Age: 125
7950 days old here
Total Posts: 68
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
uuh hey there hitman...welcome to jb...just wondering...could you tidy up my bedroom fer me?coz it always seems like its been hit by a tornado and my parents chew my head off fer it everyday:P
Age: 125
7950 days old here
Total Posts: 68
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
bless i have a looooong time b4 i think abt this...but i guess i'de wanna be engaged around 23/24 and married by 26...he but it all seems like an eternity away for im chilling:)
Age: 125
7950 days old here
Total Posts: 68
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
i know...most of us would look for someone with a nice personality but im talking superficial here ...i mean let's just say you see 2 guys/girls at a party...who would you wanna get to know better?the one with the nice body or the one with the nice face?i'm talking first impressions here:)
Age: 125
7950 days old here
Total Posts: 68
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
what's ur height? coz honestly 120 aint a lot for the average height of 5'5...i mean ballerinas weigh if ur abt 5'5 just chill and enjoy ur high metabolism and youth while u can...coz u got ur whole life to worry abt this stuff when ur metabolism actually slows down:) sorry can't help u out with the junk food addiction...coz i can't stand the sight of all that unhealthy stuff...just get off it though coz simply put it aint good for you:)