Age: 125
7855 days old here
Total Posts: 31001
Points: 0
France, France
na na nannaa alala lallaaa.. bla bla baalllllaaa
now my turn.. for nasi bacha : dil jalta hai to jalne de aansuuu na baha fariyaad na kar tu parda nasheen ka aashiq hai yun naam e wafa barbaad na kar . . .
Age: 125
7855 days old here
Total Posts: 31001
Points: 0
France, France
thnx adii.. aap ko kya karna hai maloom kar k.. yep tarash is rite..
First attraction of love is the looks? But that describes lust in the books You think falling in love is smart? When you know in the end she’s gona break your heart heyy... nice
Age: 125
7855 days old here
Total Posts: 31001
Points: 0
France, France
ZEUS ---> Greek GOD,, also called jupiter,, the biggest known planet of our solar system is called after him as he was the most powerful (greek mythologie,, mere pe fatwa na laga dena sab)
Age: 125
7855 days old here
Total Posts: 31001
Points: 0
France, France
arey han AAINA me bhi dekhi hai nice movie,, beautiful songs.. end was a bit FILMI
Indian re-productions are more glossy <-- RITE old paki movies were quite good yaar.. we could easily compare them to bolly movie par ab patttta nahi kya hua hai k,, uffff