Age: 125
7858 days old here
Total Posts: 31001
Points: 0
France, France
nicce.. heyy me tooo.. loooooove FAIZ.. my favvvvvvv one jogi ahmad jogi and jogi faraz r not badddd.. i m sure one of em will b the next legend of urdu poetry
Age: 125
7858 days old here
Total Posts: 31001
Points: 0
France, France
thankuu thankuuu all haaa... vvv nice queenyyy... sab JB members k dil ki baat hai.. hehehee.. but me okk now with this new forum.. its cool since admi jii s changed colors..
yarr jupita,, my angrezi isnt that goood na can someone try to translate it plz.. (bera garak kiya bager)
Age: 125
7858 days old here
Total Posts: 31001
Points: 0
France, France
aeeennn.. u live in chicago nasi bacha ???? areyyy i ve a friend in milwaukee,,, paas hi hai naa..
ufff am unable to get that temp diff.. it was 42C° just 6 weeks back and nowwwww.. grrrr ummmmm.. am sleeepppppppyyy gooood nightt pppppppppl.. sweeeeeeet dreamz..
Age: 125
7858 days old here
Total Posts: 31001
Points: 0
France, France
yarr.. i didnt click taht box "email notify me of replies" but it keeps sending me mails.. my e mail acc lll burst yarrrrrrr seeeeee.. just recieved 2 more
Age: 125
7858 days old here
Total Posts: 31001
Points: 0
France, France
hmmmmmmm.. admi jii we all were use to that old JB.. 2nd.. that i already told ya is,, COLORRRZZZ.. it seems JB s sick.. it s so pale yar colorrrzzzzzz... and.. my old AVATAR ??? how can i get it back.. i liked my brainy yarrr heyy can i add my own avt ???