Topic: Walking Tall


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yo! hudz is a girl! sorry yaar!! my bad!

everything's aiight sanam. how 'bout with u?! wats new? u know i was only kiddin' abt girls not playin pool right. lol.

lol @ yas. bro...canadian money's worth less than american. lol.

peeps.....y u bein' so cold with biker. lol. tellin' him he needs deodorant, lockin' him up in a basement, and makin' him vanish?! what'd he do?! poor guy. lol.
Posted 24 Nov 2004

Topic: Help


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n/p scotchtape..

nadia malik... sounds familiar....
Posted 24 Nov 2004

Topic: Walking Tall


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u have an edge these dayz! i'm linkin' it!!! LOL. as 4 hadiqa baji...she's not anorexic! lol she just has a new hairdoo and it makes her seem kamzor i guess. and she looks like she has bags under her eyes now. lol.

yas...ur on! next time ur in t-dot or i'm in the windy city...we're playin' some pool!! u want in on this, biker and hudz?! lol girls allowed sanam jee! larkiyan pool nahi khel thieen!! LOL (J/K)

Posted 23 Nov 2004

Topic: Help


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who's this?

Posted 23 Nov 2004

Topic: Help


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..and now 4 my own viewing pleasure!

Posted 23 Nov 2004

Topic: Help


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nevermind. found more. lol

Posted 23 Nov 2004

Topic: Help


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is that tania shafi?

scotchtape...i think those r the only pics on that site.

i found this tho...


Posted 23 Nov 2004

Topic: Livewires


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i think its a tie between fuzon and mekaal hasan band.

fuzon has a better vocalist, and MHB has better instruments.
Posted 23 Nov 2004


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WHO is THAT?!!!

she's a beauty!!

btw....can amna haq EVER take a pic WITHOUT that loser b/f of hers. lol
Posted 22 Nov 2004

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natasha and vaneeza...
Posted 22 Nov 2004

Topic: Walking Tall


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all i gotta say is...
is it the way we make our way to get on our way...

huh?! lol

now...if u ppl get free time, don't forget to watch this best best best movie of all time, POOLHALL JUNKIES but if u don't know shyt about pool, don't watch it cuz it aint for u then...

u play pool bro?! same here! a buddy of mine has a pool table in his basement and we all play there. if u and me meet up some day...its game on! lol

Posted 22 Nov 2004

Topic: Walking Tall


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sanam411 said:

yeahh!!...i know!!.....challoo everything is good now!!..........

howz HADIQA BAJI doin!! her makeup!!!!

hadiqa baji's doin' aiight! these days tho...she doesn't look like she does in my sig pic. she looks kam-zor actually. lol. but ah well...she still looks good 2 me!     
Posted 22 Nov 2004

Topic: Walking Tall


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sanam jee got off on a technicality!! ur lucky this time, but next time...she might not be so 4giving!! lol (j/k)
Posted 21 Nov 2004


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agree with hudz

i'll back down and call a truce...
Posted 21 Nov 2004


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i hate flyin' kites man. the cuts. they're worse than papercuts. pakistanis and indians back home seem 2 love it tho!
Posted 21 Nov 2004

Topic: Walking Tall


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sanam i had no idea u had a mean streak?! i'm impressed. lol. (j/k)
Posted 21 Nov 2004

Topic: Walking Tall


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i'll take ur word 4 it. lol
Posted 20 Nov 2004


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samiyah said:

if indians didnt do it on their own then how did they do it??? they didnt go to other countries and have to make them see their talent, their talents were discovered cause they worked themselves up and got it on their own, unlike your people who are getting it from india, their talents are being focused on and respected because india is their platform of success, if those people stayed in pakistan they would have stayed in pakistan. indians are not using pakistanis they are appreciating unlike you people who are gaining so much from india are the users! its not only about the greens look at strings if they are getting the paycheck they arent even getting the respect they should demand they be known as pakistani's and not indians, if you go to their site at one time they had india all over it and on their album they are gonna have it say hindi instead of urdu! how come strings will not represent your country if they are so proud of where they come from?? as for just making greens and going back home?? are u serious your stars like reema, momi, zeba, adnan all want fame in india because your country doesnt not only provide decent money to them but you guys dont even support or respect them. all the people do is complain how they dont do this and that and finally when india is accepting them and allowing them some fame you people go and claim them as always being stars and always being your favorite! i agree its about give and take but dont tell me that your actors are not getting more then they ever dreamed of. This just shows that India and Indians are not bad people and they do allow even their rival country people to come and have their dreams and talents recognized without anything in return, do you think your country would give to someone wihtout expecting from them?? i just want you to realize that your people that come to india to give india the pop scene are not doing it only for money they are doing it because they are getting what they always wanted respect and recognition that you people couldnt give them and you should respect india for giving them that and not criticize india because if it was such a bad country your stars wouldnt be their getting respect and help in the first place.

exactly!! indians didn't go anywhere to promote their homegorwn talent: MTV, Sony, Time-Warner, etc came to them. similarly....9/10 pakistani stars don't GO to india to promote their talent: they are ASKED/INVITED to come and they oblidge.

strings not representing pakistan?! are u crazy?! the reason that their album says 'hindi' instead of urdu, is because the company promoting it, is based out of india.

as for pakistan, if you're get noticed and respected. strings got it, junoon, nfak, u name it, they all got respect. reema and nfak won the pride of pakistan award for God's sake! what more respect can they get?! they come to india so that they can conquer another market - thats all. our talent has breathed life into a non-existant indian pop scene. india's top 10 lists have atleast 3-5 pakistani pop songs in them! our singers come to india not to get fame and respect, because they get that in pakistan. they come to india to get MORE fame and MORE respect, cause you have a bigger market! simple as that. its like i said....its all abt give and take: we have talent, and you guys have the means to promote it.

to conclude our debate: you were the one who said that pakistani's try and be like indians - and we are showing you, that you're wrong. indians know how to make movies and they have a larger market but we take the cake when it comes to dramas and pop music. if we can respect your superiority when it comes to movies, we expect the same from you, for our dramas and music.
we appreciate the platform india provides, but india needs to see that while our stars reep benefits from this does your industry.
Posted 20 Nov 2004


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don't know any of them except ashwaria rai.

as far as beauty goes....i'd say the girl in the 10th pic is the best. i've seen her b4, and i know i said i liked her...but i 4get her name. lol. shes the one who said 'mashallah' @ that award show right?
Posted 20 Nov 2004


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aaawww 2 bad man. we have completely different taste in music. i can get fast beats and party music from the western artists. when i listen to indian/pakistani music....i listen to it for the eastern elements!!

as 4 mekaal hasan band....n/p! which song did u listen 2?
Posted 20 Nov 2004

Topic: Culture...


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anytime yaar!

i have 2 find those aricles now. lol. i'll post the links asap!
Posted 20 Nov 2004

Topic: Walking Tall


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Posted 20 Nov 2004


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shaby said:

he died in a plane crash and someone, messed up the engine and i am very happy, that person saved pakistan he had no quraan in his hand he was a sadam hussain.

ur crazy if u compare general zia to sadam husain. the 2 are like night and day
Posted 20 Nov 2004


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haven't seen it in north america yet. but i will keep an eye out 4 it

srk...u seen JO BAAT GHAR MEIN HAI on ARY?? sadia's in it, as well as tania sahfi, talat hussain, and ejaz aslam and some others. real good drama, and its only 2 episodes in. sadia plays a bad girl!!   
Posted 20 Nov 2004


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samiyah said:

i wonder if its gonna be a bollywood or a lollywood film?? what is basant?? is it something for punjabi's??

basant is a kite-flying festival celebrated in all of pakistan during the month of february. ya'll have something similar in india 2 right?
Posted 20 Nov 2004


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javaid sheikh is an assclown. i can respect the fact that he's getting help from india to make the movie and its music, becuse they know how to make movies alot better than us right now. i can even understand if he gets this indian actress to play a part in the film

but what the is he doing by getting an indian actor to play the LEAD, while humayon saeed is in the movie????? whats the point?? pakistan has 2 legit SUPERSTAR actors: shaan and humayon. why would you get someone to play the lead from india, when u have one of pakistan's ace acotors? unless he bags one of the KING KHAN's from bollywood...he's insulting humayon. and on top of amna haq. javaid sheikh. he's a retard.
Posted 20 Nov 2004


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she's married now. she can be as free as she wants. lol
Posted 19 Nov 2004


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lol. she's covered up. its all good.

its her boyfriend, amir bilal (i think thats his name).
Posted 19 Nov 2004


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the following pakistani talent has worked in india:

mohsin khan (cricket player)
nazia hasan (a pioneer for south asian female singers)
zohaib hasan (nazia's brother)
noor jehan
mehdi hasan
ghulam ali
sajad ali
mammar rana
naseebo lal (HUGE among the sikhs in india)
ali haider
sabri brothers
abida parveen
iqbal bano
nayara noor
adnan sami

...and many more. And all of these names were successful in their native pakistan, BEFORE heading over to india, simply to add another feather in their cap.
Posted 19 Nov 2004


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source: the hindu layer (newspaper)
date: monday sept 29 2003

The `Fuzon' layer

After Junoon, Strings, and more recently, Xenia, another band from across the border, is making waves...

THE LATE Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan kick-started the trend, that was followed by artistes such as Haider Ali, Xenia, and the duo of Strings. Pakistani music acts have been well appreciated and accepted in the Indian music scene, for their superior music quality. Apart from Xenia and the late Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, most bands have a strong rock influence on their music. Now, another band that fuses rock with their unique blend of music has hit the music stores across the country.

Fuzon began in 2001. Shallum (Shallum Asher Xavier) and Immu (Imran Momina) were the founding members, who decided to put their heads together as they realised that their musical ideas and tastes were pretty much the same. The next thing we know is that they created a handful of fusion tracks, the only thing lacking was a quality vocalist who would sing for them. Meanwhile, Shafquat (Shafqat Amanat Ali) had been singing for a few jingles and happened to drop into Immo's recording studio (Oh, yes! he did have one of his own.) for an assignment. Shafquat's vocals impressed the duo, who decided to jam with him, and lo and behold, a unique musical Fuzon was taking shape. Immu is a multi-dimensional pianist, who had been playing since the age of 13. His flair for arranging his own music and experimenting with melodies made him set up his own little recording and mixing studio, and this is where the jam sessions took place. Having started to play the piano from the age of 9, he shifted tracks and began "worshipping" the guitar, by practising for eight hours a day for three whole days. Playing for quite a few local pop acts, has brought him to the limelight, and he is now getting recognition for his talent. The vocalist Shafquat has a strong foundation in eastern classical music. But during his college days, he was exposed to rock, jazz, and blues, and ended up fusing these genres and singing them. Most of the songs in the album reflect his unique ability to blend the tunes of the sub-continent in a Western style of rendering.

Saagar (Virgin Records; CD; Rs.199, Cassette; Rs. 65) features 12 tracks, each reflecting something unique in the music. The opening track "Akhiyaan" has been doing the rounds along the FM stations of the country. The energetic and infectious track that begins with a folk vocal rendering picks up tempo along with some impressive guitar works towards the end, and by that time, you feel like hearing it all over again. "Jhoom Jhoom" would probably be the most energetic fusion track in recent times. "Aankhon Ke Sagar" has a terrific melody — soothing and energising at the same time. The guitar mix of this track is impressive too.

The superior vocal quality of Shafquat, and guitar works of Shallum do wonders to the music. In a poll among vocalists of recent bands, one wouldn't be surprised if Shafquat takes the cake.

During these days of musical malnutrition in Indipop, impressive bands like Fuzon provide solace — and hopefully inspire a few Indian bands as well. As they say, music knows no boundaries.


Posted 19 Nov 2004