it was on that film i was telling you about, i did it infront of young people as well as Fire service the police and local goverment members. they told me 200 people, i did not know it would be 2000

, but they found it even more funny to say their is not 2000 but 1,200, thats not the point
you know how Power Point always dies on you, (it diddent thank ALLAH) then i did my presentation and got 2 questions from the young people, one said my presentation is nice, the other asked if i was Single..................uffffffffff men.
so as they day went on i kepted getting mistaken for being a Hilton hotel Guest, my fault for dressing smart. got served Shampain as well

but all in all it was a good day, i have to clam my nerves and run away form a kala guy who wanted my number
i told him i like girls better MUHAHHAHAHAHAHA