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screw you, a**clown. y r u here anyways?

and who r u 2 talk abt our actress' english? have u read the grammar in your own post?!

'it did not aired in india last week...'
'hats why ur actress...' off loser.

and're did not air the 2004 lux awards in india, OR ANYWHERE ELSE 4 that matter. instead the retards aired last years awards. shows how 'educated' you people r.
Posted 19 Jun 2004


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'lahore lahore eh' was an outstanding video. LOL. the best part was the fact that tafu had that blonde lady so into the song. she knew all the lyrics.
Posted 19 Jun 2004


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lol @ ustaad teen and srk

...and you're right sanam jee! welcome back. its been awhile.

Posted 19 Jun 2004


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can't wait 2 see it.
Posted 18 Jun 2004


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yaars, why did ricky's posts get deleted?! i enjoy arguing with him, and i'm sure its the same on his side. lol
Posted 18 Jun 2004


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nobody's coming 4 collaboration?! LOL.

ar rehman is aching 2 work with fuzon. the two jokers who came a couple of weeks ago, were LITERALLY BEGGING us for our help! pooja bhatt...the list goes on. yeh sab pakistan aye te 4 collaboration. not the other way around. lekin tumhari baat kuch sahi hai - in order to collaborate, you need 2 talents. in this case, pakistan possesses all the talent (musically)!

taking our artists and making money off them?! no problem...its all good...we're virtually doing the same with pirated bollywood movies! LOL. only difference is, our artists see some of the green in india!!

lastly, lets not get political regards 2 what u said tho.....NOT AS LONG AS PREZ. MUSHARRAF'S IN TOWN, SON!!
Posted 18 Jun 2004


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agree totally.

any news on their new album?
Posted 18 Jun 2004


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lol @ mr. nice guy! i agree!!

speaking of tv channels...none are more backwards than india's sony entertainment television. they produce the 2004 lux style awards and have both pakistani's AND indians alike waiting for them to air, only to disapoint millions and showcase last years awards - ones that they had nothing to do with.

where's the logic?! if our shows are so bad, why choose to air them, OVER a show YOU PRODUCED YOURSELF???
Posted 18 Jun 2004


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welcome back ricky.

why r we going thru this again? lol. whose voluntarily going to india to make music, other than adnan sami?? if our talent is asked - they go. simple as that. where do u get off saying 'they all want to go to india and have a ball'??? lol. by saying that, you're insinuating that pakistani musicians are all lined up chomping @ the bit to cross the boarder...and thats clearly not the case.

lets look at some recent facts that prove my view:

did rahat fateh ali khan go job-hunting in india? nope. it was india's pooja bhatt who went out of her way to recruit him, along with ali azmat.

it was india's own jatin,lalit asking for our help (musically), to aid a non-existant pop scene in india, and give new life to a lack-luster and far from original bollywood music scene??

and as for jagjit coming to pakistan and helping out a friend....its the least he could do. ghazal pioneers like medhi ha**an paved the way for a rookie like jagjit.

the problem with most indians is that u guys put way too much stock in bollywood. u have talent in movie-making, but musically, you're hopeless. most of you claim that your 'filmi music' makes up for this. but it speaks volumes when individuals from this very section of bollywood, come to us asking for collaborations.

Posted 18 Jun 2004


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charizmatic said:

well i have readed all comments but let me tell u why these singers dont sing live well its all abt voccals have u ever seen ali haider,shehzad roy or abrar ul haq or even jawad singing live no they cant sing live cuz of thier poor voccals i have heard fuzon live in concert and they r really true professional they performed live wid same music and voccals and beleive it or not shafqat's voice was so perfect then even in live his voise sounds same as in the cd.well actually most of the upcoming bands like Aaroh,strings and some other they do perform live so its all abt voccals.

its all abt FUZON!!
Posted 17 Jun 2004


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go 2 the dude in anarkali bazaar....he's right @ the corner....i dont know his name, but my entire family goes 2 him....he kicks a**.
Posted 17 Jun 2004

Topic: Model Pics


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kick-ass pics! natasha...
Posted 15 Jun 2004


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i agree; singers should sing live.

but there are certain songs that are hard to sing such as abrar's 'nach punjaban.' its too fast and since the crowd wants to dance to it, a cd version is much better. as 4 dehler, someone should inform him that if he watches an abrar concert.....he'll notice nobody seems to care that he's playing to a cd. he has more devoted fans than dheler could even imagine.

and keep in mind peeps: for every 1 singer that lip-sings, there are 5-10 who go out of their way 2 sing live. bands like fuzon, mekkal hassan, and soloists like rahat, hadiqa, and even naseebo lal, all sing live - if given the choice.

also many arists are FORCED to lip-sing. a perfect example is the LUX STYLE AWARDS where fuzon and co. were forced to sing to a cd, despite being highly against it.
Posted 15 Jun 2004


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no idea when its coming out. i'm also anxiously waiting 4 humaira's next album.
Posted 14 Jun 2004


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yaar kiya hogaya hai!! lol.
Posted 11 Jun 2004


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kiya hai yaar!?!?!! its tru....they're a cast!!
Posted 11 Jun 2004


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mr nice guy said:

kya role mila hai is ko marasi ka

no big deal. the marasi cast has been distorted by many, in my opinion. most of them r talented people. i would say 80% of our pop music industry is marasi. and most of them do not fall under the stereotypical definition created in pakistan.

as 4 veena playing this role...hopefully she will do it justice and portray the people like they should be portrayed - fairly.
Posted 10 Jun 2004


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they could be last years, this years, or 3 years ago...i'll still watch!
Posted 10 Jun 2004


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sadia imam looks outstanding! i love her! good pics shaby!
Posted 10 Jun 2004


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wicked pics ganja yaar!

u're right...natasha looks amazing even with rollers! prettiest model of them all.

resham looks like micheal jackson.

lol @ meera! i don't know why but the mere sight of her, and every time she opens her mouth makes me laugh all the time. LOL.

everyone else looks up2date and professional. can't wait to see these awards.

and btw....THATS ZQ??? SHE WON 4 BEST MODEL?!?!?!

Posted 10 Jun 2004


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MR NICE said:

The trailor has been processed in Pakistan probably and the rest of the post production has been done in Bangkok.

i hope you're right, 4 all lollywood fan's sake.
Posted 10 Jun 2004


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the article from

Lollywood is at its lowest ebb these days. Very few movies are in pipeline and the studios wear a deserted look round the clock. The producers with medium or small budgets have stopped their productions in view of rumors that Indian film may be allowed exhibition in Pakistan. Lollywood stars capitalizing on improvement of relations with India have been making a beeline to India in what they see is the beginning of new era. But not many have been successful in carving a niche for themselves in Bollywood despite tall claims. Meera is among the few managing to make a start in the Indian film industry. But she sees this success as a step towards international stardom because she says her goal is Hollywood.

She said she has a definite plan which she would not reveal right now. "I am looking at things much higher. I am aiming for an Oscar. Why should I not aim at that? I have many things in mind and Bollywood is a step towards my ultimate goal of going to Hollywood," Meera said in a very innocent way.

Meera raves about the welcome she received from the Bollywood stars including Aneel Kapoor, Sridevi, Aditya Pancholi, Amreshpuri, Sushmita and Suhbhash Ghai. "I was overwhelmed with their nice gestures of friendship. The talk here about them taking over our industry is rubbish. They have a very positive thinking and want to start co-productions.

For myself my international exposure has begun and I have more offers. Subhash Ghai has offered me a lead role in his film for year 2005. The script of this film is being written."

Meera disclosed that music of Shahzad Gul's film 'Iman' in which she plays the lead role and Jawed Sheikh's film 'Khulay Asman Kay Neechay' is being prepared in India these days. Amjad Bobby who is the music director for both films is in India these days to complete the task.

About the other stars making headway in Bollywood, Meera said that besides her Veena Malik is working in a Punjabi movie and Jawed Sheikh has signed two films. About Nirma bagging some projects, she said, "they do not even know her. Rakesh Roshan offered her a bhabi's role in a film."

Posted 10 Jun 2004


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About Nirma bagging some projects, she said, "they do not even know her. Rakesh Roshan offered her a bhabi's role in a film."    

whats even funnIER is, in this very same interview, meera claims bollywood is her stepping stool, on her way 2 HOLLYWOOD!!!!! she said she wants an oscar!!!!

i think its official....meera's the dumber of the two!!!
Posted 10 Jun 2004


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mr nice guy said:

Edge said:

i saw the trailor 4 salakhein on the new show (ary digital). i was not impressed, cause the quality looked worse than YDAKH and LP. action was ok, and ahmed bhutt looks like he'll be a new legit hero, but other than that the movie itself looks like the same old garbage being made.

tum ne sirf trailor deka hai aur tum keh rahe ho film bekaar lag rahe hai

trailor se na andaaza lagoun to aur kaisay determine karoun?!?! isi leeya to hotain hain trailors. so that u can preview the film and decide wheather or not it looks good enough 2 watch. and salakhien's picture quality did not look good enough 2 watch, atleast in my opinion.
Posted 09 Jun 2004


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i saw the trailor 4 salakhein on the new show (ary digital). i was not impressed, cause the quality looked worse than YDAKH and LP. action was ok, and ahmed bhutt looks like he'll be a new legit hero, but other than that the movie itself looks like the same old garbage being made.
Posted 08 Jun 2004


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but whose dumbER!!??
Posted 08 Jun 2004


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don't know the name....sorry.
Posted 08 Jun 2004


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oh congrats yaar! 9 lack mubarik!

did u invite saima @ the party!?! lol. (j/k)

Posted 08 Jun 2004


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how many video's does adnan sami have coming out?! every actress claims 2 be in his 'next music video.'
Posted 08 Jun 2004


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DrDeath said:

u call bollywood as a copy??? then u must visit countries like britain.. usa.. south africa..! infact the whole world.. u will see bollywood everywhere.. thats a proof we make genuine films..

.......genuine films! i hadn't laughed this much in a while. thanks dr. death.
Posted 08 Jun 2004