
Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Mughal-e-Azam has just been running as a special case in one cinema in Pakistan without any publicity. The release of the film is going to be on the 2nd of June as per the news in the papers. Probably will come to know then if the film fairs well at the box office or not.
However, Taj Mahal is also not doing bad. It has done good business in Karachi and also in some cinemas in Lahore.
Posted 08 May 2006

Topic: The best film


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
You can not compare the 2 filmz. One is the all time classic Mughal-e-Azam and the other is the all time disaster in India.
Posted 29 Apr 2006

Topic: Majajan


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan\03\23\sto ry_23-3-2006_pg7_32

Thursday, March 23, 2006      
Court stops film Majajan’s exhibition

Staff Report

LAHORE: A civil court on Wednesday stopped the exhibition of Punjabi feature film Majajan at Metropole Cinema on March 24 and ordered Paragon Entertainment Chairman Syed Noor and the cinema administration to appear in court on April 7.

The judge ordered that the stay order be pasted at the gates of the cinema and the Paragon Entertainment office.

The Empire Cinema administration has challenged the exhibition of Majajan at the Metropole Cinema on the plea that it (Empire Cinema) had the rights to show the film in an agreement with the Paragon Entertainment company on May 27, 2005. Amir Lateef, counsel for Empire Cinema, said Paragon Entertainment dishonoured the agreement and gave the exhibition rights to Metropole Cinema.

In light of the written agreement with Empire Cinema, the court stopped the film exhibition by Metropole Cinema and summoned the respondents, who had earlier failed to comply with the court orders.
Posted 23 Mar 2006

Topic: Majajan


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Someone has taken a stay order from the court against the release of the film on the 24th in Lahore.
Posted 22 Mar 2006

Topic: some news


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
When will it be released in Pakistan????? Does anyone know????   
Posted 12 Feb 2006


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Pakistan, Pakistan
Able you can find some pics on this site of his upcoming film "For God's Sake"
Posted 31 Jan 2006


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Posted 29 Jan 2006


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Posted 29 Jan 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Review of PPP in DAWN
Cupid’s arrow misfires

Depilex Vision’s Pehla Pehla Pyar is a misdirected attempt at film-making. Mubasher Lucman directs the flick and sadly joins Faheem Burney and Asif Ali Pota in the ever-growing list of directors who migrated from TV to film, but failed to impress in their first attempt. The film seems more like a play on a private TV channel than a feature film, based on the tried and tested and done-to-death love-triangle formula.

Posted 29 Jan 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Review of PPP in DAWN
Cupid’s arrow misfires

Depilex Vision’s Pehla Pehla Pyar is a misdirected attempt at film-making. Mubasher Lucman directs the flick and sadly joins Faheem Burney and Asif Ali Pota in the ever-growing list of directors who migrated from TV to film, but failed to impress in their first attempt. The film seems more like a play on a private TV channel than a feature film, based on the tried and tested and done-to-death love-triangle formula.

Posted 29 Jan 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Great pics
Posted 27 Jan 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
And I am not only calling it a DUD but also its one of the biggest DISASTERS.

Lucman was all talk. The work he has done is pathetic and a slap to educated film makers and finally the cheat he has done wih the Bangkok Lab makes him not a only a bad film maker but also the one who has given a bad name to Lollywood and also to Pakistan.
Posted 22 Jan 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
I am not calling it a hit but the world is and for PPP only you are calling it a hit and no one else.
Posted 22 Jan 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
YoYo said:

you made a big joke out of yourself when you called tbjnj a super hit 1 day after its release

so when it comes to box office stay quite cos you dnt know zilt.

and i never called ktsk, all i said was it got an average opening.

looks like yoyo information is based on someone in England who has no idea whats going on here.
Ktsk has done well and it was the biggest film last year in the cinemas. It has been quoted in many programmes on TV and also in papers. Before that Tbjnj was a complete DUD and before that Ajab Gul picture did fairly good then any other film. But definately PPP is the biggest DUD of them all. YOYO you must come out of hybernation and kill your source as it sucks.

Sorry YoYo
Posted 22 Jan 2006


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
MR NICE said:

The film lab in turn has complained to the Pakistani Consulate in Thailand and has threatened to boycott Pakistani films in the future.

The film lab has also contacted the concerned people in the Pakistani film industry regarding the situation.

Luqman has not just given a bad name to the film industry but also to Pakistan.

Mubasher Luqman must came with a pretty good explanation.


I am new to the forum. My greetings to everyone.

YoYo has no idea what he is talking about. PPP has been a disaster. !!!! And Mr. Nice your news looks correct as I have also read in some paper that Lucman has not paid the money to the Lab in Bangkok. Looks like the man is a complete cheater.
Posted 21 Jan 2006