wealth of the world's 3 richest individuals is greater than the combined GDP of the 48 poorest countries - a quarter of all the world's states.
* In over 70 countries, per capita income is lower today than it was 20 years ago. Almost 3 billion people -
half the world's population - live on less than $2 a day.* Of the 4 billion people living in developing countries, almost
1/3rd have no drinking water. 1/5th of all children receive an insufficient intake of calories or protein.
1/3rd of the human race - 2 billion people - are suffering from anaemia.
* The UN calculates that the
whole world population's basic needs (food, drinking water, education, medical care) could be covered by a levy of less than 4% of the wealth of the 225 largest fortunes.
Required.. only $13 billion, hardly as much as the people of the US and the European Union spend each year on perfume.
* Food production was never been the problem. The people who need the food must be able to buy it. And that is precisely the problem.
30 million people a year die of hunger. And 800 million suffer from chronic malnutrition.
Statistics you might have missed... till now