LiL_DollY said:so you want me to come once and then leave all of a sudden
LiL_DollY said:bazi weirdo
LiL_DollY said:laughing
tu chup kar
irsa said:it was i passed i am ganna go to the univercity and then i am ganna do a course for doctor
LiL_DollY said:so whens your graduation>?
Dua_786 said:Bazi Ji howzz ur eye now...
LiL_DollY said:okay I think you dont know
abuse goes under different categories
physical abuse
verbal abuse
s**ual abuse
now think about what I said before
bazi...abused children in some categories do need help.
Jia_ka_chand said:
Bazigaar said:so here r some old classics with new faces too
Yeah - good pics BaziBazigaar said:
Most more of her!
HrithikZgirl said:
Bazigaar said:u'r welcome che
good job
thanx again