My heart is broken
my eyes keeping leaking
i see your face everywhere
but i know im only dreaming
you took that fateful ride
on the fateful day
for a litte fun with friends
if only you knew you would have to pay
you took that road too fast
and landed your jump too wrong
sometimes i imagine your faces
when you knew that you be gone
i sit up late at night
thinking of your face and smile
you were a great friend and person
to everyone, even if for just a short while
i hope your soaring high
reaching every dream
i miss you so very much
all of our tears could create a stream
its easy to say you're in a better place
but even so you're not here
we've come to accept it
but its not something we can bear
so i promise i'll see you someday
and hear ur voice and laughs
even though i wish you'd hadn't of taken that ride
i wish you the best and
i will miss you always.