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yup! ptv prime is slated 2 tape the show....i'm guessing it will air shortly after??
the super music masti concert in april u r talking abt, might also have shazia manzoor. i'm just guessing on my own here, but in a recent interview, she said she has some international tour all set, 2 promote her latest album. so she might show up 4 the concert u're talking abt?! either way, that show looks 2 be just as good as the others.....!
Age: 125
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thats tru. UK has a massive pakistani population, which is enthusiastic abt bringing their stars, so they deserve such events....
as 4 basant....its officially on Feb. 14-16...but the government has made it a 2-week festival, so people have been celebrating this past week and moreso, this coming week.
i heard bollywood stars have been invited by lollywood stars 2 attens a musical show at lahore fort on the 14 or 15th??? then theres a dinner the next day in karachi....those r the two events i've heard of....
Age: 125
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again with the U.K. shows. lol. what abt canada?!?!!!
and i'm guessing this show will be next eid??
this mr. alam character is alright in my books! i like his contributions 2 all these things (concerts, reema's movie)! we need more guys like him......
Age: 125
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i agree with saki 100%....
you don't get money based on your looks. who cares if zara and iman ali look good??? you should get paid based on your performance, and the time you have put into the industry. thats how NORMAL organizations work: in sports, a young new player doesn't get paid more than a player whose been there for 10 years. in almost all walks of life, people get paid based on seniority - not looks.
as 4 saima, she had 3-4 solid hits b4 jacking up her price to 6 lacks per movie. shaan is the undisputed #1 hero and he earns 10 lacks per movie. BOTH have been in the industry for well over 10 years. hit/flop...they deserve the $$ they get. meanwhile zara has ONE hit, and she asked for 10 lacks already?????? LOL. and shamyl and iman have 1 and 0 releases respectively, and they ask for that kind of money??? thats ludicrous.NFAKFan38029.8377314815
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lol. good question (who she'll get married 2)!! whoever the guy is, he'll be SUPER LUCKY, i can tell u that much!
and i agree with u...short or long hair....she's a very pretty and a very classy lady.
as 4 her fashion sense, every time we see her on tv, my sisters, ALWAYS notice what she wears and compliment it!! she's a fashion plate (she sets trends)!!
Age: 125
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umair16 said:
Yeh i am a big fan of reema . . and i lover her performanceses . First time i sure her dance besides movies was at the Super Music Masti concert in 2002 . . she did 2 dances both Humeria arshad songs and i though she was weiked . .
She put of her efforts in her danceing when on stage. I didnt see her dance at the arward i dont have prime tv . . i have Ary cos they saw all these concert that happen in the uk . . and i have zee tv my mum likes it.
yeah man, reema's a very talented dancer! she's a great actress too in my opinion. i want 2 see this concert just as bad as u, espcially since she danced 2 humaira's songs!
i'm sure if u go 2 a local video store, they'll have the PTV awards on tape 4 u. after i saw the dance, i went 2 a pakistani video store here, and they had the entire concert....i think its the 10 annual PTV Awards show. hope that helps! it was very much worth it!
Age: 125
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Saki said:
Nfak..u talking abt that song she did in a silver dress...'dondey tujh ko mere naina''sumthing like that..i luv her dance, her voice, her looks, acting..everything..she and humera are my fav..
thats the one!! b4 seeing that, i had only heard of reema's classical dancing ability....but when i saw that, i was very impressed. my mom liked it so much, she made me record it, the second time they aired it. lol.
i'm glad u like reema/humaira! we have something in common!! altho i must say....i want humaira 2 grow her hair back. lol. she looks amazing as it is, but she would look that much better in long hair! u agree?!
Age: 125
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very tru saki. i'm not 2 familiar with reema, but humaira literally LOOKS like a down-2-earth person based on the interviews i have seen. i love that abt her!!
'kisay da yaar na vichray' was definately a great song! my personal favorite is 'ishq dewaana mera, rog purana mera...' from the album mastt mustt II!! have u guys heard it??
and i also agree with umair. i'm sure reema's dance was far better than nirma's. u seem like a big reema fan yaar....r u!?! did u see her classical dance at the PTV awards, on shazia manzoor's song??!!
Age: 125
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welcome straight!
i agree with u....the fuzon video was superb! i have never seen a better pakistani music video 2 date. it tells more of a story in 5 minutes than movie directors tell in 2 hours. lol. perfect 10.
Age: 125
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umair16 said:
I will tell u in advance when the concert come on. . at that interviwe delear mehidi also came and someone else but i carnt remember who it was . .
humaira arshad performed at the super music masti in may and she was excellent she got the crowed up and daceing. everyone loved her so she came back for the peace concert. I also carnt weait to see Reema's performance. . not only cos am a big fan but also cos their remixed songs sang by humaira arshad .
thanks yaar!
stop telling me all this stuff...u're getting water in my mouth. lol. (j/k) i cant wait!
Age: 125
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WICKED!! a fellow humaira arshad fan!! i'm lovin' it!!
i 2 am a HUGE humaira fan. the main reason 4 this is, the fact that she learned her trait from the late great ustaad nusrat fateh ali khan, and as u can tell by my username, i'm also his fan!! i have her 3 main albums, and even her 2 cd's in which she sings noor jehan songs!! they're all outstanding!!
but you and umair16 r makin' me jealous both of u got 2 see her and reema 2gether in an interview. i didn't get 2 see it cause i'm in canada. lol. and now u guys r tellin' me she sang 2 songs 4 reems especially?!?!?!?!!!!! i'm going crazy here. lol. both of u PLEASE keep me posted on when this peace concert airs.....i HAVE 2 GET MY COUSIN 2 TAPE IT!!!! LOL.
Age: 125
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they were sitting 2gether (humaira,reema) 4 an interview?! i would have loved 2 see that yaar. lol.
i heard her next album is coming out,on or around basant?? i've heard 2 songs from it, and they seem pretty good. i'm a HUGE humaira arshad fan, so i'm lookin' 4ward 2 it. how abt u?! u seem like a humaira fan as well...r u?!!
Age: 125
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really?!?! reema called humaira the female abrar of pk?!?!!! r u serious saki?!!!
if so, what a compliment, from an established star! and yeah...i agree as well....indeed she is the female abrar! can't wait 4 her next album. do u know when its out??
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lol. i agree saki!! she's the best! she's a straight-shooting kinda gal, and i love that abt her! u see when they played that crazy joke on her?! she didn't even fact she said it wasn't funny at all. LOL. she tells it like it is.....humaira's the best. lol.
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yes! i did attend the abrar, haroon, naghmana, reema super music masti show! but as u said....reema no-showed. lol. the show was good nonetheless!
i want fuzon 2 come here now...hopefully they'll come in the summer....
thanks again 4 keeping me posted! just remember 2 let me know in advance (B4 THE SHOW AIRS), so i can let my cousin know 2 tape it!! i will owe u big time yaar!!
Age: 125
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bye bye 2003 must have been good 2! i wonder what veena malik did??!
as 4 the super musical masti (with humaira, dehler, junoon, meera, etc.) - i'll have my cousin tape it 4 me!! he's not into lollywood stuff tho, so i'm depending on your info, and i will relay it 2 him, in the hopes that he can tape it 4 me!! so PLEASE don't 4get!! otherwise, i really will ask u 2 tape it! lol.
as 4 how many concerts we in toronto, we have abrar come every summer with various singers. thats all. once in a blue moon, we'll have more concerts. just last week shehzad roy, rahim shah, and nirma came. i missed that one. lol. u guys in the UK r lucky!