Topic: ~ Izzat ~

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
It's important because it's what makes us different from other animals.
Posted 06 Dec 2005

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Mother and Son, hands down.
Posted 06 Dec 2005

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom

N == You like to work, but you always want a break.
O == You are very open-minded.
A == You can be very quiet when you have something on your mind.
H ==You are not judgmental.

The last three are true.
Posted 06 Dec 2005

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Will do.
Posted 22 Nov 2005

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
I'll take a look.
Posted 22 Nov 2005

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Of course not it's haraam.
Posted 22 Nov 2005

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Hey hey I've posted alot, just not up to your mark.
Posted 22 Nov 2005

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
I was born bad, shame really.
Posted 22 Nov 2005

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Waiting...and watching...for the download box to reach 100% so I can start my work.
Posted 22 Nov 2005

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Nice snaps. I like to party too, but not where there's drinking.
Posted 22 Nov 2005

Topic: Yipee!

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Paperclip necklace, how did you manage that?
Posted 22 Nov 2005

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Oh god, she's back now, suffering, suffering, and more suffering. Be annoyed, I can't deal with an emotional you.
Posted 22 Nov 2005

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
I've used Mozilla in the past, got alot of spyware on the system because of it.
Posted 22 Nov 2005

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Uhm...I felt like eating biryani a few mins ago, lost the desire now. I didn't know you liked, sorry, 'loved' snakes Chandramuki.
Posted 22 Nov 2005

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
It was just as bad today.
Posted 22 Nov 2005

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Me? Sarcastic much Chandramuki. Don't play games with my itsy bitsy heart.
Posted 22 Nov 2005

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Neat. Pretty girl. Mingin guy though.
Posted 22 Nov 2005

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Biryani. Lamb Biryani.
Posted 22 Nov 2005

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Feeling any better Lil Dolly?
Posted 22 Nov 2005

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Single...and happy.
Posted 22 Nov 2005

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
LiL_DollY said:

sureeli sureeli hai

No Im serious

does it mean

you have a sweet voice

I dunno


I'd assume he means he really likes the sound of your voice. Some girls have melody like quality in their normal talking voices, which is very appealing if she talks alot, makes it easier to listen to her!
Posted 22 Nov 2005

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
My fav dish is lamb biryani, but I don't know how to cook it...hopefully my wife will.
Posted 22 Nov 2005

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
I do all the things I do when I'm not alone, it's nothing special for me.
Posted 14 Nov 2005

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
How You Life Your Life

You are honest and direct. You tell it like it is.
You say whatever is on your mind. Other people's reactions don't phase you.
You prefer a variety of friends and tend to change friends quickly.
You have one big dream in your life, and you never lose sight of it.

How Do You Live Your Life?
Posted 14 Nov 2005

Topic: Scenes

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Why do they decorate the rickshaws and buses so much?
Posted 14 Nov 2005

Topic: Islam

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
Points: 0

United Kingdom, United Kingdom
You sure will, the word Islam actually means 'peace'.
Posted 14 Nov 2005

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Desi_MC said:

this is wat im readin now a days.....
i read mostly on ma way to uni n bck to home..... in train
this book is wicked... n the writer brown bhai hes..mwwaaaah an awesome writer.....

ima suggest u to read this book....


I've read the book last year when it first came out, Chandramuki recomended it. It's a good read, they're making a movie out of it as well.
Posted 14 Nov 2005

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
I've read more than I count, fiction and course books. I like the 18th C writers best.
Posted 14 Nov 2005

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
I've read this on the net before and if this was true it would be on the news and movie theaters would be taking extra precautions. It sounds like a conspiracy to scare people from going to the theaters.
Posted 14 Nov 2005

Reckless Tesh

Age: 124
6907 days old here
Total Posts: 232
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
ashkhan said:

Reckless Tesh said:

Don't waste your time pondering about us girls, no two people are alike and there're no 'secrets'. If you want to understand your guy, be heartfelt and genuine to him, if his heart and mind are in the right place, he'll be like that right back.

tesh u sound like a real deep romantic.

i bet u know how 2 keep ur girl happy.

You say the nicest things, about your second line: you'll have to ask the girl.
Posted 14 Nov 2005