lol, none! they do not have the right to enforce power on people,
you don't see the bigger picture, ok let me ask
before captialism, and western civilisation (don't know about the civil bit)
why did other society's thrive before, if we go back to basics, the state was not a state in the sense that, the few did not controll the many.
the worlds wealth is only controlled by 3% of the population, and the day the world rejects the concept of state and so called order, that will be a very intresting day
take where i live, i believe its already a police state, with the into of anti terrorism law, no due process is given to people under suspicion,
through the world the goverments have turned to the crime controll model (i.e. guilty before innocent, concerning revenge rarther then rehabilitation)
i think, the minmume state interfearence the better, criminals should be tried by societys standards and not pigion holed into catagories
the system here is, Judicial, Excecutive, Parlimentairy
judges, Queen,   ; Elected,
you cannot ignore justice if you look at law, its why laws become unenforceable. take the law of unlawfull killing, it was set out by Hazraat Musa PBUH.
i like to look at not just how, but why, i spend most of my time reading the hansard (Parlimentairy debate scriptures) as to why a bill has become legislation.
by the way i my majory in college was Religion and Philosophy
i like to look at the bigger picture on law, not just the athiest, big fart theory side