umair16 said:what are those stupid segement ment to mean . .when they performe looking like werdos . . resham . zq, and sadia imam . . what was they doing on stage , . . i really didnt get what they was doings . plz tell me . .Nirma was so lame like allwayz . . she needs to learn how to dance . . for the first time meera did a good dance and looked good aswell.
Edge said:
umair16 said:sadia's dance described the power of beauty, resham's described the passion of beauty, zq's described the mystery of beauty and so on. they were very artistic...especially sadia's. it was a refreshing change from normal awards shows where men and women simply dance 4 no reason. these performances had an artistic reason behind them!what are those stupid segement ment to mean . .when they performe looking like werdos . . resham . zq, and sadia imam . . what was they doing on stage , . . i really didnt get what they was doings . plz tell me . .Nirma was so lame like allwayz . . she needs to learn how to dance . . for the first time meera did a good dance and looked good aswell.
umair16 said:Did anyone watch the lux style awards yesthday on sony . .
I found them kindda boring . . the presenter was the worst i have every seen at any award show . all she did was change cloths and crack lame jokes .
I only found fuzon,alizafar,amna haq, meera performace good and also the indians.
whats ur viwe.
mr nice guy said:yaar aik tu tum pakistani kisi cheez se khush nahi hotey
MR NICE said:Why are we so critical of ourselves and why the hell do we need to compare everything with the Indians.