Age: 125
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Canada, Canada
i didn't know micheal jackson also greeted urmila upon her arrival(FIRST PIC) LOLLOLLOLLOLLOL!!! (J/K)
urmila will learn real quick what everyone knows...jinay lahore nai vekhya....oh jamyai nai! hope she enjoys her stay in pk and her mission/project (peace) is achieved.
Age: 125
7991 days old here
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Canada, Canada
lol. the weather?! cold, but no snow (thank God)! they say it'll rain 2morrow so that might make 4 some dangerous driving situations. lol. how abt in boston? has the snow let up? howz u're back now?! lol.
and btw sanam u watch hockey?! just curious?!
Age: 125
7991 days old here
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Canada, Canada
FINALLY i have some back up. lol. handsome gujjar yaar, me and u will be good friends!
....i just don't see how people (not only iman) hate saima so much, yet they think sana's amazing. lol. she's bigger and uglier in my opinion. lol. yet saima ALWAYS gets the butt end of jokes and ridicule. i guess its the price she pays 4 being THE BEST!
Age: 125
7991 days old here
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Canada, Canada
sanam411 said:
oh yeah!! i can take it!.... hehehe! back hurts cuz i had to clean the one else would do it! bro who was in the bathroom...for like an hour!...wouldnt come out because he knew if he did my father would make him clean the driveway...and my sis...miss *CHAMAK CHALLO* hehehhheeh!!!! .... was pretend sleepin!.... i had to clean the driveway!! father goes...ZUNAIRA CAN U PLZ clean THE DRIVEWAY!..and the car! i was like sure u know!...and plus he was sick...he had a flue! i couldnt say no!..and like he was late for work!!....i dont care!!!...GOOD EXSERCISE...heheh!! was nice cleanin the driveway!!! lol......i wouldve done it anywayz...eveen if my father didnt ask me to!.. GOD MY ARM HURTS....MY BACK HURTS...dont ask!!!..heheeh!!!!
u tell me!!....wuts up!!....anythin new!!!
LOL. i feel bad 4 u sanam jee...i can imagine how hard/painful it must have been! a day later, you're probably sore all over. lol. been there done that! but again....u're a trooper yaar! u'll manage! plus u get sawaab! u did u're mom/dad a favour! what a nice girl! lol.
LOL @ your bro! smart guy! lol. same with your sis! i'm gonna try both tactics one day, and see if i could get MY sisters 2 do some shovelling. lol.
as 4 whats new....kuch nahi sanam jee! just waiting for u 2 come already. khanna teyaar hai! lol. (j/k)
Age: 125
7991 days old here
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Canada, Canada
PartTimeLuver said:
yeah...pehli movie hitt.... but sad for ya...she's not gonna sign any more moviezzz...she said in interview....she said "i m fed up of actin and i know i can't act and i think i don even have a good face".....lolzzzz i agree naseebo...u better quit industry...and allah allah karo ghar beth kar...lolzzzz
lol. nai yaar, don't be so mean. lol. mana ke vo achi actress nahi hogi....lekin punjabi gana uske jaisa, KOI bhi hani ka sakta! i heard the only female singer 2 have their name fetured on adds 4 punjabi movies after the great noor jehan, is ..........u guessed it....NASEEBO! give her some credit yaar!
Age: 125
7991 days old here
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Canada, Canada
oh heat to chaltee hai! sub kuch chalta hai! lol. u'll be warm. lol.
yeah..the winter storm's all over the news! 2 bad yaar! u must be shovelling that driveway like crazy! lol. (j/k) over here....belive it or not....not one significant snowfall yet. lol. just some flakes, but not the heavy duty snowfall. but still its cold as hell. lol. u're a trooper tho....u can take it, right?!
Age: 125
7991 days old here
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i would rather have had sadia imam, zara sheikh, or even sara chaudry do this movie. they look elegant. whenever i see sana...i think PUNJABI movie. lol. in my opinion....she won't suit the role. who knows tho...its just a rumour right now, right!?
Age: 125
7991 days old here
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u've never seen nfak live, lollyfan?!
the volume is from india. (t-series). but the song itseld has been released under MANY labels....u can check OSA in birmingham, uk. they own the rights to almost EVERY nusrat song! if u want it under a pakistani label...sonic, i think has it.
Age: 125
7991 days old here
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Canada, Canada
shabby yaar... u said u talked 2 the producer. if u talk 2 him again, seriously bro...ask him if they're releasing the movie in toronto, canada. no joke. people here want 2 see it and we have a HUGE pakistani/indian population. so if u talk 2 him again.....please ask.
Age: 125
7991 days old here
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Canada, Canada
yeah...those were the good ol' days. my favorite used 2 be hulk hogan growing up as a kid! but now the wrestlers r more real. they take more risks. don't u agree?