so many questions not gonna answer them all at once. you know lil dolly people love talking about themselves this is a good topic.
What do you love about yourself?the person who loves me
What are your strengths and WEaknesses?my strength is the love i have from my family and friends, it inspires me to be a better and more successful person. weakness is good music.
Whats did you dream last night? about a female and male cat wanting to rip me up, a little puppy harrasing me and waking up in my dream with spider webs covering me. not a very pleasent dream to share sorry.
What would you rather have Arranged/Love? Y?a love marriage that is arranged.
How ManY KidS r In Ur FuTuRE? as many as i can get my wife to agree to.
One PLaCe Uve Never Been 2?the town library
One PLace You
PLan to VisiT withIN thiS Year california to see lil dolly and confirm my suspicion of her true identity
HOw ManY SiBlIngs R In Ur HOme? HOw ManY Out? i'm an only child and am out so none i guess
FavoRite Fairy Tale? hmmm does edward sicissor hands count?
FavoRIte COlOr? blue
FavoRite Hobbies that keep you busy this forum. dancing, getting a grade 8 in the piano (i'm 7)
Shower OR bath??? shower ofcourse
Favorite Food? something rich and meaty
WHose YOur best friend?? guys don't have a best friend we have good mates, naveed and luke would be them.
WHo did you talk to yesterday??? lolz aishwariya rai ... i mean lil dolly
Where r u right now??? in chandramuki's kicthen
HOw manY DaYS DoeS it TakE 2 Fall IN loVE? i can only speak for myself, it took me a about a month to realize i was in love
WHats Your FavoRite Weather?sunny and hot
WOuld You Be DoinG in THat KInda WeAthEr?spending the morning playing football at the park, having lunch in our garden with the whole family and some friends, going to the union in the evening and slowely walking C to her house in the cool summer night.
WHenS UR BIrthDay??
WhAt DO You WanT that You Cant HAve?there's nothing you can't have if you put your mind to it.
WhAts YouR
biGGest HOpe???hearing kabir call me dad
Do YOu BEliEve In MiraCLES?they are there to believe in
WHAT R U wishinG rIght NOwfor bread to magically appear so i don't have to go out in the cold to get it
WhAt CaN U CooK?all standard day to day dishes and some special ones too
WhO MAde YoU Laugh TOdaY?Mr Fawlty
WhO MAde You Cry TodAy?lolz haven't cry but when the bills come 2moro i will want to cry
WHat Relaxes U OR destreSses You???talking to my close friends does both, so does playing the piano
FaVorite Sports???the beautiful game - English football
WhAt VIeW do YoU HavE
WHen U LooK OuT YoUR WInDOw?
CHooSe 1: SunSet or SUnRise sunrise sunrise looks like morning on your face
ChOOse ANoTHEr: PAst OR FUtUrepast
WhAt CanT YOu LIVE withOut?air, food, love
WHenS the LAst tIme Yah Went TO THe DenTIst?years and years ago mashallah i have perfect teeth
WhOSe ThINkIn OF You WhEn YoU SneeZe???who's ever bill i haven't paid
WHat DO yoU PraY 4 EveryDay?forgiveness, mercy
WhAt WouLd mAke Ur Life So Much EasiEr?winning the lottery
What Are YoUr GoaLS for 2006?i'll be finishing my masters so full time work in the forensics lab my goal for that is to get the technicions to do all the horid work. i want to get married next year as well.
Tell ME SOmEthIng I havenT AlreadY
LearNed AbOut YAh!