Age: 125
7002 days old here
Total Posts: 76
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
nikama said:
once we had a hockey match with another friend's team,and i lost my nickers.so i went to play in trousers,but the umpire was very strict abt the rules,and as both the teams had no uniform,he not only made our team to take off our trousers but the shirts as well,so he could distinguish between the two teams.i played the whole match in just an underwear it was so embarassing,every time i would take the ball and race ahead someone from the crowd would shout,hey,cover your front/back.but we managed to win the match
well nothing like that has ever happened to me, if you laugh along with it the embarassment seems less
Age: 125
7002 days old here
Total Posts: 76
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
1. What do you love about yourself? everything god gave me 2. What are your strengths and WEaknesses? i always think something good can come out of something bad 3. Whats did you dream last night? i didnt dream 4.
What would you rather have Arranged/Love? Y? havent thought about that 5. How ManY KidS r In Ur FuTuRE? when the time comes we'll find out 6. One PLaCe Uve Never Been 2? only one? well.. ummm.. italy 7. One PLace You PLan to VisiT withIN thiS Year no plans of going anywhere 8. HOw ManY SiBlIngs R In Ur HOme? 2 HOw ManY Out? 0 cant wait till they get kicked out 9. FavoRite Fairy Tale? never was into fairy tales 10. FavoRIte COlOr? blue or black 11.
FavoRite Hobbies that keep you busy sleeping playing football 12. Shower OR bath??? shower 13.
Favorite Food? pizza 14. WHose YOur best friend?? dont have 1 too many 15. WHo did you talk to yesterday??? every one that i know 16. Where r u right now??? uk, in my house, on my chair 17. HOw manY DaYS DoeS it TakE 2 Fall IN loVE? days, no. one moment 18. WHats Your FavoRite Weather? sunny day 19. WHat WOuld You Be DoinG in THat KInda WeAthEr? playing football 20. WHenS UR BIrthDay?? 21 june 21. WhAt DO You WanT that You Cant HAve? alot of things 22. WhAts YouR biGGest HOpe??? that i achieve something in life 23. Do YOu BEliEve In MiraCLES? yes, do you believe in god? 24. WHAT R U wishinG rIght NOw i had a new keyboard 25. WhAt CaN U CooK? nothing 26. WhO MAde YoU Laugh TOdaY? TV 27. WhO MAde You Cry TodAy? nobody 28. WHat Relaxes U OR destreSses You??? punching something 29. FaVorite Sports??? football, cricket, abit of tennis 30. WhAt VIeW do YoU HavE WHen U LooK OuT YoUR WInDOw? one big tree, rooftops of other houses 31. CHooSe 1: SunSet or SUnRise[/ LI] hard one, sunrise bcoz of the perfect view from my room 32. ChOOse ANoTHEr: PAst OR FUtUre Future 33. WhAt CanT YOu LIVE withOut? my heart, one person 34. WHenS the LAst tIme Yah Went TO THe DenTIst? when i had to, a year ago 35.
WhOSe ThINkIn OF You WhEn YoU SneeZe??? somebody important, hopefully? 36. WHat DO yoU PraY 4 EveryDay? hmm.. i happy the way i am 37. WhAt WouLd mAke Ur Life So Much EasiEr? that i dont have to study 38. What Are YoUr GoaLS for 2006? survive until 2007 39. Tell ME SOmEthIng I havenT AlreadY LearNed AbOut YAh! im soooooooooo lazy so dont ask me to do anything