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HA-HA. no he didn't 'beat me up.'

i meant i don't know where he is. beats me...

anyhow mr. death....they locked the topic of junoon. i have no idea why. so since this topic is already off-topic, we'll continue here. lol.

u said adnan sami's album is the album of the year. great. that was not my point. my point was this: u said junoon was a one song group, and you're wrong. if they were a one song group their latest album would not sell 1 million copies in the FIRST MONTH of relese in pakistan ALONE. lord knows how many more were sold in india, europe, north america and the rest of the world. and i asked u 2 name me an asian BAND who has sold more records than junoon. instead u gave me the 'album of the year.' lol.

secondly, u didn't answer my question. u talk abt fact books....look at your book 2. why is pooja bhaat asking them 2 do music 4 her movie?? if they're 'out' like u say they are, then you're precious bolly would not ask, right?? i'll close with this, which not only proves my point but also puts an end 2 this discussion (hopefully): pappu yaar (mr. death)....tang na kar. lol.
Posted 19 Oct 2003



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lol. beats me....
Posted 19 Oct 2003


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wicked! thanks bro.
Posted 19 Oct 2003


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mr. death sahib, junoon aint a 'one song group.'
1 million copies (of 'dewaar' their latest album) sold in the first week of release shows they STILL kick ass. can u name me any other asian (specifically in india/pakistan) rock band 2 sell even CLOSE 2 that amount?! didn't think so. 'sayonee' was a hit. many more were hits in between. and now we got 'PAPPU YAAR, TANG NA KAR'!!! EVERYONE'S boppin' 2 it - india included.

and why is your precious bollywood after them 2 do music for a lady named pooja bhaat and her upcoming movie?! junoon, out.....i think not.
Posted 19 Oct 2003


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lol @ srk fanatic and ffm.

seriously people! someone tried 2 shoot at saima, but they missed and hit her car driver-side window. she has just pulled into her home and was getting out of her car when some idiot fired. if i met the bumb who did that i would give 'em a piece of my mind. lol.
Posted 18 Oct 2003


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veena's is the best!
Posted 18 Oct 2003


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desibaba, you're putting words in our mouth. this article has NOTHING 2 do with india or how pakistani's want to go there 2 'thrive.' i'm noticing you're tryin' 2 look 4 an argument with all these retarded posts u make. don't u have anything better 2 do?

this article is about music and how junoon's lead guitarist is pushing for it in certain strict REGIONS of pakistan. not the entire country. so how you get the idea that it gives 'insight into the pakistani world' is beyond me. u don't see us assuming a little girl marrying a mutt in a region of india gives us insight into ALL OF INDIA do u??
Posted 17 Oct 2003


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some retard already tried to kill her. lol. they failed (thank god). lol.

and srk i agree with u bro....
Posted 17 Oct 2003



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lol. he's the one who changed the topic himself. he asked me if i wanted 2 make movies. lol.
Posted 17 Oct 2003


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just 2 clear things death i don't think the movie was altered so it could be released in india. it was changed due 2 the sikhs in ENGLAND. they were highly against it (for whatever reason). out of respect 4 them, sayed noor tweeked his story. that says alot about sayed noor as a pure professional and pakistan as a pro-peace nation (in a minor way).

i'm sure it would have been released in india even if the story was not changed. u guys would not mind the original story, would u?? afterall, is it not indian's who constantly remind everyone that 'its just a movie' and films with such topics have no hidden agenda?!!!
Posted 17 Oct 2003



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still enemies.

kane's on raw as a heel, and 'taker's on smackdown as a babyface.

i just want triple h 2 get his title back. lol.
Posted 17 Oct 2003


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no problem lollyfan!

u should catch up and watch these movies! they're great. let me know when u watch one, if any!
Posted 17 Oct 2003


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thats your opinion paki lion.

i look at it like this: while some other pakistani actresses are trying to cross over to india (meera etc.) and make movies under the bollywood name to gain exposure, saima has flat out rejected them. not only that but she is releasing her movie in india under her own PAKISTANI LOLLYWOOD label.

if u can't even give her credit 4 that (sticking with her native pakistan even tho its film industry is in a slump), than u'd have 2 be crazy.
Posted 17 Oct 2003


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lol. back at it again eh ustaadjee?! lol.

aap jaatey kahan hain?!?! u post and then disapear! its empty without u. lol.

aur aap saima ko credit ab bhi nahin de saktey?!?! look at what a big accomplishment she is a part of! common yaar!

Posted 17 Oct 2003



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lol. no yaar! shane is busy with kane in a feud of his own!
Posted 16 Oct 2003


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oh definately!

i already mentioned 'ATIF CHAUDARY'

other good one's include: 'EK GUJJAR 100 BADMASH', 'NOORAN', and 'JAGGA TAX'! i've seen these and they are good.

ones that i have heard good things about, but not yet seen include: 'DADA BADMASH', 'BUDDAH GUJJAR', 'JAG WALA MELA', and 'HAKUMAT' which apparently saima does a GREAT job in.

which ones have u seen?!
Posted 16 Oct 2003


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i agree with wassup17.

we suck at making movies and indian's can be of help in this department. similarly, they've asked US for help in the music area: nusrat did 3 bollywood movies. reshma sang for some movie, and all i know is, the song was more popular than the film itself! adnan sami is working there. and now, junoon's lead singer ali azmat is doing the music for some broad named pooja bhaat, and her movie. so it works both ways. they help us, we help them.
Posted 16 Oct 2003


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lol @ sanam411. shukriya merbaani jee!

anyhow peeps....looks like saima's movie will be a hit. its releasing internationally (including india) - unlike ANY other pakistani movie!!! once again, lollywood's fate rests in the hands of lady saima and once again it looks like she will pick the industry up and breath life into it!!

after all that saima-bashing i had 2 endure, it looks like revenge is FINALLY MINE!!!!! LOL. (J/K)!!

hey...where's tracker sahib!? he comes and

Posted 16 Oct 2003


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yes i finished watching sher-e-lahore!

let me put it this way: it definately is not boring. lol. there is a lot of action. i just don't like the ending, but other than that the movie is good. shaan is great, saima's a joker, and everyone else does good 2!

i would give it a 7/10. nirma and her sleezy dance numbers take away the other 3. lol.
Posted 16 Oct 2003



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lol. its true! vince vs. stephanie. sable will be in vince's corner, and linda will be in stephanie's corner! if stpeh loses, she is no longer GM of smackdown! interesting stuff eh!

as 4 my quote...your suggestion is good, but i like the one i have yaar! its original, and so true! lol.
Posted 15 Oct 2003


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i agree with both of you.

however in the end, this is good for pakistan and its film industry. for pakistan: changing the story to comply with sikhs shows our ability to promote peace in a small way, between pakistan and india. and for our film industry: as we can see....larki punjaban will be a trend-setter for our directors. it's not even released yet and already is has exceeded the hype created by yeh dil aap ka huwa!! this movie will no doubt raise the bar, just like chooriyan and yeh dil aap ka huwa did. not only that, but it will release in pakistan, u.s., canada, dubai, london, and now even india. this is outstanding!

while i don't agree with the story-chage, it's a small price 2 pay for what looks 2 be pakistan's first mega-blockbuster movie. kick-ass job sayed noor!!!
Posted 15 Oct 2003


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lol. saima's the best! a very interesting person 2 talk abt as u all could see! lol.
Posted 15 Oct 2003


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LOL. i guess you're right ydakh. 95% of punjabi movies are not family-oriented! people from lahore and all over pakistan do not watch them with their family at home, so i'll give you that.

as far as my oscar comment, i'm just wondering, why people in general always say 'punjabi movies are bad quality, bad locations, same costumes etc.' they are only made for fun. not for competition with any other industry! so we should all stop complaining, and don't watch them, if we dont like them!? don't u agree?!

thats my whole point jinaab! if the directors have ignored the public up until now, and they have continued to make (bad) punjabi movies, what makes us think they will start listening 2 us now?!?!! obvisouly they will continue 2 make such (bad punjabi) movies, cause in the end, they are just for entertainment!

but in response to shahrukh jee, he said more punjabi movies are being made. thats up2 the directors! nobody is telling them 2 make these movies! if they want, they can make urdu ones!!!
Posted 15 Oct 2003



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wrestling's a farce?!? oh no....i suppose next you'll tell me santa clause doesn't exist. (severe sarcasm).

people who watch it (or most of 'em) do so cause they appreciate the athleticism displayed by the wrestlers and the entertainment aspect of it.

u name me any other show which features everything imaginable: a live audience, suspense, comedy, drama, action, stunts, pyro, hell even love triagnles. lol.
Posted 15 Oct 2003


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lol. my buddies, you're both right. however this is my view:

punjabi movies are being made for lahore and its people. even tho urdu is the national laguage, lahore represents the punjabi speaking public! even tho urdu speaking people outnumber us, that does not mean we don't exist! we need our fill of punjabi movies!!! afterall, they're just for fun. not for oscar nominations. lol.

secondly, if javaid sheikh or sayed noor or anybody wants 2 make a urdu movie, NOBODY is stopping them! its a matter of choice. nobody is holding a gun 2 their head and saying 'you MUST MAKE A PUNJABI MOVIE!!' if sangeeta wants 2 make a punjabi movie, she is entitled to do so! if she wanted 2 make a urdu one, she is entitled to do that as well! its up 2 the director 2 make punjabi or urdu movies....and its up 2 us, the viewers, 2 decide which of the two we will watch!! hai ke nahin?!

lekin if u guys think punjabi movies should stop being made altogether....then you're wrong. u can't ignore lahore and its people!! lol.
Posted 15 Oct 2003


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lollywoodfan said:

Thank u agian but u did not mention the name of the film that u recomended.

the movie's name is 'ATIF CHAUDARY'!

and shahrukh jee..urdu movies are being made! but that does not mean u have 2 stop making punjabi ones!
Posted 14 Oct 2003


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no problem lollywoodfan!

so far, sher-e-lahore is filled with violence! its a typical punjabi movie. i heard it was a hit - the first one after humayon gujjar's success. i will watch the rest and fill u in.

as 4 my vcd's, my parents stayed longer than expected! so i got them just now! another reccommended movie: atif chaudry. its outstanding. moammar does an excellent job, and one song which is picturized on saima is amazing. and it has violence! u should watch.

as far as nirma goes, i had no idea her dance(s) were censored. lol. she goes 2 far sometimes. its one thing 2 try and be modern, but its another thing, to be sleezy. its tasteless. i hate her as an actress. but as a person she seems cool (based on her interviews)...

Posted 14 Oct 2003



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pakistan and india (and even europe) is behind in wwe storylines. i don't know why tho? we're such big fans!

anyhow, the latest is: next event is 'NO MERCY'

it will have kurt angle vs. john cena, undertaker vs. brock lesnar in a biker chain match, and stephanie vs. vince in a father/daughter match!!!! should be good!

and on raw, hbk is beginning a feud with goldberg. hhh is taking time off, so he can get married to stephanie!
Posted 14 Oct 2003


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lollywoodfan, its funny u brought up vcds!

my parents just got back from pakistan and they brought me 30 vcds! one of them happends to be sher-e-lahore! i've watched the 1st half and its okay i guess. but nirma does some pretty DIRTY dance numbers. it definately is not a family movie. lol. i would give it 6/10 SO FAR. i still have 2 watch the rest!

one movie i WOULD HIGHLY suggest tho is: 'sapne apne apne.' this has moammar, saud, and saima. its a mix between bollywood's hum aapke hain koun, and saajan with a pakstani twist here and there. PURE family movie, with NO violence and its funny! i highly reccomend it!
Posted 14 Oct 2003



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lol. indeed, they're quite the disfunctional family! thats what makes them great!

my favorite wrestler is Triple H, as i'm sure u can see!
Posted 14 Oct 2003