Age: 125
8093 days old here
Total Posts: 4129
Points: 0
ur life? O_o i cant blv it * dies of shock * are u talking about admin? and ewhat have u done to go to heaven? i never new u can go there for sheer stupipidity
Age: 125
8093 days old here
Total Posts: 4129
Points: 0
ha! Stop Sign...u cal me dear once more and ill make u stay here the most miserable thing that happened to u capice? Hpow doe s it feel to actually know ur stupid?
Age: 125
8093 days old here
Total Posts: 4129
Points: 0
nah not a massive mess just a lil crap ass mess u sound like a loyal person why dont u do yer frnd admin a favor and just leave or something and never come back now im not aksing u to leave ur cal mate :)
Age: 125
8093 days old here
Total Posts: 4129
Points: 0
well ur not exactly correct there i said u were stupid even b4 u realized it and then u backed me opinion of U and so u think she thinks of u as a boring stupid crap person too?
Age: 125
8093 days old here
Total Posts: 4129
Points: 0
it shud be "ill be dead soon" Three motnhs man:S...i dont know to feel happy or sad...cuz i know three four months and the world wud be one less loopied, lonied! But then again it is THREE MONTHSa:( Isnt there anything that aggravates ur condition?
Age: 125
8093 days old here
Total Posts: 4129
Points: 0
Thats a good nes isnt it I mean ud be happy we'd be happy after a bit o false mourning ur mates wud be happy so its gonna be good btw u have any disease?
Age: 125
8093 days old here
Total Posts: 4129
Points: 0
no....a kiddie forum to rid us of member who think of think of themselves of kids unable to grow up anfd get real about life... tho i will not mind a MATURE adult steaming forum too..:D
Age: 125
8093 days old here
Total Posts: 4129
Points: 0
two reasons for ur lolz!!! Either u cudnt find anything to say NOW....or u actually are amused someone ACTUAlly bothered to vote for U i think it was sharara...u bother her too mcuh!
Age: 125
8093 days old here
Total Posts: 4129
Points: 0
A most irrelevant seems the person posting this is still finding about the bee'z and the immaturity or rather curiousity has not risen to a more subtle level Which in a shockwave gives me this idea that there shud be something for growing up members where they can ask about their erotik fantasies..:) Cheers mates
Age: 125
8093 days old here
Total Posts: 4129
Points: 0
to have an irregularity u HAVE GOTS LIFE not sure bout ur case.....what amuses me the fatc that what makes u think they wud be mourning? i mean did they tell u this or did u just assume?
Age: 125
8093 days old here
Total Posts: 4129
Points: 0
u see ill tell u a secret some people are only alive cuz for some strange reason it is illeagal in our society to kil them u sure about ur reaosn for existense .........still? i mena tell me honestly didnt someone ever tried to u or anything?