Age: 125
8394 days old here
Total Posts: 40761
Points: 0
Israel, Israel
Teen Tracker said:
Guyz chill out first we have to decide what this thing is then argue on it
BAZI U R my fellow and senior member. I and my team respect ur concern but this is not a way to show that.The easiest and nice way is to click on report icon . it will help us but one thing is clear that this attitude has just created a issue there.
SALL I know the story u post i have read it before and I agree it is a heart touching story about 1947 partition and we all must know the plight of muslim women at that time.and it was a part of great collection of URDU ADAB
and now question is is this offensive or not What u say abut art showing nudity . The story got a bitter truth and for being a pakistani we must know how much pain our ancestors have taken for us.
Instead of fighting on nature of post why cant we understand theme of post .
What I suggest that we move this topic to serious corner and I will move the fighting posts to My wallet
so a true & bitter story can be posted in serious corner and management will not object on it, right? awsome, i have a story i would like to post too...i am sure my post won;t be deleted either as u would understand theme of my post too
Age: 125
8394 days old here
Total Posts: 40761
Points: 0
Israel, Israel
thanx for the reply.
i know u come every day, so u ebing a mod is justified.
i am saying k jo members roz nahi atay ya phir r not as regular to phir un ka mod honay ka kiya faida hae?
fragi mysterious gal london ke hoor
yes u might say they r busy and all that....well, in that case, un ko mod hona he nahi chahye cuz mod ka kaam hae day to day stuff ko dekhna ya phir on a regular basis, where as the members i posted above cannot do it cuz they r busy..phir wo mod kiyoon hain?