Hey Mani:Limmie tell you something. I haven't gone all secret about myself. I always kept you in my heart.
I know...you can be a lil devil sometimes. But I know how special you are inside. I know your such a great person. You so sweet and cool. And who else would know that but me.
I want everyone to know. Mani here is a good old friend of mine. And if your my friend then I want you to meet him too. Every friend has a special spark that makes up a part of your life.
Like Mani...if your spakrling star is gone from my sky...my sky will never be the same. Friendship is very important to me too.
Sometimes in life moments come which you can;t handle. You dont have power over them. SO you loose touch. But then again good true friends reconnect. And those friends are the ones that were meant to be.
Some people come and go in life. But FAMILY is always there for you. This was the most important thing that I leanred at high school graduation. I think I felt that same way you did...and I came to this conclusion. Someitmes you have to reach out to your parents and family and extend that relationship from beign jsut a cousin, grandma, aunt, uncle, to also being friends.
Mani...your Very SPECIAl..and Very dear...I want you to walsy remember this.
One more thing...Yes MAryam..is a DARLING...and she is...2hot4u
Just dont burn...
I wish you all the happiness, peace, and love in the world my friend.
Always...I'll remember you in my prayers and Wish you only the BEST!