
Age: 125
7097 days old here
Total Posts: 4
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Pakistan, Pakistan
ashkhan said:

really sonia is hinduu now? how do u guys know?

Well.. I don't think so she is Hindu now, But it is ture that she married with a Hindu guy. Following is an article about their marriage.

Princely affair

Surrounded by friends and family and by drummers beating a joyous rhythm the bridegroom approached astride a white horse, looking every inch the Prince come to wed Mumtaz Mahal. In the soft light of dusk hundreds of diyas twinkled, ropes of marigolds hung from the surrounding trees lining the flower-strewn pathway on either sides. Girls with baskets of roses showered petals on the procession as Vivek neared the spot where Sonya awaited him. Standing under a canopy of flowers, she truly looked as though she had stepped out of one of the scenes from the film she is currently finishing, Akbar Khan's Taj Mahal. The rich dull red and gold clothes and the jewels only added to her beauty, and joy and happiness shone on her face as she and Vivek garlanded each other and moved towards the ritual fire.

Sonia Rizvi Jehan, grand daughter of the legendary Madam Nur Jehan, and Vivek Narain, a charming young banker, tied the nuptial knot in New Delhi in a glittering ceremony attended by Sonya's mother Florence Rizvi, her brother Sikander and Nur Jehan's daughters, Nazia and Shazia.

As the various rituals were performed, I saw a simpler, but far more touching scene, being played in my memory. Just after Christmas we were gathered at Florence's home in Karachi after one of her wonderful dinners when Akbar Rizvi asked Sonya and Vivek to come close as he wished to bless their future union - at first we smiled as an improvised fire in the shape of a shamadan was placed on the floor, Florence's red lipstick was used as sindoor, and Sonya and Vivek circled the candle. Suddenly the moment became very moving as Akbar reached out to bless his daughter and her fiance - this was no theatrical little scene he was playing, he was sincere in his intensity; possibly he knew what none of us could have imagined: that he would not be present on Sonya's wedding. It was a magical moment. There was nothing of the glamour of the wedding in that evening, but somehow Akbar made us feel that this was the true ceremony. And for Sonya the memory of that evening will always remain in her heart - as in ours.

Posted 29 Sep 2005


Age: 125
7097 days old here
Total Posts: 4
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Pakistan, Pakistan
MR NICE said:

I don't now the exact reason. Either it was the age difference but more likely Ejaz got very close to Firdous especially during the making of Heer Ranjha. I will try to fing out for you.

Inaam I am amazed that you have such a huge collection of Noor Jehan. I also have big collection of Noor Jehan and other old Pakistani film songs but no way as big as yours.


Its very nice to meet another great fan of Noor Jehan. Hope ab khoob mehfil jamey gi.
Posted 28 Sep 2005


Age: 125
7097 days old here
Total Posts: 4
Points: 0

Pakistan, Pakistan
Thank you very much for quick responce. Well... we can discuss each and every thing about Noor Jehan. I have a big collection of her songs (about 2500) and I like all of them (Well... almost all of them ). I love to share her songs. Please feel free to write me if you need any of her songs. I belive she was the greatest singer of the subcontinent.

You can share in this thread some Urdu/English articles about Madam. Her photogrpahs and etc etc.

Does anybody know why Eijaz Durrani divorced her? What was the story behinde their divorce?

Posted 28 Sep 2005