
Age: 32
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As a professional blogger and have just reached my 10k followers point. I recommend to test this promotion and its opportunities. I believe it is quite fair and open system. Moreover there are a lot of scam on the market right now and people should be aware of the situation
Posted 13 Jun 2020


Age: 32
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Hi, I think you can easily make any design with the help of some textures like this black plastic texture for example. It is very easy if you have skills for it. I think you will be able to do it yourself ;) Plus every plastic texture from the set is realistic and high quality, deserving its place in your tools. Hope it can help
Posted 08 Jun 2020


Age: 32
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You see, Africans are very emotional people and they like to be the part of game. They feel very excited about it.  I am a big football fan and can spend hours watching my favorite club playing. I also bet through from time to time to get some strong emotions
Posted 12 May 2020


Age: 32
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Use Props to the max: Always get to a hideout (huge bush/wall cover/house) while idle in the game. That is, while checking bag items or taking health consumables or checking the map, always get to some cover so that you are not exposed as an easy target.
Posted 30 Apr 2020


Age: 32
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Hi, try PUBG coaching? and you won`t have any regrets. I actually wasn’t sure but genuinely a great service and trustworthy. If you’re struggling for time or people to play with these guys are worth a shout. I had the most exciting experience and would definitely deal with them one more time. Highly recommended 
Posted 30 Apr 2020


Age: 32
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Same as the first game, most likely, as the roles haven't drastically changed for the different roles. I know short answers are “bad”, but to be honest with you, as it is a videogame you can do what you want to and no one will stop you. But just in case…Titans are tanks meant for head on attacking and are best for people who like to rush and dish out massive damage, they excel at making themselves a targetHunters are mostly stealth and marksmanship, lending well to playing in many situations, but suffice to say you must maintain your mobility if you intend to be successfulWarlocks are a very clearly intended support class and they have the ability to play that way, but due to their versatile nature they can play at most roles in a jack of all trades fashion
Posted 24 Apr 2020


Age: 32
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Have you considered any PUBG LFG coaching already? It is pretty cool and easy. You can play with  PROs on Survivor mode or ask them to play at lower ranks. The rules of the game allow you to create and develop additional game accounts, so PRO's can play with you from their alternative low-rated accounts. I`ve been tested such a great service and should say it works pretty well for me. Simply give them a try
Posted 05 Apr 2020


Age: 32
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Level up your gathering professions as you go (gathering) and wait to max out crafting professions. Level them up as you get the mats for them, but don’t waste gold and time maxing out your blacksmithing skill at each new rank. Resources will be easier to gather once you are higher level and better able to farm gold and materials from the overworld/instances. Plus, you’ll need your gold for that mount.
Posted 04 Apr 2020


Age: 32
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Whatever you do, verify that any broker you consider is properly regulated.Avoid unregulated trash like hugosway and cryptorocket that are being spammed aggressively on quora. These posts are not from real people, but from a spam network paid to promote.
Posted 28 Feb 2020


Age: 32
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Well, yes, technically, but usually not enough to notice. But I do not have such problems at all with this youtube to mp3? converter. Just two simple steps to get your mp3 from YouTube. Copy-paste the URL of the video, click the “Convert” button. Flv2mp3 has a wide range of alternative formats to choose from: WMA lossy, Apple's AAC for Mac, DivX, mp3, and many more. I simply adore it
Posted 26 Feb 2020


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The strongest physical attribute Messi has is his incredible ability to increase or decrease the pace/accelaration (mind you this isn't sprinting) at his will and yet have ball stuck onto his foot. His change of direction in a split second and taking off with an incredible accelaration (again this isn't sprinting). Dropping his shoulders to left and turning right when defender already concluded that Messi turned to left. These are just few things that he does with his body and keeps ball rolling. I am not sure if these came natural to him and later he improvised using his intelligence or he learned those traits by training or practicing every day.
His down to earth attitude and being a team player first.
His ability to read the game is phenomenal. His ability to understand his role in the team depending on the tactics employed is unbelievable.
He is the only one who can play false 9 to the perfection on both sides of the ball. And hence Pep started building his team around Messi though he was only 20 at that time by completely redefining what and how to utilize a false 9.
Posted 22 Feb 2020


Age: 32
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For me, it would be F C Barcelona. The reason is not because they play well or that they have completely revolutionized the football world(they have done all that).
Posted 22 Feb 2020


Age: 32
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Messi and Ronaldo are both the best football players to ever grace the field, but the hate that you see on either of them is dumb fans who aren’t really football fans, but are rather fanboys of either athletes. Any true football fan can come to appreciate their rivals elegance with the ball at their feet and their will to win every game.
Posted 22 Feb 2020


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Lm10 is better I assume you mean lionel messi it because of what he has done and is doing. Leo messi is better because of all the skill work he use to do as a young player and now. Messi is more a player maker cause you a team can win a title not a player. Messi is a true leader in all ways. The real thing for messi it never was a competition for him he only wanted winning as Barcelona and Argentina player.
Posted 22 Feb 2020


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Its hard to said, they play at different times, but I think Maradona was better, he transformed average teams in titles contender.
Brazil was one of the best team in the world, so good that managed to win a World Cup without Pele, Maradona won a World Cup with Argentina playing with average players and leading his team on his back. Pele played his entire career in Brazil league playing in Santos, the best brazilian team of the time and the base for Brazil Squad, Maradona played in Napoli, a middle table team, against teams like Juve, Milan, Inter, in one of the most difficult eras of italian football and won the league two times.
Imagine if you changed places between Pele and Maradona, I doubt Pele could win Serie A with Napoli and a World Cup with Argentina and for that Maradona is better to me, he had more impact on the field, Pele was in the right place on the right time and did his job, Maradona was in the wrong place on the wrong time and did the impossible.
Posted 22 Feb 2020


Age: 32
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To get more information about how to work in team, to attend some online cources. 
Posted 22 Feb 2020


Age: 32
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Juventus- £255.1 MillionThe Old Lady is Italy's best football club. Founded in 1897 by some Torinese students.The club has worn a black and white striped home kit since 1903.The club has won a thirty-three official league titles.
Posted 21 Feb 2020


Age: 32
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All you need to play a game of football is a ball and a pair of shoes. You can put a net together yourself if need be. You can practice dribbling by yourself, or find a buddy to kick the ball around with. Joining a league only requires a pair of cleats and shin pads. It’s so accessible to everybody.
Posted 21 Feb 2020


Age: 32
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Yes, I do!  Messi is the most talented and titled player ever. If you are a real amateur of football you have the same opinion. I have been his fan since 2002 and since then I have watched practically all his matches. I also bet through h from time to time to make sure he is a real star
Posted 21 Feb 2020


Age: 32
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Depends on your needs greatly. There are lots of effective apps by the way. I can recommend you use phone tracker This will help you track both the location of the phone owner, his text messages, and the flow of calls. It is the most handy tracker I `ve ever met. Cheers
Posted 18 Feb 2020


Age: 32
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Thanx for such a detail description. I also have some insides. Earthy greens paired with bronze or gold look stunning as well as grays. Make sure to pair them with a burgundy or dark brown shadow to create depth and definition.Plums and purples will make your eyes pop because these colours (amber and purple) are on the opposite side of the colour wheel, allowing themselves to enhace each other.
Posted 27 Jan 2020


Age: 32
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Well, to tell the truth I would rather recommend to purchase some mag box. I have MAG420 and it works pretty well for my family. You see, this set-top box easily reproduces 4K content at 60 fps and does not create excessive network loading. Moreover you will forget about any technical troubles with setting up. It is pretty handy. Hope it can help
Posted 23 Jan 2020


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Messi has a simple life on and off the pitch while on the other hand CR7 knows how to be in the limelight. It’s not like Messi doesn’t hates to loose but CR7 shows it more on the pitch, visual. Brand endorsments, donations, launching his own brands, winning international trophies, activity on instagram- he is always more visible and vocal than Messi- hence fans are able to connect with him more.
Posted 17 Jan 2020


Age: 32
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It’s natural any fan will consider following F1 racing more than a gentleman game like cricket. People love aggression. CR7 is exactly that and his slight arrogant nature, which he has earned makes him even more known amongst the fans. When it is coupled with the extremely good looks he have, no fans want anything more.
Posted 17 Jan 2020


Age: 32
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Well, I do not think so. Ronaldo is the most talented and titled player ever. If you are a real amateur of football you have the same opinion. I have been his fan since 2002 and since then I have watched practically all his matches. I also bet through  from time to time to make sure he is a real star
Posted 17 Jan 2020


Age: 32
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Messi leads his team 3 times in copa america final and one time world cup final, he played but he lost.. ronaldo lead his team final for 2 times in euro where he lost in 2003 vs greece and not played final in 2016.. both has not won any trophy by playing final.. Messi won Olympic gold medal and under 20 world cup with Argentina. But its a team game , he is the most talented individual football player ever and he is the most talented key player of the team of all time. Messi is individually excellent as well as excellent in managing a team game. But a single player can’t decide a game. Brazilian ronaldo scored 2 goal in final vs germany in 2002 and he has won 2 world cup but he is not even considered as greatest of all time and not compared to pele and maradona.. Look even Olivier Giroud has won world cup with playing most of the matches in 2018 world cup but he is not even a good striker as higuain…soo we must appreciate that award always not decide the greatness of any player.. messi is one of the greatest we ever had and we will ever have.
Posted 16 Jan 2020


Age: 32
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Well, frankly speaking  I am a big football fan and strongly believe that it is the best sport ever. We even have a tradition to watch some interesting matches with my friends somewhere in the bar and bet through and enjoy winning. It is always a real pleasure to get some extra money 
Posted 16 Jan 2020


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When Ronaldo jumps, he generates 5G of G-force on take-off - this is five times the power of a cheetah in full flight. This enables him to reach heights of 44cm in the air from a standing start and 78cm with a run-up - 7cm more than the average NBA player.
Posted 16 Jan 2020


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Yeah, sure, why not? On Philippians we consider Manchester United to be the best club ever.I have always supported this club. These guys are the legends already. I have watched practically all matches of that club and should say they are real professionals. I even bet through because I am sure they win any way
Posted 16 Jan 2020


Age: 32
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Its because a lot of these CR fans are just bandwagon fans who dont watch football. They just follow him for his looks and his lifestyle.
And If I talk about India. A lot of these people are just blind Manchester United fans. They started watching football maybe around 2008–2009. So by default they became CR fans.
Someone who watches football avidly will find CR very boring. Exaggerated celebration for scoring petty tapins, diving and simulation for winning penalties and too much self obsession.
Posted 16 Jan 2020