Age: 125
8101 days old here
Total Posts: 2219
Points: 0
Ireland, Ireland
dts good dear, hope u hav fun!
n same here turipti dear!u goin any where 4 hols? i might be doin a good ol tour around ireland, visitin frndz n shtuff! plus, cnt wait to go to dublin 4 shoppin, money burnin hole in ma pocket! sumbody get da fire extinguisher! arrghhhhhhhh!
Age: 125
8101 days old here
Total Posts: 2219
Points: 0
Ireland, Ireland
me, well, i had a presentation 2day, n surprisingly, it went really well! so me is happy, tomoro is last day in uni, den im off 4 2 weeks 4 easter! wooohooooo!
Age: 125
8101 days old here
Total Posts: 2219
Points: 0
Ireland, Ireland
falsafi, sorry mate but dat is jus purely ruuuuuuuuuudddddddeeeeeeee! n guess wat, it aint funny either! too bad da blind man didnt smell ur runners, hed keel ova n die! hahahah! now dts makin me laff! n 4 future, dun mess wid ladies, aint good 4 ya man!
Age: 125
8101 days old here
Total Posts: 2219
Points: 0
Ireland, Ireland
wow, ur 5"7 n ur only 84lbs! yaar, juss be happy wid da way u r, ppl can neva be satisfied, they either hav a prob wid othrs bein 2 skinny or motee! so juss take it easy n eat well, eat loadsa cheeze n dairy products, but not if u suffer from acne or sumfin like dt! if so, den eat loads of carbos, they r good to put on wait aswel, especially da good ol potatoes! da irish cnt go wid out them 4 a day! lolz
Age: 125
8101 days old here
Total Posts: 2219
Points: 0
Ireland, Ireland
well, sapna, if desi food aint workin on ya den i hav no idea, i used to b like dt aswel, no amter hw much i ate, it wud hav no affect on me! i mean, i hav a cuzin n she is a total desperate case! she is only 5"1 n she's like a stick, but the amount of food she eats, gosh, its unbelieveable!i used to feel like runnin away wen i used to go over to her house!she was always eatin! n shes married now n shes gna hav a baby soon aswell, but she's still skiny! so i wundr its prob becuz ur only 17 yet, wen ur nearin 19, itl go away its self, believe me, i was in da same situation! so dun worry bout it, it'l take sumtime!
Age: 125
8101 days old here
Total Posts: 2219
Points: 0
Ireland, Ireland
hahaha, ye wol mujhe se budlaa le raha hai!cuz i call hime wolly instead of wol, buz hes too nice to rite da ful version, i told him to write it cuz i like it but he wont listen to me! but dun worry, he'l tell ya now dt u wana know! ya see, hes seen my pic so he knows dat i look like a c******! hahahaha!