Age: 125
7858 days old here
Total Posts: 31001
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France, France
quote:Originally posted by jupiterblue
I'm the one who collect the GOLD....not MONEY!!! okey..... I only share you 10% Sall....and be happy with it.... :P
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% ??????????¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ [:(!] sall cant b happy with just 10%.. keep 5% for urself u ve 24 hrs to think over it... warnaaaaaaa.. warnaaa.. [angrypirat] warna my 'little sweet friend nassi' ll see u ehemmm [:I]
Age: 125
7858 days old here
Total Posts: 31001
Points: 0
France, France
hmmm.. she sounds like a guys aswell.. hehhehee.. well i thought he/she s a guy coz of his/her pic.. waise bhi a gal cant b 'pumkin head' han ?¿ hheheheheee.. hum ab dherrrrrrrrrrr sari batein kar sakte hein pumkin ki coz she/he s away... hehhehehheeee o yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh,, maza aae ga [:o)]
Age: 125
7858 days old here
Total Posts: 31001
Points: 0
France, France
areyyyyyyyy.. y me pagall [:(] 2 replies theek hein mere... (i really cant get how ?¿ hehhehehee) me half pagalll.. khabardaaaaaaaar jo poora pagal kaha [:(!]
Age: 125
7858 days old here
Total Posts: 31001
Points: 0
France, France
Allah ki rah mei larne ka matlab ye nahi that u r permitted to do what ever U want.. koi bacha, koi aurat, koi burha ........ <----- i m not talking abt geneva conv, somethhing like that s in 'hadees'.. u ppl must know better than me, as u seem to b quite informed :)
Age: 125
7858 days old here
Total Posts: 31001
Points: 0
France, France
heinnnn.. my name s shahid, mujhe bataya hi nahi kisi ne [?] arey yar i think that s pumpkin, and he probably wanted to say SHAHEED.. woteverrrr.. khair no worries,,, every one s confused abt who i am.. and hannn, my name isnt sallyyyy,,,, hehehhehee..
Age: 125
7858 days old here
Total Posts: 31001
Points: 0
France, France
oooo how carinnggg is that iron pumpkin head.. hehhehehee but as i say HUM HUM hein.. dont worry abt my toe.. have a look on the last iron head i kicked --------> [B)] khehhehehehee.... kiddnnnnnnng.. just kdn.. have a nice time pumpkin, see yaaaa [:D]
Age: 125
7858 days old here
Total Posts: 31001
Points: 0
France, France
aeeeeeenn [:O] janubaba needs to change his glasses, coz me not a guy [:(] khair no worrriesss.. nice story bibijan,, but dont forget.. i want kaddo ka halwa for sweeet dish, hehhehee [:D]
---------- heyyy pumpkinnnn.. keep ur fav dishes for urself,, yuk yukkkkkkk.. and i m not a chef, i jsut order what i wannntttt [bandit]
Age: 125
7858 days old here
Total Posts: 31001
Points: 0
France, France
ohhh.. pumkin s leaving.. i ll miss my pinkooo even more now :( coz when pumpkin s here i miss pinkooo less.. they ve something in common.. PEANUT IN THE HEAD [angel] pinkooooo... lauttttt k aaaaaaja, laut k aajjja laut k aaaajaaa
Age: 125
7858 days old here
Total Posts: 31001
Points: 0
France, France
no one here s taking side of Israel, US or UN.. but killing innocent ppl to get ur rights s wrong.. btw 1946 se jo ho raha hai,,, i agree that US UN or anyone else didnt do anythng.. but what did muslim community do ????? 57 yrs s a damn long period mannnn.. al we did in these yrs is blaming others.. and result s here..
Age: 125
7858 days old here
Total Posts: 31001
Points: 0
France, France
heyyy nassssssss.. yar ur poems r really gooood.. sometimes bit weird but stilll i like em.. hmmm.. FEAR ME LIKE GOD, COZ I BRING DEATH.. dont like ur LOGO :) khair... cheeeers ;)