Age: 125
7550 days old here
Total Posts: 143
Points: 0
United States, United States
well i do believe u guys...n' u know my mom tells me that while she wuz pregnant w/ me, her mother (who's passed away then) used to come in her dream everynight and just sit there and watch her, not saying anything. At the time my mother felt very lonely b/c my parents had just come from Pakistan to the US, my dad used to go to work, and at the time there weren't too many desi's around. But she said her mother (my nani) watched her every night in her dreams, not saying anything. And then when i wuz born my mom told me that she could see instantly that i got my nani's eyes...i guess in ways it was a sign and also to help my mother through this hard time...she was there to comfort her...
Age: 125
7550 days old here
Total Posts: 143
Points: 0
United States, United States
yea the drama is real good, i especially luved the wedding part of it. It wuz real colorful, everyone's acting wuz really good too except amna haq who wuz a lil' week know most here won't agree with me....hehehe...but the ending wuz soooo sad!
Age: 125
7550 days old here
Total Posts: 143
Points: 0
United States, United States
i'm prob gonna see it next weekend...n' i'm so happy it's one of the movies they put up in our theater...they only put a select every month...n' this is the one the chose, some i'm happy!!!