Age: 125
8100 days old here
Total Posts: 2219
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Ireland, Ireland
sorry to interupt admin jee bt marriage is part of out religion, infact, religion is an aspect of our whole life n we cnt put it aside jus 4 our own wants n needs! n i feel dt u r makin it sound as if parents shudnt hv to reason wd anything, n kids shud take all da pressure building up in this situation!this only prooves dt da parents r way too selfabsorbed n selfish,n dt aint a good example to b settin up as a parent! da prob wid our society is dt sum of da younger generation seem to let da parents walk al ovr them, n dts da exact reason y our parents in return strt expecting beyond fair n reasonable expectations! n btw,y is da younger generation always portrayed in a negative manner, i mean, juss becuz sumbody is older n they hv kids dont make them alot more aware dan da youngsters, it depend on da persons awareness, dts all, age doesnt hv much of a part to play in being aware of ur surroundings, it depends on da way u view things! so, as for me, im stickin to ma guns, n i dnt agree dt anybody, be it a guy r gal, hv to force themselves or b forced by sum1 else to marry sum1 they rnt keen on! n u guys seem to 4get dat its a matter of 2 lives, not juss urs! u also hv to think if u cn give da luv n respect bak 2 ur spouse dt dey hv a right on, i mean, u wont b able to help how u feel 2wards dem, its not juss bout u n ur parents!
Age: 125
8100 days old here
Total Posts: 2219
Points: 0
Ireland, Ireland
bazi jee, i absolutely agree wid u, i mean, i agree parents know alot more bout da world cz they've been here lngr, bt hw cn u accept any kid to grow up if they dnt make their own decisions, r they gna depend on da paretns 4ever, n dont 4get, those kids mayb parents sum day aswel, hw cn u xpect them to try n giv advice to there kids wn they hv no xperience of makin decisions themselves i think any gurl or guy hv da right to marry who ever they want, like bazi sed, its there life, n its not a question of wreckin 1's life, i mean who wud intentionally wreck there own life?its life n nothing in life goes wid da flow, there r twists n turn, sum 4 da good n sum 4 da bad! bt wt ever happens, atleast u know dt u tried! n btw, da thing about marriages workin out or not, marriage is not sumthing dt takes its course, both hubby n wife hv to work at it, i mean if u dont try n improve a relationship n juss pretend dt things r gna b fine, dts not gona work, b it arranged or luv marriage! hope no 1 is offended bt its juss my opinion!
Age: 125
8100 days old here
Total Posts: 2219
Points: 0
Ireland, Ireland
hey turipti! i dun think so, u c, da thing is dt ive seen these b4 aswel, n they look like images of a picture of da sketches! ya c, i know alot bout art, n i think joop jee decided to trick us all! ...lolz!
Age: 125
8100 days old here
Total Posts: 2219
Points: 0
Ireland, Ireland
ok ok, i believe ya bazi, bt if she did, i hope ud share it wd me cz we r business partners aftr al! by da way, how far r we from releasing da album?....lol
Age: 125
8100 days old here
Total Posts: 2219
Points: 0
Ireland, Ireland
hey joop, nice work, but i think iv seen da last 1 sumwhere else aswell!hmmmmmm.........cud it be dat u tried to imitate dt pic? u see i also paint n draw! hope ur not offended!juss wundrin!:)
Age: 125
8100 days old here
Total Posts: 2219
Points: 0
Ireland, Ireland
well, im a sagittarius, but dts not on da poll, 4 sum strange reason, so i voted 4 aries, cz dts da 1 i like 2nd best! aries usually hav a very dynamic personality n there r realy adventurous n they always look to do new things! so ma vote goes to aries! libras ok 2 but they tend 2 loose there ballance sumtimes! j/k, lolz!...no offense !