(F)(F)allhumdulliah.n cum on ppl bring ur suggestions n opinons into this....one thing ive noticed is whnever we talk about islam or the issue is raised concerning islam.....well unfortunly for some sad reson the topic jus gets burried after a day or to or ppl gate crash n start talkinng abt the total oppiste stuff like slamn khan ect ect.....[^][xx(]
Hadith: (F)(F)(F)The Prophet (pbuh) said: "None of you (truly) believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself" (Bukhari and Muslim)(F)(F)(F)
u r entitled to ur own opinion sis n wat u say is true n from ur heart.......firstly the whole unity dat iz so true we muslims should treat each other equal n work together but for some strong reason we do da oppisit....n as for going against islam.......well i think der is no muslim today that goes against islam as we all hv free will .we use it in the way dat suits us....for example if ur not wearing the hijab or praying ur five prayers or wearing perfume containg alchol ...this doesnt mean we hate hijab its jus the way we r n the way our nafs is controlling us.......Allah (swt) guides us if we ask for his guidance n those who r guided by Allah (swt) well they should help other muslim brothers n sistaz......coz dats were brotherhood n sisterhood cumz into it...but no wat do we ppl do today if one is into islam we would respect thm but think thy r too religious or extreme or we compare ppl which is worng.........
an as one says u r a traveller in dis world... treat diz world as a bridge jus use this bridge to walk apoun n cross da bridge dont build upon this bridge coz it will be no use to u...........
achaa achaa.well let mestart my essay thn...lol.....nah..i jus think n this ismy own opinion n remeber every country n town is diffferent so haan..well most of usour living in da west rite.....n we have alot distractions dat r distracting us n making us slip away from the real goal of life......for example most muslims wanna dress like da west n act like da west n thy dont realize that on the day of judgement it will be all thrown back at derfaces cause the path we should be travelling in is in the path of Allah (swt) not the adjusting the wests life style thinking that this is our final abode n we will not meet our master...coz there is a veil nad hijab between man n his master but REMEMBER on the day of judgement there will be no Hijab between us n the master n wat will we have to answer for well al-alim.........disisjus a very minor problem the muslims hv but there are many more important issues about islam dat we need to sort out coz as one say knowledgeis fast life iz short...........wake up b4 u never wake up n u regret for not waking up..........
[:(]man dat really stinks tooba its sickning n wat a stupid secret[xx(]
Ajnabie.... I believe Role models are ... only and only yours Parents if you have the rich roots.... your soul is perfect... whatever the outer look you have.. You’ll behave nice.... :) your must be very dedicated towards your roots of Islam... you always work for human welfare....
Your parents only teach you the real Islam ... :) that’s all I want to say ... [/blue]
yes dats right but thn again not all youngsters have parents dat r practicing and into their deen me and u my brother we may be lucky with allhumdulliah practicing parents but ive seen those who have cruppted their lives.....y.........bcoz they dont no wat islam is...dey dont be taught staff like adhab.....salaah.......ect but we should make dua for them aswell so dat allah (swt) guides them inshallah.........but at the end of the day the influence of parents jus has an effect on like 80% of the young muslims u will see ppl who cant stand der parent but thats another story.........[director][8)] fee amaanilla
quote:well role models,ummmm now that really is question which sort of role models ur are looking for?wat i see for the younger upcoming genration the role models are Jinnefer lopez,shaking Shakira! that's wat they take as role models For role models in muslims we have Dr.Mahtier Mohamad,Satar Edhi in Pakistan a lot if u look for one
well thats the whole point of having rold models some one you can be like.for example all u c no adays r ppl cumin out with next mans lyrics ect...we need ppl those who can out class this low lifes like jennifer, micheal jakson no offence buut these ppl are somthin on telle and somthin else in real life...........time is short knowlwedge is fast......i been through wat some youngsters are going through n wenever somone mentioned islam to me i would run a mile but now allah (swt) has blessed me and guided meallhumdulliah i would like to show some the view of islam through a key hole coz my knowledge is less and i am like everyone else on some level and need to no more......so thats y we need role models who can help us muslims isnhallah.............ummmm did dat make sense [:I]