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IMAN said:
Okay i'll tell u what was good in it not saying it was a bad movie it was better then some other urdu movies in pak...the songs composed they were really violence that was good...n it was all good all im saying is that the ENDING was CRAP don't u guys get it what im asking here is WHO LIKED THE ENding...thats not askin u ppl to get indian movies in this topic its about ydakh....the ending was not good why did babar die....thats all...n plus it was a simple movie nothing special really.....but again not much movies r made like this in pak so its all good..
agree 200%.
on a side note, the highlight of the movie was when shafqat cheema (the police officer) refused 2 take a bribe. he also gave back a bribe he had perviously accepted! a first in pakistani cinema!!! lol. i loved it.
Age: 125
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sanam411 said:
lol nf!!!....yes LAHORE LAHORE HAI!....i luv lahore!...its like mini newyork!...better than newyork!!.. aur bas whatelse!....liberty chock humm!!..saleem fabrics (clothin store)...and well fostress...( dont know the spellin)....a place to visit!......
lol. perfectly stated sanam jee! a mini new york! couldn't have said it better myself. lol.
and btw...its foRtress! close tho!! lol
and don't 4get....FOOD STREET!!!!! i'm hungry all of a sudden.... lol.
Age: 125
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lollywoodfan said:
Wow u are really a Khan saab fan must have cost alot ? where did get them all from ? I only have a few khan shaab qawwalys . can u tell us your experince when u went to the concert ? what was it like ?
How long did it take u to collect the whole lot ? can u tell me the vol number for NIT KHER MUNGA (punjabi qawally thanks relised in pak). thank u I think we should start anew topic on Ustad Nusrat Fath ALI Khan.
lollyfan...i got 80% of my collection from pakistan. and the rest i got from here (toronto). it took me over 6 years 2 collect everything!
as 4 the concert...i remember i saw commercials that nusrat was coming (summer1996). so my dad got me 2 tickets, 4 the show @ toronto's ROY THOMSON HALL! the place was packed and i swear 2 u...when i heard nusrat was an AMAZING experience. he was a other word 2 describe his presence and his musical intelligence. the amount of people that danced 2 DUM MAST QALANDER was insane! i had never seen people in a trance b4! it was as if the crowd were a bunch of puppets and nusrat's hands (voice) controlled the strings. lol. AMAZING. on a side note...i got my money's worth, cause unlike most concerts, nusrat actually sang LIVE, and he improvised alot.
as fate would have it, that was his last concert in toronto, and thank GOD i was able 2 attend.
t-series, volume8 has NIT KHAIR MANGAN! hope that helps!
Age: 125
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lol. most welcome jee! gimme some time tho...i gotta clean up and make the place look presentable 4 guests! lol. (j/k)
seriously tho sanam jee. its freakin' freezin here now! just 2day it was -7! by the time u get here, it'll be winter, full throttle. lol. good luck. i dunno if u americans can take it! lol. (j/k)
Age: 125
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lol. oh snap people...we've p/o'ed sanam!
i can't speak 4 everyone, but i personally am sorry sanam jee! i DID say that pakistani's in general r a goodlookin' bunch, but we were singling out punjab's 'beuty' cause thats what the topic called 4! otherwize u're right yaar... we're all GOD's creation and we all look good! lol.
.......that being said...still....lahore lahore hai!! lol. (j/k)
Age: 125
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jinaab ffm....koi sadia imam ki scans/pics bhi post karsaktay ho yaar?! sab ki post ki hain, lekin sadia ki koi nahi. lol. if u can.....maybe i could get the same joy deadman and ustaadjee (teen sahib) got?!?!!! lol.
Age: 125
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yaar....lets drop the saima/sana thing, outta respect 4 others posting in this topic. afterall, it's supposed 2 be abt meera/zara. lol. we'll agree 2 disagree. but if u REALLY want 2 continue it...we'll do so in the saima topic. lol. u know where it is!
as 4 karachi bazaar....thats exactly the 1 i'm talkin' 'bout (VP AND ELLESMERE)! so heena video is a few stops away, on VP?! i'm goin' there on friday! lol. is it past ellesmere or b4 it?!
Age: 125
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phew! u had me goin'! i'm glad u were only jokin' yaar!
as 4 the nfak topic...if srk and lollyfan insist, i'll bust it out. otherwize EVERY pakistani knows abt him and his accomplishments. no need 2 open a topic 2 educate people, am i rite?!?!
Age: 125
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desertboy said:
Well, thats what u think....the biggest form of noora wrestling i have ever known..........all they do is act like jerks.......i cant understand how ppl can spend their time lookin at losers beatin the sh*t out of each other..if u really interested in wrestling....u better watch those professional Iranian wrestlers.....these guys are nothing in front of em
yaar please dont get me started!!
professional wrestling (wwe) is the best. its a soap opera for men! no doubt ametuer wrestlers (including iranian ones) r better since they're sport is real...but u'll notice many pro wreslters in the wwe have ametuer backgrouds (ie: brock lesnar, kurt angle, chris benoit, eddie gurrero etc.). plus...even though wwe's matches are pre-determined...what they do in the ring, is very real. the risks they take is 100% real. the broken necks, battered knees, bad elbows, concussions, countless stiches and so on r real. they do all this just 2 entertain us...and i 4 1 appreciate that!
Age: 125
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where in the freakin' hell do u get all this stuff man?! LOL. its amazing! again bro.....u da man! u're like a pakistani information encyclopedia! lol.
Age: 125
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IMAN said:
I do go to karachi and also there is heena video we know that person very well and he gets new movies from pak ...are there any new dramas out.??
i hate the dude @ karachi bazaar. lol. he's such a retard. watch...when u go next time...u'll notice he has these pakistani dvd covers on the counter. when u ask 4 some of the movies, and he says he hasn't copied 'em yet 2 rent out. lol. i've been there a billion times and i ask 4 the same movie, and he never has it. jackass. lol. y put the cover out, if it ain't available 2 rent?! talk abt misleading a
where's heena video?! if they have pakistani stuff...i gotta go! do they have (new)lollywood movies??
as 4 drama's...i have no idea. sorry. have u been 2 brother's halal on gerrard st.? they'll have ANYTHING...u name it. latest drama, movie, anything! NFAKFan37963.2243402778
Age: 125
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paki lion said:
well i can understand iman very well..why she dislike saima....and u cnat compare sana wid sana is more beautiful then ur taste is very very quite different wid 99% of the rest..but i do like sadia imam and veena malik 2 and i hate noor, coz she cant act, nor she cant dance..i always feel ashamed when she is dancing on stage wid pakistani pop stars!
i don't want 2 get into this AGAIN, but if you've bothered 2 see a movie with both saima and sana in it...u would have noticted that sana has a MUCH bigger face (mouth and chin especially), and is bigger physically (length AND width. lol). so if u judge saima by her looks....y not sana? sana should be #1 on your hitlist, cause she's bigger (fact) and uglier (my opinion). but then again, you are very backwards my friend, when it comed 2 judging actresses. lol. ah well...atleast we agree on sadia and veena...!NFAKFan37963.2166087963
Age: 125
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yaar's, i posted a topic on NFAK when i fist joined JB and again when his death anniversary came this past august. and not 2 many people replied...thats y i don't bring him up. otherwise jab bhi music ki baat hoti hai...i ALWAYS will GLADLY talk abt nusrat...ANY DAY.
lollyfan......i have a WHOLE multi-media rack devoted 2 shehenshah-e-qawaal! honest! i have 64 casesttes, 31 cds, 9 video's of live concerts/documentarys, and 2 dvds, and 2 vcds! i was fortunate enough 2 attend his last concert in toronto in aug of '96. my first and last concert of nusrat...i will NEVER 4get...
Age: 125
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IMAN said:
Yup ur right....and nfak im not really saying that i hate saima i just hate her in some not saying she ugly or anything she is pretty n so is sana but noor now come one NOOR...hahahahaaa....i hate noor n i hate vina malik is okay
sorry to say but have bad taste...have u noticed noor's neck its so the drama with faisal qureshi i forgot the name of it....
thats the last time i talk 2 u abt actresses. our views differ 2 much. lol. (j/k)
seriously tho..i'm no fan of noor....but @ the same time i don't think she's ugly. have u seen her in the jawad ahmed video?! not bad @ all!
as 4 veena malik...u OBVIOUSLY have not seen 'saas bhi ek ma hai.' lol. otherwize u'd change u're mind...!!