Age: 125
8126 days old here
Total Posts: 9975
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Aspects of Bid'ah:
1. Every bida is Dalalah
Linguistically bida is something which is new or something which was not done before, i.e., it has no precedent. From the point of view of Shari'a, every bida is Dalalah and there is no such thing as 'good' bida. Prophet (saw) said in an hadith, "Kullo dalalatin fin naar (every dalalah is in hellfire)."
Dalalah means to be astray or to be away form the truth. If we look in the Quran, we will see how Allah (swt) used the word 'dalalah' or 'dal'.
2. Bida is performed as a way of pleasing and getting closer to Allah (swt).
In other words, when someone follows a bida, he claims that by doing this he will be closer to Allah (swt). This is much different from committing a sin. As Ahmad Ibn Hanbal once said, "The greatest sinner (fasiq) from the Ahl-Sunnah Wal Jamah is better than the most pious person from Ahl-Bida."
The sinner, at least, knows that whatever he is doing is wrong and doesn't claim that it's halal. However, the one who commits bida not only goes against Qur'an and Sunnah but also claims that what he does is pleasing to Allah (swt) and a way of getting closer to Him.
3. Bida can be both in inventing new actions or in shunning an action
Meaning, when someone originates a new practice saying that it is approved by Shari'a without a proof is bida. In the same way, when someone avoids something claiming that by avoiding such and such practice he is pleasing Allah and has no proof for it form Quran or Sunnah is also bida.
4. Anything in Shari'a can have a bida created or related to it.
Bida is not just in matters of aqeeda or acts of worship but it could also be in business or public dealings.
5. Bida has no source and or evidence in Qur'an, Sunnah of Prophet (Saw) and in the actions or Ijma (agreement) of Sahabas.
One famous example that is quoted by the Ahl-Bida in their desire to make some forms of bida halal, is the example of Umar (ra) and the tarawih prayers.
To conclude this section of the article, it must be understood that bida is not only a new invention in the religion claimed to be pleasing to Allah (swt), but the one who creates and the one who follows bida actually assert that there is some shortcoming in the deen.
It is an (Naudhobillah) insult to Allah (swt) to say that He could not reveal or teach Prophet(saw) the best way and so they had to find the best way on their own. It is also a denial to what Allah (swt) Himself said in the Quran:
"Today, I have completed and perfected your religion for you and chose Islam for you as your deen" (5:3)
It is also a denial to what Prophet (saw) said:
"There is nothing that shall take you closer to Allah (swt) than what He has told you to do and nothing will take you away than what He has prohibited."
Age: 125
8126 days old here
Total Posts: 9975
Points: 0
Dharti se aasmaa tak, aasmaa se dharti tak
Dharti se aasmaa tak, aasmaa se dharti tak
Dharti se aasmaa tak, aasmaa se dharti tak
Dharti se aasmaa tak, aasmaa se dharti tak
[Audience: Are bhai, aage bhi to bolo.]
Hawa hi hawa hai.