Age: 125
8110 days old here
Total Posts: 22358
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
The tongue is the only muscle in the human body that is not attached at both ends. The tongue consists of a group of muscles and most of its surface is covered with taste buds. The tongue is sometimes called the ‘strongest muscle' in the body but this does not refer to its actual strength. It refers to the strength and power of words.
The human face has ten different groups of muscles. It takes seventeen muscles to smile and forty-three to frown, but there is disagreement over the total number of muscles in the human face.
A sneeze can be super fast. Human sneezes have been measured at speeds of more than 160km per hour. A sneeze, or ostentation, is a compulsive expulsion of air from the lungs.
Most of the human brain is made up of water. Approximately 85% of the human brain is made up of water. It contains 100 billion neurons, each of which is connected to 10,000 other neurons. Not even the most powerful of PC's has as many connections as this ‘human computer' has.
The brain uses one quarter of all the oxygen in the body.
Unborn babies have fingerprints.
An unborn human baby develops fingerprints at just three months. In 1906 the New York City Police Department first introduced the fingerprinting of criminals.
There is a one millimeter muscle in the ear.
The body's smallest muscle is just one millimetre long and is inside the middle ear. Its purpose is to support one of the tiny bones inside the ear, called the stirrup.
There are 29 human blood groups.
The rarest blood group of all is A-H which is a Bombay type blood sub-group. It is confines to just a handful of families and has been found in Japan where extensive studies have been carried out.
This strongest muscle in the human body is the masseter. It is situated at the back of the jaw. It is the muscle that allows the chewing of food.
The hardest part of the human body is the enamel that covers the teeth. An adult human has thirty-two teeth and a child has twenty-eight.

Age: 125
8110 days old here
Total Posts: 22358
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Briggs-Rauscher Reaction: The Briggs-Rauscher reaction is known as an oscillating chemical reaction. According to Wikipedia: “the freshly prepared colorless solution slowly turns an amber color, suddenly changing to a very dark blue. This slowly fades to colorless and the process repeats, about ten times in the most popular formulation, before ending as a dark blue liquid smelling strongly of iodine.” The reason this occurs is that the first reaction causes certain chemicals to be released in to the liquid, which then, in turn, spark a second reaction, and the process repeats itself until exhausted.
Thermite and Liquid Nitrogen: Thermite is aluminum powder and a metal oxide which produces an aluminothermic reaction known as a thermite reaction. It is not explosive, but it can create short bursts of extremely high temperature. A thermite reaction is initiated with some type of detonator and it can burn at temperatures of thousands of degrees. In the clip above we see an attempt to “cool” the thermite reaction by dumping it in a vat of liquid nitrogen.
Superfluid Helium: When helium is cooled cooled to -271c, it reaches the lambda point. At this stage (as a liquid) it is known as Helium II. Hellium II is a superfluid. When it flows through even capillaries of 10−7 to 10−8-m widths it has no measurable viscosity. In addition, it will creep up a container (as it seeks out a warmer area) seemingly against the effects of gravity.
Floating on Sulfur Hexafluoride: Sulfur Hexafluoride is a colorless, odorless, non-toxic and non-flammable gas. Because it is over 5 times denser than air, it is able to be poured in to open containers and light weight objects can float on it as if it were water. Another fun use for this harmless gas is through inhalation; when inhaled, it lowers the voice drastically - the exact opposite of helium. The reason that your voice is lowered when you inhale sulfur hexafluoride is that the weight of the gas slows the sound waves produced in your vocal tract to just under half the speed of the sound. Helium works in the opposite way.
Superabsorbent Polymer: Superabsorbent polymers (also known as hydrogels) are able to absorb extremely large amounts of liquid relative to its own mass. For this reason, they are used in the commercial production of diapers, and incontinence garments, and other fields requiring protection from water or liquids such as underground cabling.
Sodium Acetate Super Saturation: Sodium acetate, when heated and cooled, becomes supersaturated in water. When it comes in contact with another object it re-crystalizes. This reaction also causes heat, and so this has a practical use in heat pads. Sodium acetate is also used as a preservative, and also gives salt and vinegar chips their distinctive taste. It is referred to in foods as E262 or sodium diacetate.
Meissner Effect: When a superconductor is cooled to below its transitional temperature, it becomes diamagnetic: this is when something is repulsed from a magnetic field rather than drawn in to it. This discovery by Meissner has lead to the concept of frictionless transportation, as an object could be “floated” along a track rather than “attached” to it by wheels.
8 Potassium Chlorate and Candy: Potassium Chlorate is a compound containing potassium, chlorine and oxygen. It is often used as a disinfectant and in fireworks and explosives. When potassium chlorate is heated to melting point, any item added to it will cause a rapid disintegration in the form of an explosion. The gas coming off the potassium chlorate is oxygen. Because of this, it is often used in airplanes, space stations, and submarines as a source for oxygen. A fire on the space station Mir was attributed to this substance.
Magnesium and Dry Ice Reaction: Magnesium ignites easily and burns very brightly. Magnesium is able to burn in carbon dioxide and nitrogen. Because of its brilliant light, it was used in early photographic flashes, and it is still used in marine flares and fireworks.
Sodium and Water in Chlorine: Sodium is a highly combustible element and the addition of water can make it explode. The distinctive yellow color of the light emitted is due to sodium’s ‘D lines’ - this is often used in street lighting. This experiment produces a great deal of heat. When you combine sodium and chlorine, you get sodium chloride - common salt.

Age: 125
8110 days old here
Total Posts: 22358
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
The speed of light = 186,000 mps ( miles per second ). Now that's about as fast as it gets.
The speed of sound = 1,088 fps ( feet per second ) with the air temperature of 32 degrees fahrenheit.
Unlike the speed of light, the speed of sound will change as the temperature changes.
Earth's rotational speed around it's Axis at the Equator = 1,041 mph( miles per hour ). This is slowing things down a bit, but hey, multiply that by 24 and that's a lot of traveling in a day.
How far do you think you could get spending the day in a jet traveling at 1,041 mph, heading East around the equator? Would you go backwards? Or! would you be going 1,041 mph, in a jet, heading East, around the equator?
Earth's rotational speed around the Sun = 67,000 mph. This is picking things up a little, but what does that do to your place in the solar system when doing 1,041 mph, in a jet, around the equator, heading East?
Earth weighs in at around 6.6 Sextillion Tons. Now lets see, that's like a lot of zero's!
Earth is hit by 6 tons of meteorites a day, every day. How long would it take to change the 6.6 Sextillion to 6.7, or 6.8? Just thought it might give you some thing to do. Oh by the way, that's 12,000 lbs. a day or 4,380,000 a year.
Earth our beloved home is said to have an atmosphere that proportionally is thinner than the skin of an apple. Once Billy told me about that I got to thinking, and from that day on I always think twice before I do anything that might cause harm to it.
Surface area, do you know the surface area of our planet? it is something like 196,935,000 square miles. That's a lot of real-estate until you look at the next fact below. It really doesn't leave much to walk about.
Hey here's another on of those little realized facts about our home Earth. 70% of the surface is covered in water. Now most people already know that, right? Well did you know that 97% of that is salt water? Which leaves us with only 3% of fresh water. What really got me thinking is how little drinking water there is. I'll tell you this, its a lot less than 3%. Most people think about it, but don't realize that there is so very little drinking water left. I bet if you take the time to look it up, or figure it out, you would never never ever do anything that might pollute it again.
The Sun's rotational speed around Axis at the Equator = 4,555.32 mph( approximately ).
Let's, see here, Oh yeh! How about this one, The Sun's rotational speed around the Galaxy = 135 mps. And it takes the sun 226 million Earth years to complete one orbit around the Galaxy. Now that's a 1 to 226,000,000 year ratio.
Did you know The Sun moves up and down the Galactic plane at 6.25mps, meaning that it to like most orbiting objects in the Universe do not necessarily orbit there attracting bodies at there attracting bodies equatorial plane. This up and down motion being cause by the thousands upon thousands of other orbiting bodies in our galaxy.