LSA Awards on . .sony tv

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Age: 80
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london, United Kingdom
Did anyone watch the lux style awards yesthday on sony . .
I found them kindda boring . . the presenter was the worst i have every seen at any award show . all she did was change cloths and crack lame jokes .

I only found fuzon,alizafar,amna haq, meera performace good and also the indians.

whats ur viwe.

Posted 12 Jul 2004

highlights 4 me: fuzon, ali zafar, and sadia imam. sadia was smiling all night and she seems geniunely happy 2 be there. she was also the only one clapping and singing for pakistani singers as well as indian ones....she stole the show in my opinion.

low points: our singers not being allowed 2 sing live, and ZQ winning 4 best model.

the funniest part of the show: when sonu nigam thanked all the pakistani actresses 4 coming on stage, yet he had NO IDEA WHO any of them were - including meera! LOL. she even took the mic and confronted him, only 2 be told off! she's so stupid!
Posted 12 Jul 2004

umair16 says
what are those stupid segement ment to mean . .when they performe looking like werdos . . resham . zq, and sadia imam . . what was they doing on stage , . . i really didnt get what they was doings . plz tell me . .Nirma was so lame like allwayz . . she needs to learn how to dance . . for the first time meera did a good dance and looked good aswell.

both models female and male looked ugle and theirs much better looking models than them 2.
And i hop they dont pick presenter like that again cos she sucked BIG time . .
Thye shouild have picked moin aktar again he's good.
Posted 12 Jul 2004

shaby says
well they were 100 times better then last years one and 1000 times better then any other pakistan show.

but still not up there with filmfare or zee cine.
Posted 12 Jul 2004

yaar aik tu tum pakistani kisi cheez se khush nahi hotey   
Posted 12 Jul 2004

umair16 said:

what are those stupid segement ment to mean . .when they performe looking like werdos . . resham . zq, and sadia imam . . what was they doing on stage , . . i really didnt get what they was doings . plz tell me . .Nirma was so lame like allwayz . . she needs to learn how to dance . . for the first time meera did a good dance and looked good aswell.

the performances by sadia, resham, zq etc. were meant to describe the 5 elements of beauty, which was this years theme for the lux style awards.

sadia's dance described the power of beauty, resham's described the passion of beauty, zq's described the mystery of beauty and so on. they were very artistic...especially sadia's. it was a refreshing change from normal awards shows where men and women simply dance 4 no reason. these performances had an artistic reason behind them!
Posted 12 Jul 2004

MR NICE says
Why are we so critical of ourselves and why the hell do we need to compare everything with the Indians.
Posted 13 Jul 2004

u no anysite where i can download the awards
Posted 13 Jul 2004

Yes me too; I missed it..
Posted 13 Jul 2004

Jiya_k says
well, i watched it too, it was OK....Presenter was really boring i agree with Umair16...aur jo performance ho rahi thi they just played CD back stage and the artists were lipsinging, which is kinda sucks...and it was very noticable that the CD was playin back stage...Humayun saeed and Sadia Imam looked nice..PRINKA CHOPRA performed well, and sonu was ok too, his music was while sonu was performing meera and the other girl were dancing FuNNy...hahaha...poor them need to learn how to dance!!!!!!
Posted 13 Jul 2004

SanaSana says
Posted 13 Jul 2004

umair16 says
Edge said:

umair16 said:

what are those stupid segement ment to mean . .when they performe looking like werdos . . resham . zq, and sadia imam . . what was they doing on stage , . . i really didnt get what they was doings . plz tell me . .Nirma was so lame like allwayz . . she needs to learn how to dance . . for the first time meera did a good dance and looked good aswell.

sadia's dance described the power of beauty, resham's described the passion of beauty, zq's described the mystery of beauty and so on. they were very artistic...especially sadia's. it was a refreshing change from normal awards shows where men and women simply dance 4 no reason. these performances had an artistic reason behind them!

the performances by sadia, resham, zq etc. were meant to describe the 5 elements of beauty, which was this years theme for the lux style awards.

thax for telling . . i was confussed the hole time so was my mum . . u know how mums are . .
the presenter sucked ., did u guys notice the one time where she was just wearing my earing and when the camara went back to her after the award was presented she took that off aswell . .
Their was no need for her to change as many times as she did and they should have had some jokes in the awards . . thats more entertaining.
i hope taht the other awards that happen in pakistan learn from these and they also go international and have great big awards like these.

Sana also need to learn how to dance cos she was acting like a fool most of the time . . meera was good i got to say that she did a good performance . .nirma was ok but she loked better then she useually dose.
fuszon rocked . Ali zafar rocked and the awards rocked . .lol . . lol . . lol

well done lux.

Posted 13 Jul 2004

did'nt watched
Posted 13 Jul 2004

paki lion says
the show was excellent! but dont forget we have to admit it was all succesful due to help from indians and also the choreography was done by indians..i wonder will pakistan also be succesfull in making films and organising show without help from indians? I hope so, coz i dont like it if our succes only depends wid help from indians..anyway i want to know can zara sheikh and saadia imam speak english or not? coz i think zara sheikh was talking few words in english and then only in urdu and when an indian host ask some question to saadia imam, i could see at her face she dont know how to talk in english so she only said offcourse and the rest was in urdu..but the paki female and male models and shaan and other tv actors can speak english perfectly...
Posted 13 Jul 2004

umair16 said:

Did anyone watch the lux style awards yesthday on sony . .
I found them kindda boring . . the presenter was the worst i have every seen at any award show . all she did was change cloths and crack lame jokes .

I only found fuzon,alizafar,amna haq, meera performace good and also the indians.

whats ur viwe.

i hope they will show at ary digital
Posted 13 Jul 2004

jazba says
i dont know whats the problem with u guys cant u ever praise paki things show was good with few minece points host was rubbish i didnt like the dresses of meera sana n nirma nirma performance was good but dress wasnt going with song i missed indians performance coz show was started 2 late reema wasnt there n no other hero except shan
Posted 13 Jul 2004

does any1 know where i can download the awards?
Posted 13 Jul 2004

i don know
Posted 14 Jul 2004

umair16 says
i think they can speak english cos zara did day a few words in english and she sounded alright . .

Sadia was good she was the only actresess on the audience that they showed ooo and a little bit of meera . .where was the rest. They was all back stage . they should have all been in the crowed. .
Nirma looked really nice when she performed . . but the song was slow and not very entertaining . . .

i was also disspaointed that reema didnt turn up but she's shooting for her movie so mummar rana and veena malik where buzy in that . .

Sana was a wast of time she looked like she was a robot or something with that stupid dance.

Posted 14 Jul 2004

yeh_dil says
mr nice guy said:

yaar aik tu tum pakistani kisi cheez se khush nahi hotey   

Posted 15 Jul 2004

MR NICE said:

Why are we so critical of ourselves and why the hell do we need to compare everything with the Indians.

Thank You!

Since when was Bhindia the standard? This is better than nothing; all Pakistanis know how to do is whine whine whine and when someone asks why don't you do something about it they all run away.

If you can't do a damn thing about it shut your mouth and appreciaite what you got! Have you ever seen a Sri Lankan Awards show or a Bangladeshi Awards show? NO! SO it's better than nothing; give them credit for what they've done.

Something is better than nothing; stop complaining and start appreciating!
Posted 16 Jul 2004

valandrian says
Posted 02 Jun 2018

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