
Age: 124
7907 days old here
Total Posts: 5
Points: 0

United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Posted 19 Feb 2003


Age: 124
7907 days old here
Total Posts: 5
Points: 0

United Kingdom, United Kingdom
it is a matter of proud for me to know asian.b coz she is a very kind and wise person and i could not of got through school with out her![;)]
Posted 17 Feb 2003


Age: 124
7907 days old here
Total Posts: 5
Points: 0

United Kingdom, United Kingdom
she says that when she looks at the tree's she knows by the wind when to put her hair up or down?im not a girl so i would not know!if only she would understand that when you look at a tree dont look at just a plant or a peace or wood but think of all that god has made and that we must keep that peace and love and make sure it will never die![8)]
Posted 14 Feb 2003