fan says
Posted 21 Jun 2004

Xtreme said:

Well Why dont we agree with it , india is superior to us in every respect any ways ! They have more population , bigger area, more poverty, better film industry , better cricket team too now, better army too , way better democracy, Muslim President and sikh PM ( No more hindus i guess who can run the country), Better economy and this list can go on and on , so lets just face it ! they are better and may be if we can work a bit more some day we can match them in some areas.

More population is a good thing? No more population means more mouths to feed, which means more jobs, which means more services which means more money by the government is spent basic needs. Why do you think Pakistan's GDP per capita is higher than Bhindia's?

Secondly being bigger dosen't prove much; the US was a big country yet Vietnam sure proved how "little" they really were if you get my drift.

More poverty; well obviously.

Better Film Industry? I think not; sorry I don't find stealing Hollywood scripts and adding Pakistani Music a piece of art. I find it a breach of copyright laws and no creativity whatsoever.

As for democracy; you think there is democracy in bhindia? If there was Kashmir and Kalistan would be two new nations on the face of the planet. If that was true, millions of Muslims, Chirstians and other minorities wouldn't be subjected to hell on earth. If it truly was a democracy, they'd act like one, not barbaric savages!

Muslim president and Sikh prime minsiter; oh wow that makes bhindia better? They ain't nothing BUT puppets; there whole country is run by hindu fundamentalism! These clowns were just put in to shut up the Muslims in Gujrat and the Sikhs in Punjab nothing else. Other than that they hold no REAL power. What a joke!

Better Army? Yeah since when does an army fake the deaths of "militants"?

As for Economy; are you serious? Pakistan has had the best economic year in it's entire history! Since when does a country come from being almost dead last in terms of development to 4th highest growth rate in Asia and second highest Industrial growth rate in Asia? Have you read up on anything for Pakistan? Macroeconomic indictors suggest Pakistan may just pull something off big. Were gonna become a major hub when it comes to transport between the Arabian Sea and Central Asian countries. And what about the Middle East and Far-East? Where will they have to pa** through? Yeah you guessed it!

Give your damn country some credit; bhindia can screw off. Everything in that country sucks and I just proved it.
Posted 21 Jun 2004

Xtreme says
Well My post was sacastic to start with but any ways!! as u have replied in such detail , i will do the same! but in a while as i am too busy right now !
Posted 21 Jun 2004

shaby says
did you know BOMBbay has the highest crime rate for a city in this world.

thats probly the reason they changed its name from bomb bay to mumbay
Posted 21 Jun 2004

Xtreme says
Okies well i got some time to waste so i will waste it here!

More population is a good thing? No more population means more mouths to feed, which means more jobs, which means more services which means more money by the government is spent basic needs. Why do you think Pakistan's GDP per capita is higher than Bhindia's?

GDP per capita: purchasng power parity 2003 extimates
Pakistan $ 2,100
India    $ 2,900 ank.html

Well Shaukat Aziz was claiming $600 + GDP per capita !! well hope thats true but we all know what Pakistan Governments are made of. Every thing was running fine till the last days of Nawaz and Benazirs Govts too.
Good for Musharraf that there is a so called war on Terror.

Secondly being bigger dosen't prove much; the US was a big country yet Vietnam sure proved how "little" they really were if you get my drift.

Well we all know that Vietnam had no chance of ever to prolong that war if there wasnt any outside a**istance. And if u r pointing towards war scenario so first think who will help you out. In case of india and Pakistan War all the cards will be stacked against us and the whole world will be againsts us. And dont tell me that Vietnam won because of its brave soldiers or USSR was defeated in Afghanistan because of Mujahideens Jihad, in the latter case it was USA a**istance with money, weapons, traning etc and in the first instance it was help from China and some other countries.

Better Film Industry? I think not; sorry I don't find stealing Hollywood scripts and adding Pakistani Music a piece of art. I find it a breach of copyright laws and no creativity whatsoever.

Man here we are comparing Bollywood to Lollywood and no sane man can say that Lollywood is better than bollywood. What ever they do their end product is far better than ours and if the ban on indian movies in cinema is removed in Pakistan , our lollywood will be dead on that day. Just go out on the streets and ask any kid that he he is the fan of Shan or Shahrukh Khan and you will know the truth!!

As for democracy; you think there is democracy in bhindia? If there was Kashmir and Kalistan would be two new nations on the face of the planet. If that was true, millions of Muslims, Chirstians and other minorities wouldn't be subjected to hell on earth. If it truly was a democracy, they'd act like one, not barbaric savages!

Should i sing a song for ya! DO PAKISTAN HAVE A DEMOCRACY !! I am sure the answer is NO !! so i will leave it to that.

Muslim president and Sikh prime minsiter; oh wow that makes bhindia better? They ain't nothing BUT puppets; there whole country is run by hindu fundamentalism! These clowns were just put in to shut up the Muslims in Gujrat and the Sikhs in Punjab nothing else. Other than that they hold no REAL power. What a joke!

Very well said! i agree on that with ya!

Better Army? Yeah since when does an army fake the deaths of "militants"?

Well what has our army done so far ! Lost East Pakistan! Well And these days we can see in Wana how well they can fight ! Just getting fat eating all the resources of our country and good for nothing !

As for Economy; are you serious? Pakistan has had the best economic year in it's entire history! Since when does a country come from being almost dead last in terms of development to 4th highest growth rate in Asia and second highest Industrial growth rate in Asia? Have you read up on anything for Pakistan? Macroeconomic indictors suggest Pakistan may just pull something off big. Were gonna become a major hub when it comes to transport between the Arabian Sea and Central Asian countries. And what about the Middle East and Far-East? Where will they have to pa** through? Yeah you guessed it!

Macroeconomics or what ever ! Hmm wasnt Indonesia doing too great under Suharto !! When the sons of World Bank were at the helm of the affairs ! What Happened to indonesia now ! Same can be said About Chile , when they have a dictator and The World bank was running that country all was good ! But whats the end product! Well There is argentina too same story ! Pakistan Has a Dictator too and people Like Shaukat Aziz who are basically employees of World Bank are running the show and as all the above mentioned countries Pakistan is on the verge of pulling something BIG !! What BIG !! Will poverty be reduced in Pakistan ! Hell No !! Will there be food in every home for 3 times a day ! Hell No !! SO Do this so called something BIG matter to about 70 % of the people of Pakistan ??
Yea i havent read too much about Pakistan! BUT WHAT R U READING FROM ? YOUR GRANDMA WISH LIST ?

Give your damn country some credit; bhindia can screw off. Everything in that country sucks and I just proved it.

Well where should we give credit or to who shall we give credit!! And you proved nothing!!

May Pakistan Live forever !!
Posted 22 Jun 2004

sanam411 says

Posted 22 Jun 2004

paki lion says
sanam411 said:


before u are blaming us for heating up indo-pak discussian, i request u to visit this site often coz in the past weeks we didn't talked crap about india, but some indians came here who started again talking crap...
Posted 22 Jun 2004

Exactly! The bhindians here are just jealous and trying to make us feel bad when in fact I've made them look like a**es everytime.
Posted 22 Jun 2004

Rain Man says
Allah_ke_bande said:

Pakistan Zindabad
now plz stop this indo-pak bashing
i'm saying sorry too all of the ppl, i fought with

ok the guy said sorry, now stop it...
damn xtreme thats a big post
Posted 22 Jun 2004

Xtreme says
Well as i said i had a lot of free time lol!!
Any ways i will keep quite for a while lol !!
That better !
Posted 22 Jun 2004

Rain Man says
let the samurai talk
Posted 22 Jun 2004

Posted 22 Jun 2004

Xtreme says
Its all peace !!
Posted 22 Jun 2004

sanam411 says
paki lion said:

sanam411 said:


before u are blaming us for heating up indo-pak discussian, i request u to visit this site often coz in the past weeks we didn't talked crap about india, but some indians came here who started again talking crap...

heyy!!! im not blaming anyone here...aight!...just cuz i dont post DOESNTT MEAN IM NOT HERE!...I DONT COME HERE
Posted 22 Jun 2004

valandrian says
Posted 02 Jun 2018

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