
Age: 125
7356 days old here
Total Posts: 7
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Australia, Australia
Manie said:

thas wat im saying elle....who is anyone of us to say that them people deserved it jus cuz they was sinners?

ive been told of people not giving aid for the people saying its not right cuz they was punished by God?

These "Naik" people
ive had it with them!

Holier than faking thou, never have time to pray, plenty to yammer on online about social and spiritual disputes that really don't affect them (as if these people gave a sh*t about you and me or anyone else).
They also never have time to bother with self-correction or be better human beings. Sidestepping is all they really do. When they're not judging or jerking off on their own souls, they're too busy complaining "hypocrite this, hypocrisy that."
Now this isn't excluse to muslims to just abuot any pakistani who thinks themselves an "Activist."



If you really gave a sh*t, you'd be actually thinking abuot improving the world around you. Who do you think you're fooling? We're not stupid. The only one who gets fooled is yourself.

Your religion is not worth the sh*t under my shoes.

What used to piss me off when I gave a damn and still irritates me is the fact that none of you, I do mean NONE OF YOU have ANY SENSE OF MORALITY.

There I said it.

Not homo sapiens.
But immoral homo erecturds.

Your morality, your religion, your sense of right and wrong is not shaped by the word of god as much as it is by your convenience. If something invisible works for you, that's fine. Helps you stay hard, that's perfect, enjoy your dances at before sunup, at sundown and three times in between.

But don't tell me you know what the "RIGHT" thing is because the "RIGHT" thing is always what you are capable of doing. Don't tell me you are RE-INTERPRETING because it's pick and choose you lazy scums. Don't tell me religion needs to evolve because it's fairly simple and set in stone.

to my paki sister who answered me before, all i say to uR REPLY IS THIS “And certainly, We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to the patient.” (al-Baqarah: 155). So this is s testing system and NOT a system to achieve or accomplish punishment and reward within this system. ( COS I THINK I ANSWERED U ALREADY THRU OUR HOLY QURAN NOT THROUGH sheer instinct and what we have 'learnt' from our parents!!

the problem with the way some Muslimahs think is that they have been taught Islam and the holy book through teachings FROM thier relatives(mothers, fathers,grand-parents) etc... through to a long line of relatives who can pick and choose what interpretations suit them, now i ask you WHY DONT U READ THE QURAN??? ANSWER THE QUESTIONS FOR PPL LIKE MANIE WHO HAVE LOST FAITH IN UR SYSTEM OF TEACHING AND LEARNING ISLAM!!! ITS SUCH A SHAME because ISLAM is knowledge and TRUTH ppl who do not seek the truth will not find IT!!! they will not discover ALLAH,

manie, I know u may have been white-washed with anti Islamic propoganda from wherever ur from, its a shame really bcos i can see from ur posts that u are EAGER to hear the truth yet frustrated because no one is passing it on to u. What u witness in forums like these is the views of a minority group of muslims, not the WHOLE message of truth Abraham(sws),Jesus(sws),Mohamed(sws)tried to instill to people!!! i challnge u to READ the Quran i swear it will open ur eyes and ur heart!!if u want to know the truth! if u want to find why Islam is the fasted growing religion in the world...READ it THEN come to these forums and ask me a question about ISLAM I will be happy to answer u! It is EASY to use swear words and put a persons religion(way of life)down, but its a challenge to answer the ones with knowlegde isnt it?
Posted 18 Jan 2005


Age: 125
7356 days old here
Total Posts: 7
Points: 0

Australia, Australia
Manie said:

A large proportion of southern Asia's dead were children — as many as half the victims in Sri Lanka, according to officials there. A bulldozer dug a mass grave in southern India for 150 young boys and girls, as their weeping parents looked on.


kids died mate
they suffered the most.

u can blv what u want...punishment by god or just a natural disaster...i firmly blv watever happens , happens for a reason ..and by God's will.

how silly of us mortals when we witness such wonders we simply ask
"Why did God do that?"

Why did God do that to those people? I know we don't like to talk about these things but I think Muslims should be opened and confident enough to clear their own doubts and questions. How come a merciful and compassionate God cause that to happen and some people would say...there is nobody to answer that question because anybody answering to this question is claiming that he/she is reading the mind of God. If I tell you that He did this because of 1, 2, 3,.. to answer your question, I am claiming something that is horrible that I can read the mind of God. And who am I. We just say how trivial we are.

For us Muslims, not the answer that is a problem, it is the question. In the Quran, God says “He cannot be questioned as to what He does, while they will be questioned.” (al-Anbiya’ 23) . You can ask question to your wife, son, peer, your boss or to your father, but you cannot ask God, why did you do that. The moment you do this you become the God and you are reducing Him to something, astagfirullah (May Allah save us) less than what He is. He out of his mercy allowed us to ask this question. But in reality and this is what I say decides the state of faith. We are not to volunteer for such question and instead we need to acknowledge that we don't have the right to question because you question only those people who are equivalent to you and less than you.

Unfortunately, I saw in the internet and in some statements that it is because there is so much corruption, God is punishing the human beings. Who told you that? How dare you? How dare you rub it into the victims. It is so cruel to say this is punishment of God. Some say on some web page that the God is punishing the Muslims because they don't believe in Jesus (PBUH) or whatever. It doesn't matter whether who say is a Muslim or non-Muslim. It is cruel. Just imagine a friend of yours who met with a car accident and you visit him in the hospital, and say "I hope you feel well but you deserve it? It happened to you because you are rotten". What kind of sensitivity is this? We come to a huge size of victimization like this and say this is the punishment of God.

Brothers ands sisters, I can tell you based on the Quran that this is NOT a punishment of God. “If Allah were to punish people according to what they deserve, He would not leave on the back of the (earth) a single living creature: but He gives them respite for a stated Term: when their Term expires, verily Allah has in His sight all His servants." (Fatir:45). For each there is an appointed time and when the time is over it is over, it can't happen earlier and it can not happen later. This is what Quran says.

God said if I'll punish for what you do, you will not exist. He didn't say there will be no human being, he said there won't be any living creature. Because of so many things that we do, Allah decided that this is not the place to settle the accounts. the place to settle the accounts whether to punish or reward happens in what we call as Al-Akhira, i.e. after this is over.

So then how did it happen:? Someone will come and ask, I am sure I expect it, that you want to say that God does not and he did not punish the people of Lut, Noah and others. Yes, but those are specific cases after specific warnings. God says in the Quran "… We never punish until We have sent a messenger." (al-Isra: 15). No people will be punished this way except after messenger comes to them, explains to them and he warns them, he tells them and they disobey him and in some cases appointed by God punishment happens. And this by all means is not the rule. The rule is what Quran said that Allah will not take us to task in this life because of what we do.

We have to understand that Allah (s.w.t). has created us within a physical environment. You know brothers and sisters, we live, just imagine it on a melting metal boiling ball covered with a thin crust, 3/4th is water and it is rotating across another ball of fire called the sun. We live in a physical environment that carries with it the natural disasters, volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis etc. because this system is not created to punish or reward and this system is created to test. God says “And certainly, We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to the patient.” (al-Baqarah: 155). So this is s testing system and NOT a system to achieve or accomplish punishment and reward within this system.
Posted 17 Jan 2005


Age: 125
7356 days old here
Total Posts: 7
Points: 0

Australia, Australia
hello and thanks for welcoming y'all!!

Posted 14 Jan 2005