Age: 125
7989 days old here
Total Posts: 1740
Points: 0
Tuvalu, Tuvalu
when he was about to end it up and he heard voices..that he thought his heart's voice....he was wasn't the voice of his heart. Actually... it was a voice from a little yellow bird named "Sapna". That Yellow bird saw that guy standing on the bridge and wonder why? It was Sapna the bird responsibility when that guy started ignore the girl.... It was Sapna the bird who told to that guy to "Get a life"...
Sapna the Bird : "hey handsome man.... what are you doing?" desperate man : "I'm confused by a girl" Sapna The Bird : "yeah...girls are confusing.... live with it,I'm also confusing!" Desperate man :"What should i do??" Sapna the Bird :"Well...get a life!!!! I'm going to, that's all I can say...GET A LIFE!!!!!!!"..... Desperate man: "Is that the only thing you can say??" Sapna the bird : "It might hurt you....but you'll be stronger than before...." Desperate man :"Okey....careful on your way to South" Sapna the bird:"I will, I'm going to South for mating....ka..ka..ka.." Desperate man :" Good luck, if you couldn't find good male bird, you can call me!". Sapna the bird : "I will,,.....bye"
Age: 125
7989 days old here
Total Posts: 1740
Points: 0
Tuvalu, Tuvalu
One day...the guy really sick of everything...he just wants to fade away, free from all the pain. He almost gave up with that girl. "Girl......why are you so complicated....why are you so hard to understand!!!!" the guy shouted. "I know you like me too...but why you never admit it to yourself!!!!!!!".
He was thingking to end it up. He stand on the edge of the bridge...thinking.....thinking..... what should I do??? And when almost out of his mind.... he heard voices.......the voice of his heart.
Age: 125
7989 days old here
Total Posts: 1740
Points: 0
Tuvalu, Tuvalu
must be something..... girls like to say opposite thing, when they say must be something.... when they say Hate... actually they like :-)