325 gm boneless chicken pieces 1 cup water 1 medium onion coarsely chopped 2-3 cloves garlic 1-2 green chilies coarsely chopped Handful of dhuniya leaves 125 gm basin flour 1 tsp. dhuniya powder 1 tsp. ground zeera ½ tsp. garam masala ½ tsp. chili powder 1 tsp. salt or according to taste 1 pinch soda bicarbonate Oil for deep-frying
Put the onion, garlic, green chilies and coriander with half the water in the blender and blend to a fine paste. Ina bowl mix together the besen powder, dhuniya powder, zeera, garam masala, chili powder, salt and soda. Add the blended liquid and rest of the water and mix well to forma thick paste. Put in the chicken pieces and mix well so that the chicken is well coated with this mixture. Deep fry in hot oil till golden brown. Serve with ketchup or mint chutney.
1/2 kilo beef pasanday (filets) 2 tbs unripe papaya (grinded) 1 tsp ginger paste 1 tsp garlic paste Salt according to taste 2 tbs yogurt 1 tsp chili powder OR 1tbs chopped green chilies 1 tbs oil. Mix together all the spices and yogurt and papaya and coat the beef with it. Leave to marinate for 5-6 hours preferably overnight. Then barbeque over charcoal or you can bake it in an oven.
Age: 124
7836 days old here
Total Posts: 26285
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Lahore, Pakistan
Impetigo is contagious when there is crusting or oozing. While it's contagious, take the following precautions: Patients should avoid close contact with other people. Children should be kept home from school until the lesions crust over. Use separate towels for the patient. The patient's towels, pillowcases, and sheets should be changed after the first day of treatment. His or her clothing should be changed and laundered daily for the first two days. Usually the contagious period ends within two days after treatment starts.
Age: 124
7836 days old here
Total Posts: 26285
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Lahore, Pakistan
The usual sites of involvement are the face (particularly around the nose and mouth) and the legs, although lesions may occur at other locations. Individual lesions begin as red papules, which turn quickly to vesicular and then pustular lesions that break down and coalesce to form characteristic honeycomb-like crusts. Lesions generally are not painful, and patients do not appear ill. Fever is not a feature of impetigo.
Bullous impetigo is a distinctive form of impetigo characterized by the presence of more extensive, bullous lesions that break down and leave thin paperlike crusts instead of the thick amber crusts of impetigo.
Age: 124
7836 days old here
Total Posts: 26285
Points: 0
Lahore, Pakistan
Impetigo Photos
Impetigo (Pyoderma) is a superficial infection of the skin caused primarily by group A streptococci and occasionally by other streptococci or by Staphylococcus aureus.
This condition is seen most often in young children, tends to occur during the warmer months, and is more common in semitropical or tropical climates than in cooler regions. The infection occurs especially often among children living under conditions of poor hygiene.
Minor trauma, such as a scratch or an insect bite, may then serve to lodge bacteria into the skin and cause this infection. While the bacteria causing impetigo may have been caught from someone else with impetigo or boils, impetigo usually begins out of the blue without any apparent source of infection. Impetigo is best prevented, therefore, by attention to adequate hygiene.