Age: 125
7991 days old here
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Canada, Canada
ashkay bhai ashkay! lol. great news! i knew this movie would do good, especially in lahore, where naseebo and punjabi movies are appreciated moreseo than anywhere else! thanks for the update PTL yaar!
Age: 125
7991 days old here
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Canada, Canada
lol. sounds like u got some problems 2hot4u. lol. won't someone in u're family help u?!
i'm thinkin' of painting my room 2. when we moved in here...soem little boy had the room i possess now, and the walls are baby blu. i wanna paint 'em NAVY BLUE...! as dark as possible!
Age: 125
7991 days old here
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Canada, Canada
deadman, i would LIKE 2 belive this is true. y u ask?? cause it promotes peace in a minor way, and BOTH india pakistan could benefit from such a union (fuzon/urmila)!
Age: 125
7991 days old here
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Canada, Canada
lol. khan-saab....everyone has their opinion! u should go see LP since u're in lahore. it comes out mid-december! THEN u'll see the saima fans out in hurds! lol.
Age: 125
7991 days old here
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Canada, Canada
lol. i can't see how u hate saima so much, yet u like sana. lol. i guess u're wondering the same abt me tho. lol.
(abt noor)...oh le! i like her yaar. she's not THAT good, but better than sana, in my opinion. lol. u see what i mean when i say u and 1 have COMPLETELY different taste when it comes 2 actresses?! lol.
what do u think of sadia imam and veena malik, my personal favorites?!
Age: 125
7991 days old here
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Canada, Canada
IMAN said:
lolzz...saas bhi eik ma hai whos is that?? i haven't seen it..yaar don't u like sawaan or bulandi i mean whirpool???lolzz
these dramas r the new ones! what can say!? i'm unique! lol.
u havent seen saas bhi ek maa hai?! i loved the old lady (the saas)! the part was played by rehana siddiqi, fariha pervaiz's real life mother. she's HALARIOUS. the stories were so realistic 2. lol.
as 4 mera ghar ek whirpool hai....that was cool 2. they're both finished now. i gotta find me a new drama 2 watch. lol.
Age: 125
7991 days old here
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shahrukh khan said:
no nfakfan this one is enough dont bring more saima's, nfak ki baat kabhi nahi but it should be SFAN
lol. no! i like saima as n actress but she's not more important 2 me than the late great maestro, NFAK! if somebody brings up nusrat, i'll talk abt him 2! koi nusrat ke baray mein baat hi nahi karta. what can i do?!
Age: 125
7991 days old here
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Canada, Canada
slik chik said:
naaaa, i ma playaah...........if life's gona play wid moi, den it btr damn expect to be played wid in return, cuz slik neva lets anybody get away wid pissin her off!
lol. 2 each his/her own i guess. i prefer 2 go with vince's words of wisdom tho. lol.
Age: 125
7991 days old here
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Canada, Canada
i knew he was. i also know he's ORIGINALLY from peshawar, pk. but while arguin' abt him with someone who shall remain nameless....they said srk was athiest...not a muslim. it got me thinkin...and now this article proves that person wrong. good 2 know...