
Age: 2024
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Duringa student’s academic career, he/she has to write about a lot of paper and
develop a case study is also a part of it. Most students don’t know how to
write a case study or what is their element? There are several aspectsof case studies, and before understanding that most students begin their work,
this leads to insufficient knowledge and low grades. Read more to know about
the several elements of a case study and make it a point to use these while
developing a case study. (AntiderivativeCalculator, Probability Calculator,InverseFunction Calculator, Radiusof Convergence Calculator)
1.     Create a good story
Studentsgenerally don’t enjoy writing case studies because of a lack of knowledge and
drab delivery of the story. You need to make an excellent story out of facts,
use tricks and tips to turn the points into engaging stories. You can avoid
making the story into a dull piece by approaching it from a different
perspective. For example, imagine an employee who stole materials from a shop
was laid off from his job; think of the same scene but from a different
viewpoint. An employee was in a rush to visit the hospital because his relative
is in the hospital. While leaving the shop, he/she forgot to leave the
materials in the shop. When you see a story from a different angle, it changes
the meaning; this is how you can make your account enjoyable.
2.     Include interesting characters
Itis essential to include an exciting character in your story; otherwise, readers
won’t show any curiosity to know more about the case study. Your characters
need to have a back story, personality and relevance to the story. Think
creatively and develop scenarios where you can fit them. The story needs to
have a good plot that can describe the depth of the characters.
3.     Use realistic scenarios
Itwould be best if you thought of scenarios that people can relate. While writing
academic papers, you get habituated with writing essays and assignments and
developing all papers. Use your writing capabilities to create original and
realistic scenes. It can give the story the oomph factor that it needs. The
writer must develop content that can emotionally connect with its readers.
Think of how Procter And Gamble advertises their product, it through agood story that connects with their consumers.
Theabove mentioned points are described briefly to provide you with an idea about
the elements of a case study.
Source: https://ellariasandy.medium.com/elements-of-a-successful-case-study-da004d21739c
Posted 10 May 2021


Age: 2024
1417 days old here
Total Posts: 16
Points: 10

Thereis enough evidence to believe that the origin of finance is old, like human
civilization. Simplistically, finance is the handling of money/funds with
activities like borrowing, budgeting, investing, forecasting, lending, and
saving. Go through the financial statements of Proctor and Gamble to get a vivid explanation of the same. When aneconomic case study is assigned to students, learners often don’t get the idea
of where to start. It’s the reason they seek expert assistance. A financial
case study can be classified into the below-mentioned categories: (Cost-BenefitAnalysis)
a)    ProfitabilityOptimization: Every organization aims to maximizetheir revenue model, whatever the economy the country is going through. Here,
the business managers make the most of invested capital. While handling a
financial project of this type, you also have to mention the cost and revenue
assessment that further includes NetPresent Value, BrandManagement, which otherwise, your project will be incomplete. (DissertationStructure)
b)   Pricingoptimization: It works similar to profitabilityoptimization in many ways. Here, the main objective of organizations is to
attain maximum profits by setting optimal prices. While writing this case study for your exam, you can alsoconsult other related topics like industry landscape, competitor dynamics, etc.
(ForeignDirect Investment)
c)    Industrylandscape and competitor dynamics: When a companywishes to expand its non-core functions so as to free up capital and thereby,
investing in emerging industries, it can be termed as an industry landscape and
competitor dynamics case study. Managing this sort of project all by yourself
is indeed tricky. The best and easiest option is to hire a professional, and
with his/her suggestions, you can get the necessary insights. The expert can
also make you understand complex financial concepts like perpetuity, inflation, liquidity, etc.
d)   Newproduct or project: It is another case studytype that mainly deals with competitor dynamics, industry landscape, market
entry/expansion, etc. It may also include decisions like purchasing and
investing. The acquisition concepts may also be applied in this regard.
Afinancial case study can be diverse, and you need to be acquainted with the
complexities involved in each type. The above-mentioned aspects are some of the
primary financial case studies that university students have to deal with.
Posted 07 May 2021


Age: 2024
1417 days old here
Total Posts: 16
Points: 10

Likemany others, if you have no idea about real estate investments, GeographicalPricingnet present value isnot less than an alien word for you. In simple terms, it is the way you measure
the investment performance of a property. To calculate its value, you have to
convert the investment cash flows into an amount that will help a real estate
investor make correct analysis and comparison decisions. The value holds true
in either of the two cases; you want to optimize your funds at a given time or
lower a cost to get a particular benefit. (BorderlessSelling)
 Ifyou are writing a case study on real estate valuecalculations, you need to know about the components to calculate or interpret
net present value. (DebtSnowball Method)
Thefuture sale proceeds you will receive or expect to receive during the time of
owning a property are discounted back with the discount rate to measure the
present value of funds added to your primary investment. It is the best way to
define net present value. (CompetitorIndexing)
Let'stake a look at the components.
·      Holding period
Ata given time, you want to hold the property or invest in the property. It can
be five years, ten years or more, but it can never be for perpetuity.
·      Primary Investment
Itis the net cost of investment. You can calculate it by adding the loan point to
the property's price and deducting it from the total amount of the loan.
Suppose Procter And Gamble pays $ 100000 for aproperty and get a loan for $ 70000 at one point, their primary investment will
be the price of the property ($100000) minus the loan ($80000), that is $20800
·      Cash flow
Itis the estimated funds that are collected at the end of each year. You can
calculate the cash flow by deducting the operating expenses, debt services and
taxes from the property's rent.
·      Sale proceeds
Theamount that you expect to receive by selling the held property is sale
proceeds. However, you have to deduct the brokerage commissions, remaining loan
balances and tax from the sale of the property from the actual sale price to
get the nets ale proceeds.
·      Discount rate 
Ineasy terms, it is the minimum rate of return you want to receive from holding
and being the property owner. 
Ifyou are a student or a practised expert, learning about the net present value
is crucial if you are interested in real estate. You can better understand the
components of the net present value from the discussion above.
Source: https://sites.google.com/view/ellariasandy/unknown-facts-about-net-present-value
Posted 06 May 2021


Age: 2024
1417 days old here
Total Posts: 16
Points: 10

The term time valueof money and Net Present Value reflects the relation between money and time. In thebusiness world, every time is precious. A small amount of investment can
provide significant returns later. This is also represented as TVM. (Target Market)
TVM is the basics of money related to time. For example, the marketvalue of things is much higher now than they were earlier. This was always and will
be the case. This is of great profit for a businessman as prices of market
stocks rise. Students in the field of stores and business can find this a very confusing
topic; that is why most of them seek assignmenthelp (Effective interest rate).
Most experts in Procter And Gambleand college application essayhelp consider TVM as discounting principle. This is because it acts as a
discounting time bridge which the present and the future. This means the amount
paid now will be worthless in the future because the price at that time would
be much higher, but the receiving payment will be based on the deal made in the
The formula for the time value of money
The formula for TVM is:- FV = PV x [ 1 + (i / n) ] ^(n x t)
Where, FV= the future value ofthe product
             PV= the value of the product rightnow
               I= interest in the product
              N= number of periods provided
               T= time
Benefits Of TVM
Now let’s have a look at thebenefits of TVM.
·      The concept of TVM generates compoundinterest which will provide more money in future years. This is significant for
the party receiving the money.

·      This helps in return investment.For example, a person who is earning 4000 now can get an interest of 500 along
with 4000 in the future, which would result in 4500.

·      This applies to inflammation aswell. What comes for 500 now may come at the cost of 800 in the future years.
So it is better to follow time value for money and have it now.

So this is how the timevalue of money works.
Posted 05 May 2021


Age: 2024
1417 days old here
Total Posts: 16
Points: 10

Posted 30 Apr 2021


Age: 2024
1417 days old here
Total Posts: 16
Points: 10

Are you stuck with your assignment and be afraid of getting the grades of your choice? Then you have come to the right place. 
Teachers' favorite and most requested assignments are essay writing assignments. There are a variety of reasons why this is the most common writing style. For instance, since this writing style is the easiest when properly understood and caters to beginners, it also aids the student's ace up. However, to improve your skills, you must first understand the structure of essay writing and how to approach the essay with the help of Assignment Help, Case Study, Procter And Gamble, Perpetuity experts.
What Is the Format of An Essay?
An essay, like every other type of academic writing, follows a fixed format. The essay may be short or lengthy, but some parts of an essay remain the same, for example, the introduction and conclusion.
Arguments, counter arguments, interpretation, and other background material may be inserted anywhere in the essay depending on the meaning and information to be conveyed.
Format of An Essay's Outline?
All standard college essay formats are broken down into three sections: 
  1. Introduction- The introduction is the most important part of the essay, and why shouldn't it be? After all, this is the section of your essay that your readers would read first. It should express what you want to say in the best and shortest way possible if you have any doubt, take assignment help to write an introduction (Net Present Value). The thesis statement should come at the end of the introduction. A thesis statement is a statement that expresses what you are attempting to demonstrate in your essay.
  2. [/*]
  3. Body- The body of the essay is where the conversation takes place. It is usually three paragraphs long, but it could be longer if necessary. This follows the introduction and elaborates on the thesis argument. Since the essay must be coherent, the paragraph that follows the thesis statement must both represent and expand on the thesis statement.
  4. [/*]
  5. Conclusion- The conclusion is the final section of the article. In simple words, a good conclusion should clarify the whole introduction, body, and conclusion, but do not copy the entire thing from above. Also, do not include something new in the conclusion section.
  6. [/*]
So, what are you waiting for? Begin writing the college application essay on which you have been hesitant to take a chance. If you ever lack faith in your ability to write an essay, you can seek assistance from our online essay typer.
Source: http://colleye.96.lt/members/ellariasandy/buddyblog/my-posts/15009/
Also Read:
Posted 30 Apr 2021


Age: 2024
1417 days old here
Total Posts: 16
Points: 10

Strategic marketing can be described as theprocess by which an individual can structure the different business activities in
an efficient manner. This is done to communicate right value to the consumers so
that the best desired result can be achieved. The main concept of this
strategic marketing is to develop unique ways by which mediocre products can be
sold in the market successfully attracting a wide range of customers and making
higher profits. Again, it is seen that due to improper marketing strategy, a
flourishing good company can fail miserably thereby moving out of business.
Therefore, students have to first develop the basic understanding of the
concept of strategic marketing following which, they can proceed further with
the assignments provided form the universities.( Time Value Of Money)
It is very important for the students (pursuingsuch degree) to learn about a number of steps in order to develop significant
knowledge about the subject.   Expertswho are providing strategic marketingmanagement assignment help, College Application Essay,Academic Poster students by discussing the importantpoints of strategies marketing. This first include the analysis of the market
knowledge along with the implementation of suitable penetration strategies that
bring good profits to the organization.  Moreoveradaptation of different efficient distribution channels is also very important
to connect with the different customers. This is a difficult part and therefore
experts are available who help students in these steps so that the assignments
ultimately prepared earns them high marks. The responsibility of the students
is also to enhance their knowledge in the development of pricing strategies
which is indeed one of the most important sources of development of the pricing
strategies. Moreover, the students should also learn about the proper message construction
which is significant as they convey the value to the market. The students also
should make sure that they can properly develop the knowledge about how the
essence of the business can be developed and delivered properly to the market
as well as the consumers. It becomes also important for the student to develop
the knowledge about the steps of investment which should be planned, processed
and thereby forecasted towards the Target Market.All these are very important step to be known by the students.  However, due to it vastness of the topic,students often fails to cope up with the pressure of the subjects and the topic
of assignments. They feel helpless as they cannot understand how to proceed
with the task. In such a scenario, it becomes important for the students to
seek help from experts regarding the strategicmarketing management assignment.
Often students are provided with topicswhich they find difficult to handle while writing the assignments. They may not
have enough in-depth knowledge about the topics and hence it becomes
problematic for them. In other cases, students also do not have proper academic
writing skill as a result of which the assignment lack proper quality and do
not earn high marks. Sometime they also have poor research skills which fail
them to get good marks. Hence experts help such students in strategic marketing
management assignment so that they can get good marks.
Posted 28 Apr 2021


Age: 2024
1417 days old here
Total Posts: 16
Points: 10

Myassignmenthelp is the right destination where you can get easily reliable and the best assignment help services according to needs. We have more than 4000 Ph.D. experts who provide the best online study help services to the students. You may wonder why we are so confident in our writers. Our service is helpful for the students in writing assignments on various subjects. We provide online Assignment helpadmission essayTop quality essaysargumentive essay to the students of the University of Sydney, University of New South Wales, Sydney Law School, Sydney College of Arts, Sydney Nursing School, and UNSW Business School. 
Posted 16 Apr 2021